Auction ends...

Juan's sleeves waved slightly. Suddenly, a giant white horse with wings... appeared in front of him.

The giant horse has two horns like a wild dragon on its head. His eyes were as bright as if they were shining.

And the green smoke is constantly coming out from the if it can spit out fire at any time...burn this piece...

Could this be Juan's mount?

snort! I also need a mount! If you kill Juan... then this dragon eagle horse will be yours!

That is a monster at the level of a mythical beast! It seems that Juan is not easy to deal with! I'm afraid this return to the clan will be even more complicated!

snort! But Chen Xuan is not is really impossible to carry out his cheap master anyway!

Juan sneered and got on the dragon eagle horse... Chen Xuan could only fly with his sword!


Even a person from Xuancheng Continent dares to take my golden ticket...

I'm afraid he has a life to take...but no life to spend!

Seeing the auctioneer slowly returning to his house.

It was a small mansion. There are about fifty people in the family...and a pet dog...the elderly, children, and his wife are all there.

"This is it! Huh! Cut the grass and root out the roots!"

"I'm not in the habit of being kind!"

Juan said viciously.

Chen Xuan looked at Juan like a bystander. These Chen Xuan have been practicing the Heart Refining Art according to the method of creation.

So he made it difficult for Juan to detect his aura.


A powerful purple sword light was like a fire-breathing dragon crushing directly towards the mansion.

"This...Master Juan..."


The bombed mansion was on the verge of collapse... The auctioneer from the auction house... immediately stabilized the family... and went out alone to meet Juan...

"Hand over the golden ticket!"

Juan arrived viciously.

"What qualifications does a person from Xuancheng Continent have to get my golden ticket?"

Juan asked lightly.

"I...I...Master Juan...this golden ticket is only temporarily placed with me for safekeeping!"

"I still have to hand it over to Mingyue Tower! I hope you will show your kindness! Let me go! Let my family go!"

The auctioneer actually knelt down tremblingly towards Juan... Chen Xuan couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this!

Just this!

Chen Xuan will let this Huan die in an ugly way soon! No matter what sect he returns to, or what sect he is!


The purple dragon was like a long whip, stirring in the sky crazily... and spitting out countless purple fireballs... and wherever the fireballs hit, there were several human lives...

"I beg Immortal Huan to let us go! I beg Immortal Huan to let us go!"

The auctioneer's family all came out and knelt on Lin... as Juan begged. Juan didn't even raise his eyelids...

He said coldly, "A few ants... still dare to bargain with me!"

"court death!"


The auctioneer's house was immediately collapsed by the earthquake, with mud and rocks flying everywhere...

And the auctioneer's body was shaking even more!

Juan was even more dismissive...


"I didn't expect... you are so lucky! Your daughter and your wife are so beautiful!"

Juan looked at the auctioneer's wife and daughter as they arrived.

"As long long as the Immortal can guarantee our daughter and wife are yours...I will also give you the golden ticket..."

The auctioneer doesn't care about Mingyue Tower's affairs... As long as he can survive... Although he has to constantly avoid Mingyue Tower's pursuit... But Mingyue Tower won't take that one billion taels of gold too seriously in the future.

After all, judging from Mingyue Louyi's income... this is just a fraction. He just wants to live now. As long as he can live... he will do anything...

This made Chen Xuan feel... very disgusting... If a person lives without even meeting the bottom line... he might as well die...

Ants are ants, and they will not dare to resist until they die. Do you think that if you give in, Juan will let him go?

"Okay... then... let me enjoy your wife and daughter first!"


A barrier was set up...

In such a world, sons are still favored over are naturally they dare not disobey the orders of their fathers and husbands.

About an hour later...

The auctioneer's knees were almost glued to the dirt!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"Your wife and daughter are really interesting! Mother and daughter serve me together! Just to keep you alive!"

"But they were eventually killed by you know why?"

Juan said it lightly, as if he had had enough of two ants. By the way, everyone was trampled to death.

"Because... I feel bad and want to kill the ants! But you will be able to go down and reunite with them soon!"

"They are quite tired of serving me today. When you get down... don't fuck them again!"

"Please give me a break!"

The auctioneer's body shook even more violently. He was about to die. But he doesn't want to die! He wants to live. Why did you do this to him?

"I don't care whether the ants live or die."

"But for the sake of your wife and daughter, let me give you a... decent death!"

"It would be an honor for an ant to die by my sword!"


Juan's purple sword was as sensitive as a poisonous snake... The real energy burned violently in an instant...


In an instant, a strong wind blew up...the clouds above were gathered together by such a powerful sword energy...

However, Chen Xuan did not change much.


The purple sword, the giant dragon on the sword jumped up... and rolled into the black clouds crazily. Suddenly it started to rain violently...

A bolt of purple lightning headed towards the auctioneer...




How could the auctioneer resist such a tribulation-like lightning? The smoke disappeared in an instant...

And the purple flying dragon suddenly got involved in the thick clouds...


Suddenly a huge purple fireball appeared, and the fireball kept expanding. He pressed directly towards the auctioneer's mansion.

More than forty human lives were like ants... destroyed in one fell swoop... immediately turned into ashes, as if this house had never existed... Slowly, it was as if this place had never had such a house.

When a strong person at the peak of the back realm is angry... his corpse will indeed float thousands of miles away... because in the eyes of the strong person, these are no longer human beings... but ants one by one! There is no psychological shock in killing ants!

So Juan wouldn't take him to heart at all.

Compared to this...the golden ticket is the key.

Chen Xuan decided to treat others with their own medicine! After Juan counted the golden tickets... he walked towards the bank.


Chen Xuan slowly pulled out the Jialan Sword... and poured his physical training and spiritual power into the Jialan Sword...

The sword body of the Jialan Sword soon began to float... The runes on the sword body of the Jialan Sword slowly rotated around the center...

Powerful flames wrapped the purple fireball, and a murderous aura moved towards Chen Xuan...



The cold sword blade came into contact with the purple fireball...


The blue runes burned fiercely! This time, a very low-temperature flame was formed! The blue runes kept spinning. It's like a super whirlpool. Continuously absorbing purple light fireballs.


Suddenly the runes broke into two halves...the vortex became larger...and the speed of rotation became faster...



"Let go!"

Juan's purple sword was actually sucked into Chen Xuan's powerful vortex.



The purple sword kept colliding with the cold blue runes in the whirlpool...


The purple sword suddenly broke... and turned into a pile of purple powder...


As the blue vortex approaches Juan...


Juan was haunted by such powerful pain that he could hardly speak!

"what do you want?"

" want...what...?"

"As long as... you let me go... I will... I will... promise you everything!"

Chen Xuan looked at Juan at this moment as if he were watching an ant struggling to its death!

"I! Want! Your! Life!"


Juan's outer color has turned purple at this moment...


Juan felt like he was about to be burned to death, but it was because he was so cold that he was about to be burned to death. He couldn't bear this extreme pain anymore!


Juan slowly disappeared under such flames.


A green pill fell...

"Is this Qingsha Dan?"

"Only after being roasted by such fire... can it be considered a perfect Qingsha Dan! Who do you think you are, Juan?"

"Be able to taste this kind of pain approaching the extreme with the qualifications"

"Ha...if it weren't for Qingsha think you would have a chance."

This world is originally a place where the weak eat the strong! This is what happened when Juan killed the auctioneer. Chen Xuan will not think that Huan did anything wrong! The auctioneer's fault was that he was still weak.

And this time Chen Xuan was right! It was Juan who was wrong! He is too weak!

A hot Qingsha Dan was picked up by Chen Xuan...

it's him! Can you reach the Xudan state by eating it? Ha ha ha ha! Long lost strength!

The fierce flames did not kill Juan immediately! Juan yelled crazily...

Finally, it was reduced to ashes amidst violent shouting...

Chen Xuan picked up Qingsha Dan and did not take it immediately...

Instead, he walked towards his mount first. Chen Xuan didn't have a good mount either. It’s like adopting it as your own!


The dragon eagle and the white horse roared towards Chen Xuan...

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