Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1622 The Trial of Jialan Sword Domain

Chen Xuan just had a cold face... After listening to Jialan Sword God's words...

A strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm.

I should be able to fight with him in my current state of the Divine Transformation Realm... Chen Xuan thought with a cold face...

"Hmph! Okay...Then I will fight him!'s time to take part in the trial," Chen Xuan asked with a cold face...

"Hahaha... don't worry... right now... the more important thing for you is to consolidate your cultivation!"

"Although you are now a strong person in the God Transformation Realm... but because you just entered the God Transformation Realm... you are not strong enough..."

"You can practice here for a while longer..."

Jialan Sword God smiled and said.

Chen Xuan nodded and continued to meditate...

Three queens...

Chen Xuan felt that his state of transformation into gods should have been stable... "It's time to go out! I don't know what the outside world is like!"

"Hmph! There is also the Hede Sect in Guizong! I, Chen Xuan, will come to kill you sooner or later!"

"Young Master! Are you ready to take part in the trial?"

Chen Xuan nodded...his expression was still as cold as ever...

"Okay young follow me now..."

Jialan Sword God has also become respectful in addressing Chen Xuan these days... Since Chen Xuan has now entered the realm of transformation into gods, Chen Xuan has slowly been able to understand many of the essences that he had not been able to see through before.

Just like due to the breakthrough in levels, Chen Xuan was slowly able to understand the nature of this world. Chen Xuan could slowly feel an idea. Yes, it is the thoughts of a strong person who is lower than the realm of transformation. Chen Xuan can feel it.

The so-called cultivation is actually about cultivating one's body and more of cultivating one's mind...

The so-called cultivation of the mind actually means to make one's spirit more generous by meditating on one's spiritual consciousness during the cultivation process. When Chen Xuan reached the state of transformation into gods, he could foresee many things that he could not see before.

When you reach the Nascent Soul Realm, you can portray yourself in another entity. That is creation. You can create yourself. And when you go to Linxian, you can open up a short space.

The so-called short space means that it is relatively short-lived. That is, if before the fall of the Earth Immortal... his level did not reach the level of Immortal. But the lifespan is reached. If he falls into reincarnation...then his space will collapse and disappear forever in this void.

But God will not, once you reach God. The space he creates will be like a world. always exists. It will not disappear with God. And break. It's like the sword domain of this blue sword. Since the founding of God Yu. This Jialan Sword Domain will exist forever. They will not disappear just because Yu Shen and his old man went to the new world.

And once you reach the divine realm. In a world of your own creation. You can create anything substantial. And what's even more interesting is that once this thing is created. That is really existing in this world. Even God Yu couldn't make him disappear.

Just like the existence of Jialan Sword Demon. And if the Jialan Sword Demon disappears before God Yu goes to the new world. Then God Yu's cultivation will also be affected. That's why...

God Yu doesn't have the same reasoning as Soujialan Sword Demon.

Chen Xuan seemed to be more determined when he saw what was ahead of him...

His eyes became even sharper. He longed to fight the Jialan Sword Demon. Even though the Jialan Sword Demon is very strong. He still wanted to test his strength in the God Transformation Realm. The opponent is in the Nascent Soul realm. Chen Xuan has never fought against a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm...


Suddenly a mysterious cave entrance appeared in front of Chen Xuan...

It was a huge black vortex, with bursts of black gas glowing in the center of the vortex.

"This is the Eye of Jialan. The Eye of Jialan exists to seal this evil obstacle."

"The existence of this evil barrier... I don't know how much earthly spiritual energy it has harmed in our Jialan Sword Domain," Jialan Sword God said coldly. For the first time, Chen Xuan discovered the amiable face of the Jialan Sword God...

Still able to become so indifferent. It seems that he hates the Jialan Sword Demon!

"I am no longer able to kill this evil beast... I can only rely on you, Your Highness, the Young Master! The person chosen by Master Yu Shen will not be wrong! I hope that Your Highness, the Young Master, can kill this evil beast for Jialan Sword Domain!"

Chen Xuan nodded coldly without comment...

Chen Xuan seems to understand a little now. The Jialan Sword God who was polite to him before might not be in his nature. It's just asking, asking yourself to do things.

snort! This world is just like this. Since that's the case, let's meet this Jialan Sword Demon for a while first! Anyway, he has already broken through to the realm of divine transformation. I just want to practice my skills.

Chen Xuan frowned and jumped into the black vortex.

"By the way... Young Master, you can only defeat him through your spiritual consciousness! You cannot use the Jialan Sword to fight against the Jialan Sword Demon. There is no Jialan Sword in the Jialan Sword Domain!"

"Because Jialan Sword is this world, and you cannot see the true face of this world in this world!"

Sure enough, one flower and one world, one leaf and one Bodhi.

The Jialan Sword cannot be seen inside the Jialan Sword. The same reason... Chen Xuan can't fight with the Jialan Sword now.

Then use your spiritual consciousness and try it to see how strong your spiritual consciousness is.

Jialan Sword God sent a message to Chen Xuan through the air. After Chen Xuan knew this. Then he stepped into the huge black whirlpool


Chen Xuan felt that his whole body was turning in a huge whirlpool. It seemed like countless hellfires flashed past him. Chen Xuan could feel countless corpses.

Corpses litter the field...

Chen Xuan can still feel the killing, the endless killing. It's like people are born to kill. Countless babies were crying ferociously. That's right, even the baby's face has become hideous and terrifying...

Those cries were very miserable, as if there were countless grievances. Chen Xuan closed his eyes and activated the misty sea of ​​consciousness in his elixir sea. Unmoved at all.

If ordinary people experienced this illusion, they would probably be frightened into insanity.


Chen Xuan suddenly felt countless white bones smashing towards him. These bones are not ordinary bones...

These bones are worse than ordinary bones. They are more than half of the bones that have rotted away. What's even more frightening is that some of the bones were broken into countless pieces. Mixed with the blood of this person during his lifetime. And the meat from life... is still stuck to it.


These pictures slowly penetrated Chen Xuan's consciousness and were slowly forced towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan discovered that he couldn't activate his spiritual consciousness in this space! These pictures came to Chen Xuan crazily.


Chen Xuan seemed to be surrounded by such bloody and tragic scenes. Even though he was as determined as Chen Xuan... he was also affected by some fluctuations.

Chen Xuan just frowned slightly...


Chen Xuan snorted coldly. So what if it's a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​fire? Still can't change my character! Chen Xuan thought coldly!


Chen Xuan felt the smell of blood and fishy smell coming towards his face!

Chen Xuan couldn't help but frown...

What followed was complete darkness... It was a darkness without any light. Chen Xuan felt it... Chen Xuan seemed to feel waves of ferocious murderous intent...


Chen Xuan just... snorted coldly. What followed was a rain of blood in large drops. This rain of blood was also mixed with a fishy smell. I don’t know how long it’s been since the blood… I don’t know if it’s human or animal blood.

"For thousands of years... no human has come in... You are the first... ever since that guy Yu Shen separated me from his body..."

"I have never seen a human again... hum... but... I am Yu..."

"Your God Yu!"

Jialan Sword Demon said ferociously.

Chen Xuan glanced at him... and responded coldly. "You're not... you're just a consciousness of God Yu..."

Chen Xuan coldly broke the dream of Jialan Sword Demon...


Suddenly the sky in Jialan's eyes turned blood red...

Jialan Sword Demon's expression became ferocious... "Damn human being... you will become my food!"


Suddenly the ground of Jialan Eyes cracked open... Chen Xuan still looked at the Jialan Sword Demon coldly...

"Hmph! Do you know my cultivation level? I think you are in the state of transformation into gods."

"Although my cultivation has been declining over the past tens of thousands of years... I am still a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm!"

Jialan Sword God's arrogant tone... although it contained the vicissitudes of time... but the domineering aura of the demon god was still sharp... making Chen Xuan feel like he was carrying an edge again...

There was a cold sweat covering Chen Xuan's back...but Chen Xuan's facial expression was still very cold and was impossible to see any change.

"Hahahaha... help me! You, a doll, still have something hidden inside your body..."

"It still contains the power of Jialan... It seems that it was formed due to practicing in the Jialan Sword Domain..."

"Hmph...that Jialan Sword God actually didn't give you...a level of spiritual protection..."

"Your consciousness... is still mixed with a lot of Jialan's power..."

Jialan Sword Demon laughed wildly.

"Hmph... It seems that after all these years... this Jialan Sword God... is still so cunning..."

"When I was still in Yu's body... I wanted to kill him... What a pity..."

Jialan Sword Demon sneered and said domineeringly...

"What... what is the power of Jialan..."

"The Jialan Sword is a sacred should know this...and of course the sacred weapon also has killing intent..."

"As long as it is a will have murderous intent...Do you know where the murderous intent is most prevalent?"

"It's in this sword realm..."

The Jialan Sword Demon seems to be like a fairy tale...becoming seductive...

But Chen Xuan knew that... this was definitely a... big disadvantage to him.

"When you were practicing in the Jialan Sword Domain...the Jialan Sword God, as...the main god of the sword domain...actually did not give you, the young master, any defense...hahahaha..."

"But fortunately... I need the power of Jialan very much... This Jialan Sword God can really kill two birds with one stone..."

Jialan Sword Demon sneered... said ferociously.

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