Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1624 Killing the Jialan Sword Demon

Instantly, it was as if it was about to be destroyed... a golden barrier was ignited... the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's consciousness... rushed towards the blue dragon transformed by Jia Lan Sword Demon like crazy...


The blue dragon transformed by Jia Lan Sword Demon... looked up and roared...


The dragon transformed by Jia Lan Sword God suddenly howled with a strong wind... and rushed towards the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's consciousness with a strong killing intent...

The golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's consciousness was not to be outdone... and rushed towards the blue dragon with a hurricane... The two dragons were entangled together crazily...

The crackling sound... was deafening...

Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes... and stared at the blue dragon... Chen Xuan's might... made Jia Lan Sword Demon's heart tremble...

What a strong killing intent!

Such a strong killing intent... I'm afraid it's... I'm afraid it's...


Suddenly, the golden dragon... rolled in the clouds and mist like a sea of ​​clouds... A lot of the rolling clouds and smoke were rolled up...


The blue dragon was not to be outdone... and bit the golden dragon directly...

"Evil beast..."

Chen Xuan roared wildly...

Suddenly... the golden dragon leaped... and its might... made the ground tremble...

The mountains near the Eye of Jialan... were all shaken and collapsed... The sky was covered with dark clouds... It seemed that they were beating the drums for a powerful battle for survival...


The golden dragon... accompanied by a huge lightning... slashed towards the blue dragon transformed by the Sword God of Jialan...


The blue dragon kept struggling in the strong lightning smoke... The lightning smoke seemed to be playing with him... but still couldn't defeat him...

What to do...

What to do...

If this happens again... I'm afraid I won't be able to go back alive today!

Chen Xuan thought anxiously...

But his face was still as calm as ever...This cold and arrogant expression was still as cold as a general in a decisive battle...

It seemed that his mentality would not be affected by the battle situation at all...


Suddenly Chen Xuan could feel lightning and thunder around him...Chen Xuan felt a hurricane around him...


It must be that Jia Lan Sword Demon...He hoped to shake my mind...But Jia Lan Sword Demon's indeed more violent than before...

But Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness transformed into a golden dragon still...swooped down again with a hurricane towards the blue dragon transformed by Jia Lan Sword Demon...


Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness was really about to be exhausted...What should I do?

If I die this time...I'm afraid there is really no way to save me...


Golden Pavilion!

The Golden Pavilion... I had seen it before... The Sword Demon of Jialan... It was said that the Sword Demon of Jialan could turn clouds and rain with a flip of his hand... Of course, he was still in the Earthly Immortal Realm at that time... It was said that he was the most powerful demon in the Yu Realm... Although he could not be compared with the Underworld... But he was indeed the most powerful and dangerous in the Yu Realm! But Chen Xuan... didn't take it seriously at that time... After all, he was just a figure from tens of millions of years ago. Besides, it was unknown whether his existence tens of millions of years ago was exaggerated... Even if he really existed... He was very powerful... I'm afraid he has turned into a pile of scorched earth... Chen Xuan thought... Now... Now... Chen Xuan really regrets it... But what's the use of regretting... But... The book in the Golden Pavilion at that time... did mention a sentence... If... If the dragon eye of that evil beast could be destroyed... Maybe... Maybe it would work! Chen Xuan thought with a cold face...


Suddenly, the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness... rolled up the clouds and smoke... rolled up the surging fighting spirit in the air... and forced towards the blue dragon of Jia Lan Sword Demon...


Suddenly, the mountain-splitting axe originally used by Jia Lan Sword Demon... was actually worn by Jia Lan Sword Demon as armor...

The powerful giant armor... seemed to have spirituality... and wrapped the body of the blue dragon inside...

But his eyes... those eyes full of sharp eyes... were still outside...

It seems there is hope...


Suddenly, the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness... opened its bloody mouth...

and directly spit out a fireball like a night pearl... and forced directly towards the blue dragon transformed by Jia Lan Sword Demon. Blue dragon...

Boom... the speed of the fireball is very fast...almost when the blue dragon has the upper hand...

But those two fireballs should be enough to change the situation of this battle...Chen Xuan thought...


Suddenly...the howl that resounded through the earth once the water of a river...rushed over...


"This god will kill you! This god will kill you! You evil beast! Evil beast! Die!"

The roar of the Jialan Sword Demon resounded through the if howling for the last bit of existence...

But the Jialan Sword Demon did not intend to let Chen Xuan go...

"Go to hell!"

The Jialan Sword Demon roared wildly...and used the blue dragon he transformed force directly towards Chen Xuan's golden dragon...


Suddenly, there was a deafening sound... Chen Xuan understood that this was the last crazy attack of the Jialan Sword Demon...

As long as he could resist this time... he would be able to survive... In fact, Chen Xuan did so much...

Not for anything... If he did it for the Jialan Sword God... then the Jialan Sword God had also treated him so coldly before... I'm afraid that after returning...

Chen Xuan really didn't know what kind of land that was...

Suddenly, the ferocious face of the blue dragon...was getting closer and closer... And the blazing fire on the blue dragon's body...was like Chen Xuan was like the temperature of a huge furnace...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness was about to collapse...

Hold on a little longer...

Hold on a little longer...

Chen Xuan secretly encouraged himself...

Boom... …

Suddenly, the blue dragon without eyes…when it was five feet away from Chen Xuan…its eyes began to rot with poison…and the rotten eyes…were half-closed…very scary…Chen Xuan had seen a lot of killings…

But seeing this scene…Chen Xuan still felt terrified…


Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt as if his body was under a huge pressure…


Chen Xuan suddenly roared madly…

Because of the blue dragon…that suicidal attack…Chen Xuan felt…this was really scary…

The only way to get rid of him now…is to…


Suddenly…the dragon transformed by Chen Xuan’s spiritual consciousness…

threw two more fireballs into the eyes of the Jialan Sword Demon…


"Boy... you are looking for death!"

The expression of the Jialan Sword Demon was very ferocious... the howling sound had already reached the sky...

It seemed that with every howl... the earth would tremble... Jialan Sword Demon never thought...

He actually lost to a child in the God Transformation Realm... but he failed...

He, a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm, would be dissipated in this land from now on...

"Boom boom boom... Boy... you must understand... my death... you will taste it twice in the future..."

The blue dragon howled domineeringly... Chen Xuan felt that even the earth was mourning the death of this strong man who lived thousands of years ago...

"Of course, if your strength... is always strong enough... but if there is a day when your strength is not strong enough..."

"You will be like me..."

The Jialan Sword Demon The voice gradually became weaker... and the blue dragon slowly turned into the body of the Jialan Sword Demon...

That was a young man in a black robe... Of course... He just looked younger...

But he was definitely the ugliest creature Chen Xuan had ever seen... or the ugliest cultivator...

Because when God Yu separated his evil thoughts... from his body...

That evil thought was separated by the powerful God Yu... Of course, it was not just the evil thoughts... All the shortcomings or disadvantages of God Yu were completely separated...

Then God Yu sealed him in the sword domain of the Jialan Sword... The Eye of the Jialan Sword in the sword domain...

But this is only a part of God Yu... A part of God Yu's consciousness... But he is about to die now... So it is not surprising that the earth triggers the top earth power!

Slowly, the figure of the young man in black robe became very faint... so faint that Chen Xuan felt... it was almost transparent...

"Remember... son... although I was killed by you... I still want to advise you... don't trust others easily..."

"Anyone who becomes a strong person needs to do whatever it takes... if you trust others... your fate will be the same as mine..."

"As for the Sword God Jia Lan... I advise you... if you go back like this... I'm afraid you will be slaughtered by him..."

"You and I have consumed too much spiritual consciousness in this battle... or... your spiritual consciousness is almost used up... it has been completely emptied out "But... after my soul has been scattered... I can still give you a demon pill... I still like you better... you look like me before..." "What I want is... you can refine my demon pill... and then go back... to fight with the Sword God Jia Lan... by then your strength... should have been restored..." Good luck to you... young man..." After the Sword Demon Jia Lan finished the last sentence... the transparent figure also disappeared in the void... After a while... Only a red pill remained in the Eye of Jia Lan... The red pill glowed all over... and had a faint fragrance...

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