The first moment when Guizong and Hedezong got the news... they were also very shocked...

For the first-level powerhouses who came to the Nascent Soul Realm...that kind of strength is also very terrifying...

They were actually killed... and Mu De and Xu Ran's status in the Guizong and the Hede Sect... that's not actually the case...

They are both law enforcement elders...

This sudden death of a law enforcement elder... This is something the two sects cannot bear!

Invisible door, inside the main room...

Invisible Sect Xia Wen was sitting on the main seat... A long but powerful voice came out...

"Someone... convey my message... tell Guizong and Hede Sect... if they are willing to become our affiliated sect... um... worship... one-third according to the rules... and two If each sect is willing to merge..."

"I...the Invisible Sect...will give them the greatest become the sect of the Pingsan Sect..."

Xia Wen's voice didn't make any waves...but the content of the voice could bring explosive surprises to the two sects...

Mu Kang, who returned to the sect, and Bao Xie of the Hede sect... were very surprised... and became the sect of the Pingsan sect...


It turns out that the sect leaders of their two sects are still worried...whether this crisis can be successfully overcome...

After all, this crisis... suddenly lost a strong man at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm... Such a blow is a very big blow to a sect of the lower three sects...

But this time the Invisible Sect actually wants to help them... and the condition is just that the two sects merge...

Then becoming an affiliated sect of the Intangible Sect... This condition is actually not that big... There are three sects from the Pingsan Sect and three sects from the Xiasan Sect... Each sect will find a backer...

Looking for a patron from the Shangsan Sect... or to be precise, looking for one... and the Shangsan Sect doesn't care about their offerings at all...

Therefore, there are very few people who are willing to help them or agree to let them become their affiliated sects...

But this time... the Invisible Sect actually took the initiative... and the offering only required one-third of the rules...

This is simply a great thing...

As for the merger of Hede Sect and Guizong... that is inevitable... Now the strength of Hede Sect and Guizong has been greatly reduced... and at the same time they have lost a strong man at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm... And this blow...

This blow is unbearable for both sects... Therefore, the merger of the two sects is inevitable... and only by merging can they continue to mingle with the nine major sects...

"Pass... pass my order... invite the leader of the Hede Sect to come to my sect to discuss matters... go quickly..."

The returning sect leader Mu Kang... said very anxiously...

"Brother Mu Kang..."

"Brother Bao Xing..."

The two sect leaders were like friends who had not seen each other for a long time... they bowed their hands to each other.

"The meaning of this invisible door... I don't know, Brother Bao... Do you know..." After Mu Kang and Bao Xing drank for three rounds...

Said slowly.

"Brother Mukang... I came to Guizong this time because of this matter!"

Bao Xing frowned. But now Bao Xing completely lacks the domineering power of the peak Nascent Soul Realm...

Some are just the vicissitudes of life...the merger of Guizong and Hede rights will definitely change...

You may even not be the sect leader by then... But this will definitely be of great benefit to your own strength...

Mu Kang smiled nonchalantly.

"Brother Bao, there is no need to mourn too early...Brother Bao, don't worry...if Hede Sect and Guizong merge..."

"The identity of Nagato... must be shared by you and me..."


Bao Xing looked at Mu Kang hesitantly...

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers... How could this clever and cunning Mu Kang not know this? So what does he mean by this...

Bao Xing looked at Mu Kang in confusion...and drank a glass of hot wine...

"Hahaha... Brother Bao, don't be anxious... The difficulty now is between our two major sects..."

"When the time comes, we will have the help of the Invisible Sect... and Nagato, you and I are both at odds... but Brother Invisible Sect, do you think they won't interfere?"

"The one from the invisible sect... will be a ruthless character... one can imagine..."

"He will definitely be in charge of the internal affairs of the sect...Brother Bao, what do you think? Hahahaha..."

Mu Kang's laughter returned to that hearty smile... Yes... How could he still make the decision by himself?

Bao Xing laughed in his heart that his idea was too simple...and then looked at Mu Kang with approval...

"Brother Bao, do you think you agree... or refuse..."

Mu Kang smiled and looked at Bao Xie...

"If Brother Bao refuses... hmph... then Brother Bao should know that there is no place for you or me among the nine major sects..."

"The resources for cultivation...and the equipment for cultivation...will definitely not be as good as those of other sects...then it will be difficult for you and me to break through..."

Bao Xing's expression became more and more solemn... Indeed...if he refused, I'm afraid it would be difficult to break through...

Bao Xing nodded and expressed that he agreed with Mu Kang's idea and was willing to merge... and then they joined the Invisible Sect together...

That way, at least... I'll have the opportunity to arrange the trip later, so of course I understand this...

There are good cultivation resources... If you don't take refuge... I'm afraid that your cultivation path will go downhill...

Not to mention... power!

So the most important thing now... is not revenge... nor is it to practice cultivation... the most important thing... is to hug this big tree... the invisible door... this big tree...

"Then what does Brother Mu Kang think we should do to please the Invisible Sect? This Xia Wen is a ruthless character...a strong man from the Earthly Immortal Realm...what should we do..."

The so-called strong men in the Earthly Immortal Realm...for those in the Nascent Soul Realm, they are one by one...

When a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm sees a strong person in the Linxian Realm... they will naturally start to feel fear in their hearts...

The fear in their hearts is considered a very normal manifestation...

"Brother Bao Xing...just follow the Invisible Sect...we will meet the powerful Xia Wen Sect Master..."

"A powerful man from the Earthly Immortal Realm..."

Bao Xing also nodded to express his agreement...

Then the two of them hurriedly left the hall, preparing to go to the invisible door... to meet Xia Wen...

At this time, this matter was also spread in Xuancheng Continent...

The disciples of the nine major sects... those are strong men in the middle level of Nascent Soul Realm! He actually fell! This news was known to everyone like crazy... and the merger of Invisible Sect, Guizong and Hede Sect...

Naturally, many sects knew about it...

Hede Zong and Gui Zong merged and were called Hegui Zong...

Everyone knows that the secret backer of this sect... is one of the legendary nine powerful sects... and is located in the Shangsan sect, one of the nine sects! Affiliated sects of the Invisible Sect...

At this moment, the existence of the invisible door naturally becomes very eye-catching!

After all, the protector of the Invisible Sect was killed... He was said to be at the middle level of Nascent Soul Realm... Couldn't it be that someone sent a strong man to openly challenge the Invisible Sect?

But what is even more incredible is that it seems that the invisible door has not yet found out who did the murder? This made the other major sects keep watching with the attitude of watching a good show...

And since that trial... Chen Xuan has never returned to Xuancheng Continent... let alone Xudu Academy. Our great Lord and Emperor naturally does not dare to investigate!

Even without investigating, they knew that Chen Xuan should be dead... After all, they didn't welcome him when they asked him to go... I hope he can come back alive... The Lord is naturally not surprised...

And Chen Xuan is as if Xuancheng Continent has never existed...his name will not be mentioned by anyone...because this matter is a shame to our great Lord Emperor...naturally he will not let anyone mention...

And after this incident... the emperor avoided meeting Chuangshi for a long time... or did not want to go to court to meet people from the academy... and this great emperor... did not allow anyone to mention this. Something...if you don't want to die...

But Chuangshi knew that Chen Xuan should refuse to talk to anyone... First of all, he is the person chosen by God Yu... His personality... and his character are all in front of a strong person in the divine realm... That's a glimmer of hope...

But what Chuangshi is worried about is whether Chen Xuan can get the inheritance of Yu Shen Darao! And the fate of this is related to the world of Yu... and even though Chuangshi himself has no right to know the secret of this so-called Tao!

Only God Yu and Chen Xuan have the right to know! But once Chen Xuan fails this trial... it will be a sacrifice at the expense of the entire Yu Realm!

But he felt that Chen Xuan should have obtained the copy... because he felt that Chen Xuan... was the one who killed the Guizong and Hede Sect... or even the Invisible Sect...

Those three are all Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses... and among them is a Nascent Soul Realm mid-level powerhouse! So... he feels that Chen Xuan's current strength is very likely to have entered the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm...

And when Chen Xuan left, he was at the peak of the back realm... The one who could make Chen Xuan immediately break through from the peak of the back realm... to the elementary level of the Nascent Soul Realm... I'm afraid it's only God Yu...

From this point of view... Chen Xuan should still be alive and have received the inheritance of God Yu... But where would Chen Xuan be if he didn't return to Xuncheng Continent? Maybe he went to two other continents! Maybe to take revenge...

Regarding Chen Xuan’s revenge... Chuangshi has always felt that God Yu would not agree with it... because after all, they are all the people of God Yu... just like several children of one mother...

A few children got into a quarrel...and killed each other...that was definitely not what God Yu wanted to see...but Chen Xuan, the child, would obviously receive special care from maybe it was allowed?

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