Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant expression was still unusually cold and arrogant. But at this moment, Chen Xuan felt something abnormal in his Dan Hai.

what happened?

Chen Xuan felt that the consciousness in his Danhai had become unstable, and he was a little repelled by this map.

Chen Xuan must leave here quickly now.

Chen Xuan looked at Xufu Restaurant coldly, like an evil ghost in the underworld.

Many of these dandies were frightened and fainted, and Xu Da, the owner of Xu Mansion Restaurant, also felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his body.


Chen Xuan slowly walked out of Xu Mansion Restaurant and flew upwards with a bang. I didn't care about their looks.

These people breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Chen Xuan gone. But what I didn’t expect was——

About a few minutes later——

These people fell to the ground in unison. This Xu Mansion Restaurant was so magnificent that it actually ignited a raging fire, which lasted for a long time.

But this fire seems to be coming down from here, as if it can be released by competition with Chen Xuan's strength.

But this is indeed not what Chen Xuan's strength can do.

The peak of the Hegui Sect's sacred mountain.

An old man in white robe looked calmly at the foot of the mountain. He smiled and said, "This Chen Xuan is not ruthless enough! I still need my help."

"But it seems to me that I have really taken control of this kid this time." Sima Wushuang, the leader of the Hegui Sect in white robe, looked at this person coldly.

Sima Wushuang originally came from the Invisible Gate. It's just that Sima Wushuang's ability is extraordinary.

This Sima Wushuang is at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and can be said to be standing at the pinnacle of this world. But this Sima Wushuang couldn't go any further.

Because the Invisible Sect fed a magical elixir to the disciples except the leader after entering the Invisible Sect.

It is said that it was refined by the master of the Invisible Sect. This kind of elixir is called forbidden in the Yu world.

The elixir is as its name suggests, although this elixir is non-toxic. But this pill will shorten the lifespan of the powerful people in the Earthly Immortal Realm. This powerful man from the Earthly Immortal Realm will die one second before the calamity arrives.


This elixir's control over time has reached an uncanny level. Sima Wushuang knew that once he took this pill. There is no hope of overcoming the tribulation anymore. It has been more than 40,000 years since Sima Wushuang entered the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

According to the peak experts in the Earthly Immortal Realm, the average life span is more than 50,000 years. In more than ten thousand years, I am afraid that Sima Wushuang will also return to the west.

But Sima Wushuang became more and more cold and arrogant at this time. He has no rivals and no friends, which makes him often lament that he feels like he is in a high place!

But after he met Chen Xuan. He decided to spend his last 10,000 years cultivating a strong man in the Earthly Immortal Realm. and--

The most important thing is that he doesn't let Chen Xuan take the elixir of the Invisible Sect. Even if he takes it, he still has to find a way to develop an antidote.

He suddenly had a terrible idea. He wanted to cultivate a powerful person in the divine realm. This powerful man in the divine realm has never appeared in the mainland for tens of millions of years.

Passing is just passing.

According to legend, God Yu was the world thousands of years ago. God Yu exists as a powerful man at the pinnacle of the divine realm. And when God Yu stepped into the realm of gods, a huge disaster occurred in the era where God Yu lived.

It is called a great disaster in history.

What this disaster changed was an entire era. That is to say, when this era is about to come to an end, the powerful gods will come out to change and create a new era.

And Sima Wushuang thought that when he passed away, being able to spend the entire era to bury him would be considered a worthy life of a strong man.

The era before the great disaster that God Yu called was almost impossible for Sima Wushuang to imagine.

According to Yu Shen's words, it was an extremely technological era. Sima Wushuang felt that he could not understand it at all.

According to Yu Shensuo's time, there was something called a law that restrained warriors. Moreover, warriors cannot kill people at will. Ordinary people can even use tools to accomplish things that low-level warriors can accomplish.

Moreover, according to the legend, that era of science and technology seemed to be very beautiful. Almost everything human beings wanted could be satisfied by the word technology.

And protecting a country is not only about the strength of warriors, but also about technological weapons. However, warriors who have cultivated to the Golden Core Realm or above cannot be stopped even by technological weapons.

But what Sima Wushuang didn't understand even more was that the power of the earth in Yu Shen's era was very scarce. Even the so-called golden elixir realm powerhouses were very few and almost none.

But God Yu actually entered the divine realm in such an era! This is absolutely incredible!

Sima Wushuang didn't know how many things he had seen about God Yu in the past 40,000 years since he stepped into the Earthly Immortal Realm.

But the existence of more than 40,000 years made him more curious about the existence of the new world.

Moreover, the disappearance of God Yu The disappearance of God Yu means that a more powerful force is still controlling the world.

Everyone knows the strength of God Yu, and it is said that he will reach the peak of the divine realm five hundred thousand years later.

There will be a great catastrophe. According to legend, it is called the Tribulation of Tao. Once you have stepped through the calamity of Tao, you will be a unique existence in this world. Or that's a piece of this world.

But what is the calamity of Tao? Sima Wushuang didn't know either. What he knew was that God Yu did not survive the calamity of the Tao but failed.

So God Yu disappeared. But for thousands of years, Yu Zong has been looking for the secrets of the Tao and even the Tao. This is already considered a taboo in the cultivation world.

After all, this Yu Sect is so powerful that no cultivation sect dares to provoke him. Even the invisible door dare not provoke it. According to legend, there are many powerful people in the Immortal Realm there.

If he is provoked, I am afraid that the forces in Yujie will be rearranged again. But Chen Xuan——

Sima Wushuang felt that things were getting more and more interesting. This Chen Xuan had obviously touched Yu Zong's people.

But Sima Wushuang still planned to help his apprentice, so he had already helped him hide his aura.

But regarding his apprentice Sima Wushuang, he didn't know his origin either. It seems that everyone from He Village is from He Village. How could there be such a large blank in the memory?

But Sima Wushuang decided to cultivate him well no matter where he was from. It will definitely set off a storm in the world of Yu in the future.

Chen Xuan still had a cold face, feeling as if his Danhai was about to explode. But how could all this escape Sima Wushuang's eyes?


Sima Wushuang snorted coldly and used his Danhai to release that huge spiritual consciousness!

The dark blue light seemed to turn the void in the Hegui Sect into the color of Sima Wushuang's consciousness.

Sima Wushuang did not want Chen Xuan to explode and die. But he didn't know what this treasure that Yu Zong had been protecting was? But what he can be sure of is—

Now the treasure protected by Yu Zong has fallen into the Danhai Zheng of Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes and felt it. He seemed to feel the world in this map.

It seemed like another world. But the four characters on the map felt familiar to Chen Xuan.


Suddenly, the map seemed to be continuously burned by fire, slowly turning into ashes.

Chen Xuan felt that he had turned into ashes before he saw anything. This was the blue smoke after it turned into ashes that made Sima Wushuang almost fall off the chair.

"This is?"

"This is the blueprint!"

Sima Wushuang was surprised.

"This kid is actually destined to be with Jialantu! He should be the new owner of Jialantu!"

"This Zhang Zeheng is just a slave of Jialan Tu."

Sima Wushuang shook his head. As for the Tunu, it is like a wooden box used to store paintings. It only plays a role in preservation but cannot fully open it.

But Chen Xuan actually did it. Is he the person appointed by His Majesty God Yu? Is he the successor appointed by His Majesty God Yu?

Apart from this, Sima Wushuang really couldn't think of any other identity that could give Chen Xuan such abilities.

Sima Wushuang looked into the distance calmly, his eyes as deep as if he could swallow up everything.

This Chen Xuan will definitely not be less accomplished than Sima Wushuang in the future! Sima Wushuang said secretly.

But this blueprint is probably extremely dangerous. And I am afraid that once the things left by God Yu are opened, there will be no way back.


Suddenly, the elixir that Chen Xuan had refined by bringing Zhang Zeheng alive was sucked into the Najia blueprint.

And that powerful attraction also proved Sima Wushuang's words. The suction attached to the powerful spiritual consciousness made Chen Xuan's whole body float in the void and unable to land.

"It seems that I have to help this guy," Sima Wushuang said with a smile.

"If there is no one to protect this blueprint, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous. But having a strong man from the Earthly Immortal Realm to protect it is Chen Xuan's blessing!"

Sima Wushuang slowly returned to his seat and sat down.

"Don't disturb me without my permission!"

Sima Wushuang left a prohibition for Hegui Sect and closed the door of the main hall. Slowly eliciting his huge spiritual consciousness to protect Chen Xuan.

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