Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1673 Assessment of Hegui Sect (2)

This Nangong Che, now only has such a great influence in the real elixir realm. But he already holds a grudge against himself. If he doesn't hate himself. Chen Xuan felt that he had no choice at the moment. So now there are two paths in front of Chen Xuan.

The two paths each have the same price. The first path is for Chen Xuan to kill Nangong Che. But what they will most likely encounter is the crazy revenge of the Nangong family, a thousand-year-old family. But if Chen Xuan is strong enough and gets the blessing of the leader of the Hegui Sect, the other party may not dare to touch him. After all, although Chen Lin and Chen De want to win over the Nangong family.

But the relationship between the Nangong family and the Hegui Sect is not like the vassal relationship between the Intangible Sect and the Hegui Sect. The Invisible Sect can be regarded as ruling the Hegui Sect. In other words, if the Hegui Sect loses face, the Invisible Sect loses face. But the Invisible Sect of an upper three sects is not afraid of the so-called Nangong family. After all, the Nangong family is just a cultivating family that has existed for thousands of years.

But the Invisible Sect is a cultivating family that has existed for tens of millions of people! Which of the above three sects has not existed for tens of millions of years? They are simply invincible on the mainland. And Yu Zong is so powerful that Chen Xuan can't even imagine it now. Therefore, the Invisible Sect is not afraid of the Nangong family.

Even when the Nangong family saw the invisible door, it was like an ant seeing a powerful god! If the Hegui Sect loses face, the Invisible Sect will probably not be tolerated either.

And Chen Lin and Chen De did not hide each other in Hegui Sect. There is also Sima Wushuang above them, who is a strong man on the other side of the Invisible Gate! So once the people from the Invisible Sect know about it, the Nangong family will probably not dare to take revenge on Chen Xuan for this.

snort! But Chen Xuan knew that the premise of all this was that he joined the Hegui Sect. Chen Xuan even knew that he would only be able to complete this assessment even more brilliantly. Otherwise, what awaits Chen Xuan is likely to be killed.

These thousand-year-old cultivating families may not have strong people from the Earthly Immortal Realm, but there will definitely be those who are at the intermediate or peak levels of the Divine Transformation Realm and Nascent Soul Realm.

To those sects of the Invisible Sect, where even the law enforcement elders have entered the Immortal Realm, they are just ants and can be trampled to death at will. But for Chen Xuanlai, he is such a giant, and if he is not careful, he will be completely destroyed. But this Nangong Che, Chen Xuan felt that he still had to get rid of him.

Because Chen Xuan felt his hatred, and what was even more terrifying was that Chen Xuan felt that this hatred had turned into murderous intent. Chen Xuan could feel that Nangong Che's eyes were already on him at this moment, and what was even more ridiculous was on his Jialan sword and Jialan ring.


You actually want my Jialan Ring and Jialan Sword? This Nangong Che is really ambitious. But his vision is good, this is what Nangong Che wants. They are all rare treasures. I really don’t know where Mr. Sanbai got the Jialan Sword from.

But what Chen Xuan knew was that this son and his Liangzi were probably truly connected. It’s just that Chen Xuan seems to feel that he is not fighting against him, so when should he get rid of him?

Chen Xuan stared at the ring, but he was still thinking in his heart. When Nangong Che saw Chen Xuan like this, he thought he was starting to feel scared. Then he smiled and said to Chen Xuandao.

"Hmph! Are you afraid when you hear that I am from the Nangong family? I won't argue with you. It's just that you have offended me, so you can't just let it go like this, right?"

Although those so-called words seem to have great grace. But Chen Xuan knew the greed in this young master Nangong Che's heart.

Chen Xuan smiled coldly without responding, "How do you want me to compensate you? Master Nangong?" The greed and confidence in Nangong Che's heart had long ignored Chen Xuan's sneer.

He suddenly felt like there was something going on! He smiled, and then said contemptuously. Yes, years of pampering gave him the pride and blessing he deserved. Although his cultivation level was only in the realm of real elixirs, he felt that he could still live a wealthy life.

What's more, he is the direct descendant of the head of the Nangong family in the family. Naturally, there are countless people who want to please him, so his achievements will be magnified even if they are small.

Chen Xuan can still understand this. Then Nangong Che looked at Chen Xuan coldly and said.

"You just need to give me the sword on your back and the light blue ring on your hand! Let's forget about it." When Nangong Che asked for these things, he was very reasonable. It seemed like the emperor was asking his ministers for something.

And this feeling is just like Chen Xuan giving Nangong Che the Jialan Ring and Jialan Sword, which seemed to be a great honor for Nangong Che.

But Chen Xuan's cold expression made Nangong Che even more confused. What's going on here? Shouldn't he come to thank you? Thank myself for letting him go. But this sect has no intention of handing over the things he wants?

This made Nangong Che very confused. Does this Chen Xuan dare to openly resist him? You need to know what Nangong Che wants. Even the deputy sect leader of the Hegui Sect would give it! This Chen Xuan is actually so courageous. But Nangong Che knew.

Maybe his current strength is not as good as Chen Xuan. So what to do?

"How dare you not give me what your Lord Nangong wants? This is what Lord Nangong of the Nangong family wants!" Nan Jin immediately started to boo. This Chen Xuan really doesn't know how to commend himself. In this case, we can't blame him for going south. Since this Chen Xuan wants to offend Nangong Che to death, of course he cannot take him south.

Because Chen Xuan is very likely to disappear from this world of Yu after this assessment. Because what he met was Fu Jun, the God of Killing! As a strong man in the realm of gods, there is no need for him to go south to make Nangong Che unhappy because of a dead man. It’s just that if Nangong Che continues to cause trouble like this, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction with the Hegui Sect. It would not be good at that time. The Hegui Sect could be moved south by either the Nangong family, Nangong Che, or himself. They feel that these are existences that they cannot afford to offend!

But Sima Wushuang had already noticed this. In Sima Wushuang's eyes, Nangong Che was at most a fly that could be killed at will. But he actually provoked his apprentice candidate Chen Xuan. Sima Wushuang felt that he should take action to stop it.

"Bold! Who dares to be bold?"

Sima Wushuang's roar included 20% of his own consciousness. The roar made Chen Xuan's face turn pale and his legs trembled involuntarily.

Nangong Che, Nan Jin, and most of the cultivators actually knelt down at this time. They were dripping with cold sweat, and then even Chen De and Chen Lin knelt down.

This is the momentum of the leader of the Hegui Sect. And behind this powerful sect leader is the entire invisible door!

At this time, there was a thick black cloud in the sky, and then there was a strong wind, rolling up the surrounding earth and rocks. And the water in the lake where the roar was involved became rough.


It rolled up thousands of feet high and then hit Zheng in the void. Even the earth was shaking uncontrollably at this time, as if it was about to explode.

Chen Xuan kneeled down subconsciously when he saw Ruci's appearance. Then, except for the two practitioners who were fighting on the ring, everyone else knelt down towards Sima Wushuang.

Even Fu Jun knelt down. "Get up, I just don't want anyone to cause trouble. If anyone else comes, I will kill them and I will never forgive them!"

Sima Wushuang put away his momentum in the first half of the sentence. At this time, everything suddenly became calm. It was as if nothing had happened just now. But Chen Xuan knew that everything just now was true, and the anger just now came from the superior leader of the Hegui Sect.

Of course, Chen Xuan didn't realize that he was the mysterious white-haired old man he met by chance when he entered Jialantu. Because at this time, Chen Xuan did not dare to look directly at the powerful leader of the Hegui Sect.

But in the second half of the sentence, the murderous intention of the leader of the Hegui Sect suddenly became awe-inspiring. This murderous intent was so powerful that even the air was exploded.

Crack, crackle.

At this time, the earth directly opened a crack about three feet deep, and a powerful black light faintly flashed out from the crack in the earth. It seemed like the killing intent brought by this powerful leader of the Hegui Sect.

After saying this, Nangong Che's brain seemed to be exploded. Why does the leader of the Hegui Sect protect Chen Xuan so much? Could it be that he has offended the sect leader of the Hegui Sect at this time? how can that be possible? This Chen Xuan's background is not as strong as his own! In terms of strength, he is definitely not the strongest among the newcomers this time. But why does the leader of the Hegui Sect protect him?

What should my Nangong family do? Although his Nangong family is the target of Chen De and Chen Lin, the two deputy sect leaders of the Hegui Sect, who want to win over. But this leader of the Hegui Sect is definitely someone he cannot mess with! There is an invisible door behind the opponent.

But Nangong Che quickly calmed down, and his goal today is to join the Hegui Sect! This so-called leader of the Hegui Sect may have scolded himself because of the pressure of the Hegui Sect. Not because of Chen Xuan! It's very possible that I'm just worrying too much. And how virtuous and capable is this Chen Xuan? Can Sima Wushuang, the leader of the Hegui Sect, look at him differently? Chen Xuan knew this was absolutely impossible! I must be worrying too much!

Forget it, Nangong Che thought that he came here this time to join the Hegui Sect as the main one. As for Chen Xuan, it is very likely that he will be a dead person from now on. And even if he is still alive, just wait until he joins the Hegui Sect before repairing him.

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