Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1683 The battle between Chen Xuan and Fu Jun (1)

Finally, under the fatal blow of these two Jindan realm powerhouses, the so-called victory was decided. But as expected by Chen Xuan, the Hegui Sect was named after Danhai was disabled. Completely reject the so-called winner. The next battle is between Chen Xuan and Fu Jun.

Chen Xuan observed it and realized that his battle was probably the last battle of this Hegui Sect trial.

The Hegui Sect's trial seems to have involved two cultivators this time. One is Mu Fang, who is at the beginning of the Transformation of God Realm, and the other is Dongfang Feng, who is at the Golden Core Realm! With the existence of these two people, Chen Xuan felt that they were really the top beings of their generation, and Mu Fang was a strong man at the beginning of the Transformation of God Realm. Mu Fang was only sixty years old at this time. Such a monster, if not with Chen Xuan In comparison, such a monster is still very scary! Of course, if compared with Chen Xuan, it will naturally be inferior.

As for Dongfeng Feng, who was in the Jindan realm, Chen Xuan knew that the Dongfang family was a big family in cultivation. His status among the cultivating families is almost comparable to that of the Yu Sect among the eight major sects!

And this Dongfang Feng is the only heir to the Dongfang family. Furthermore, this Dongfang Feng himself is really very evil. This Golden Core Realm boy is only twenty-five years old! The twenty-five-year-old Jindan Realm boy practices the extremely difficult Dongfeng Jue. And this Dongfeng Jue Chuan was created by the old man of the Dongfang family.

This old man from the Dongfang family has reached the pinnacle of Linxian Realm! Chen Xuan knew that if a person at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm created a technique specifically for one person, then how well this technique would match that person! And the strength of Dongfeng itself is already super abnormal, and now the existence of Dongfeng Jue is added to it!

I'm afraid it's an even stronger existence! His strength has already reached the primary level of the God Transformation Realm. Chen Xuan thought that at the age of twenty-five, he was already comparable to the primary level of the Divine Transformation Realm. If Chen Xuan hadn't reached the intermediate level of the Soul Transformation Realm at the age of thirty-five and understood the existence of Tao Heart, I'm afraid such an existence would appear to be an even more perverted existence.

But Chen Xuanruci's temperament is still very flirtatious. Although Chen Xuan is inferior to them in terms of skills, he is still inferior to them in terms of the strength of his spiritual consciousness. In terms of cultivation, he has already reached a point where they can look up to him. This is why Chen Xuan's existence is very powerful. Chen Xuan's eyes became more and more profound as he looked at the world in front of him.

But Chen Xuan knew that although he was the most powerful disciple among the disciples he had accepted this time. But Chen Xuan doesn't feel that he can be proud of his strength now.

Chen Xuan glanced at Fu Jun, who was even more cold-faced at this time. Chen Xuan knew that in everyone's hearts, the third spot should go to Fu Jun. Fu Jun's reputation has long spread to all corners of Yujie.

And following Fu Jun's reputation is a terrifying nickname, that is, the God of Death! The so-called God of Killing is because Fu Jun has died every time he has fought against him. Regardless of whether he was begging for mercy or escaping, without exception, he was already dead.

According to legend, Fu Jun's existence is even more cold and arrogant. The artifact used by Fu Jun is also one of the artifacts, Leng Yue. It is said that Leng Yue's existence was created by a certain powerful person who fell into the devil's way. At this time, such hostility became even more severe on Fu Jun. And Fu Jun's presence has even more blood on his hands.

But there once was a law in this world of Yu, but of course no one has ever verified it. According to legend, there is something called the Yu Domain in the Yu Realm. It is a special space.

Zhuanzhong was created by God Yu, and the existence of Yuyu in Zhuanzhong is defined by the theory of merit and reincarnation. In the Theory of Merit and Virtue, cultivation is defined as going against the Tao and correcting it in reverse.

Therefore, the path of cultivation for cultivators will be extremely difficult. But practitioners cannot escape the theory of reincarnation, that is, there is life and death, there is growth and decline, the seasons change, and the cycle begins again and again. But the legendary strong men in the divine realm can completely transcend this so-called theory of reincarnation. In other words, those who are strong in the divine realm do not have to suffer the pain of reincarnation.

However, for those at the primary level of the divine realm and those at the intermediate level of the divine realm, they do not have to suffer the pain of reincarnation for the time being. Time seems to have stopped for them, but there is still a certain time limit, about a hundred thousand years or a million years. Of course, after a million years, if this strong man still has not reached the peak of the divine realm, then he will directly disappear into ashes, and not entering reincarnation is also a kind of not entering reincarnation. But there is another kind of person who has reached the peak of the divine realm.

Reaching the peak of the divine realm is for those at the beginning and middle levels of the divine realm. It is also very difficult. If a powerful person in the divine realm wants to reach the peak of the divine realm, he must survive the existence of tribulation, and the so-called tribulation is even more mysterious and terrifying. According to rumors, no one seems to be able to survive the catastrophe, maybe they survive immediately. But it is very possible that he is no longer in this plane!

But what Chen Xuan knew was that the existence of the God Yu and the God of Destruction seemed to be rumored to have disappeared from the Yu Realm after the tribulation. Chen Xuan and even no cultivator in Yu Realm can know whether God Yu and God of Destruction are dead or have gone to other planes. Of course Chen Xuan didn't know either. Although Yu God and Destruction God existed, all practitioners knew their names.

What is accurate is that everyone in Yujie seems to know their names, but Chen Xuan finds it very strange. But no one knew where they were waiting to return, and from now on, no cultivators could even enter the divine realm.

Because beings who reach the divine realm also need to survive a tribulation, and the tribulation is something that no cultivator can survive after Yu Shen and Destruction God.

The existence of God Yu and God of Destruction has long been beyond the reach of any cultivator. According to legend, in the tens of thousands of years after God Yu disappeared, there were still strong men at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm who wanted to attack the Divine Realm.

But none of them came back to the Yu Realm, and no cultivator ever broke through to the existence of a powerful person in the divine realm. Then slowly, those cultivators stopped attacking the existence of powerful people in the divine realm. They just keep practicing, and those who have cultivated to the peak of Linxian Realm are waiting to die. Then the eight major sects have expressly stipulated that strong men at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm are not allowed to survive the tribulation.

Otherwise, they would assemble to kill them, which would make the cultivators stop at the peak of Linxian Realm. No cultivator can transcend the existence beyond reincarnation anymore. But what Chen Xuan knew was the existence of the theory of reincarnation, that is, the existence of another theory of merit. According to legend, the Yu domain created by God Yu is an independent space.

There is even the divine consciousness of God Yu inside, and the divine consciousness of God Yu is divided into many spiritual consciousnesses. The rules that control the entire Yu Territory. It is said that all beings in the Yu Realm who do not transcend reincarnation will enter the Yu Realm.

The theory of merit in the Yu Realm assumes that if you have great merit in this life, your talents will be higher in the next life in the Yu Realm. And if you want to achieve great merit, in addition to promoting good, you must also eliminate evil!

The so-called eradication of evil means killing sinful people, and if you kill such a being during your lifetime, your opportunities will become extraordinary. According to the legend, if a strong person at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm wants to survive a calamity, he will also receive the blessing of God Yu.

According to legend, it seems that during the ten thousand years after the disappearance of God Yu, there were many practitioners doing good things, and even more powerful people were doing good things. In order to survive the calamity and become powerful beings in the divine realm, they continued to do good deeds. But the results waiting for them disappeared and disappeared into ashes. But Chen Xuan knew that over the years, since the eight major sects no longer allowed the strong men at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm to attack the Divine Realm and wait for their existence. Then it seemed that the whole world was no longer good, and the weak were killed! The strong are ruthless. And ordinary people have been oppressed and many have no way out. But the eight major sects, which stand at the top of the cultivation world, have endured for a long time!

Chen Xuan knew that he wanted to be a powerful being in the divine realm in the future, and he was a being who wanted to overcome tribulations! So now I really want to eliminate evil and promote good! Chen Xuan didn't want to attract too much attention. Otherwise, it would be easy for me to use the time to survive the disaster. He was first hunted, then died and fell. In that case, wouldn’t it be worth the loss?

Chen Xuan knew this very well. But Chen Xuan is sure to kill Fu Jun now. Because being soft-hearted in fighting Fu Jun in that way may be a sin for you!

And Chen Xuan's existence. It was enough to kill Fu Jun. But Fu Jun's Leng Yue is really good. If he could refine Leng Yue, it would be a legendary merit!

Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and Fu Jun's face looked cold and arrogant at this time. Even more so, that kind of arrogance and arrogance. Fu Jun also felt that he would definitely be able to enter the Hegui Sect. As for Chen Xuan, he had never even heard of it. He must have been a wild boy who came out of nowhere. He was lucky enough to come to the Hegui Sect headquarters to take the assessment.

But this Chen Xuan's luck was over when he met him, Fu Jun thought secretly in his heart. And his face was as indifferent as ever. The coldness seemed like an ancient monster staring at the entire Yu Realm with eager eyes.

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