Chen Xuan's current state of mind is very powerful compared to Chen Xuan's strength. What Chen Xuanlai can do now is to solve all this immediately and survive without going crazy. This is enough for Chen Xuanlai.

But Chen Xuan knew that this was probably all a wishful thinking, because in Chen Xuan's current situation, the strength of the flaming red python was far stronger than Chen Xuan imagined. Therefore, Chen Xuan felt that it was very likely that he would really die this time.

So if that's the case, why bother with all this mess? Since you want to destroy me, even if I, Chen Xuan, poke a huge hole, it is worth dying.

When Chen Xuan thought of this, he used the Jialan Sword to backhand and slash towards the fireball. And that slash simply used up half of his true energy, and Jialan Sword's long-awaited fighting spirit was fully reflected in the violent counterattack just now. Chen Xuan simply felt that his sword was a huge breakthrough.

Even Sima Wushuang was frightened when he saw Chen Xuan's sword. Sure enough, only under extreme gambling situations can it be possible to unleash one's full strength. Chen Xuan's sword is probably hundreds or thousands of times stronger than the one he used against Fu Jun before.

And if Chen Xuan's sword was put in the eyes of those so-called mid-level powerhouses in the Transformation of God Realm, I'm afraid you would become the so-called monster. Chen Xuan's sword can probably directly fight against the strong men at the beginning of Nascent Soul Realm. It's really amazing.

What Chen Xuan didn't expect was that at this moment, Chen Xuan looked like he would die from the fireball. Actually, Chen Xuan forcibly scattered the ashes of the fireball spitted out by the Zheng in the air and even on Chen Xuan's sword edge. Yes, even the fierce fire left ashes on Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword, which shows how far Chen Xuan's strength has reached.

Chen Xuan was still very surprised in his heart. He originally thought he would die because of this. Unexpectedly, this time he would be saved from a desperate situation. But Sima Wushuang's expression was calm, because from the beginning to the end, Sima Wushuang believed that Chen Xuan could definitely pass this test.

However, Sima Wushuang was still sitting in the main hall of the Hegui Sect, even though Chen Xuan was nowhere to be seen by the heart-killing picture. But Sima Wushuang is still in the main hall, so who dares to leave?

However, Mu Zhe, Nangong Jin, and even the inner and outer disciples of the Hegui Sect couldn't understand what Sima Wushuang wanted to do. Is there more to it? But is Sima Wushuang waiting for Chen Xuan to return as a madman? It shouldn't be, it would be Sima Wushuang's own face that would be humiliated.

Because Sima Wushuang didn't leave, of course the Chief of Ceremonies and the four law enforcement elders didn't leave either. Seeing Sima Wushuang like this, Si Liguan really didn't know what Sima Wushuang was going to do.

No matter what happens, the ceremonial officer will inevitably die. What a bad luck. Why did a bastard like Chen Xuan cause trouble when it was his turn to be on duty?

However, the ceremonial officer did not dare to complain. He could only stand there secretly, waiting for the next step. But how could the four law enforcement elders not have any ideas in their minds?

Sima Wushuang's posture clearly shows that he has great confidence in his apprentice. snort! That was the heart-wrenching picture left by Hua Xian, the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm of Yu Zong. Is this Sima Wushuang really so confident in his apprentice?

He's just a strong man at the middle level of the Divine Transformation Realm. What's so great about him? This Sima Wushuang probably had too high expectations for this apprentice. But people like Sima Wushuang have high self-esteem, don't they... The four law enforcement elders secretly thought in their hearts, because there are four law enforcement elders, but each of them is suppressed by the leader of the Hegui Sect. .

It was really unpleasant, and this time they all hoped to see this joke made by Darao, the leader of the Hegui Sect. You can even see the disappointed expression on the third person in Yu Realm who is known as bloodthirsty and cold-blooded.

It's really very interesting. The four law enforcement elders had different thoughts in their hearts. How could Chen Xuan know what was going on outside? He had already scolded that old thief Sima Wushuang hundreds of times in his heart.

If it hadn't been for this damn test set by Sima Wushuang, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed long ago. However, Chen Xuan was still very lucky to have survived the fireball. But the next second... Chen Xuan began to regret it.


Only a huge roar was heard once again inside the cave, and then the cave seemed to be completely thrown away. After that, the molten lava in the cave was swept up by the roar. Then it was like rain, sweeping towards the ground. That is extremely hot molten magma.

Chen Xuan almost didn't have time to hide, and many parts of his consciousness were injured by the lava, but the painting was a painting after all, and as long as Chen Xuan didn't die, there would be no problem. However, Chen Xuan's tolerance for this kind of pain has always been outstanding, so Chen Xuan only frowned slightly, and then his heart returned to calmness and his complexion returned to normal.

It seems that we have to kill this flaming red python quickly. This flaming red python is really a giant beast from ancient times. The strength is actually so strong, but now there is indeed no way out in front of Chen Xuan, so maybe he can only move forward with his scalp clenched.

Chen Xuan came to the depths of the Underworld Cave. The space deep inside the Underworld Cave was very large, like a huge palace, and the layout of the palace was also very exquisite. The so-called love in the underworld is this palace called the Flame-filled Palace. Chen Xuan thought secretly, but even if Chen Xuanruci was in such a state of mind, he was still startled when he saw the flaming red python.

Chen Xuan had never seen such a huge monster before. The flaming red python was covered in flames, and the scales were suspended with the kind of fireball that just attacked Chen Xuan.

What's even more terrifying is that the flaming red python seems to have very few scales on its body. Even the fireballs of the flaming red python are as dense as the hair on Chen Xuan's head, and the scales that carry the fireballs are the flaming red python. , the scales are glowing with red light. At first glance, it looks like a poisonous monster. The body of the flaming red python is a hundred feet long. The depth of this cave is really scary high and very big. This is why Chen Xuan didn't believe in the existence of such a monster before. It's really unbelievable, and the flame red python is as thick as five palace pillars. The palace pillars are a hundred times thicker than the pillars on the main hall of the Hegui Sect.

It's terrible, it's really incredible. But Chen Xuan's temperament calmed down after a brief turbulence, because Chen Xuan found that the flaming red python didn't seem to notice him. In fact, it's no wonder, compared to Chen Xuan and the flaming red python, one looks like a giant elephant. Tall, as small as an ant. But just now, it was just because the big red python was sleeping and it turned over unintentionally. So there was the scene where the fireball and the periphery of the Hades Cave collapsed.

Chen Xuan was a little lucky. Fortunately, the flaming red python was sleeping. Otherwise, if he woke up, Chen Xuan felt that he would probably be killed directly. But Chen Xuan didn't know that Chen Xuan's happiness was just a childish manifestation in Sima Wushuang's view.

Because everything is a painting, although it is realistic, it is still a painting. Because the painter is a painting fairy, the painting fairy at the pinnacle of the earthly fairyland can even create a flowing effect in the painting. It is like a movie in a different world, but every plant, tree, and even a huge monster has been identified by the artist.

At this second, Chen Xuan discovered that the flaming red python was sleeping. It was just because the painter's painting skills were amazing. He could also draw the flowing time into the painting. I'm afraid; there isn't much time left for Chen Xuan, and the flaming red python should be waking up soon. Sima Wushuang secretly thought in his heart.

However, Sima Wushuang also regretted it, because the original intention of throwing Chen Xuan into the heart-killing plot was to let Chen Xuan train. But this time it seemed a bit excessive. Even Sima Wushuang felt that he had seriously underestimated this so-called heart-breaking plan.

This time Chen Xuan goes in, I'm afraid he won't be able to get out without a little bit of training, and Chen Xuan's current strength may not be enough to break through the Heart Killing. But for Sima Wushuang, these are not the things that need to be worried most.

But it is the Hegui Sect and the Yu Sect. It seems that if Chen Xuan comes out of the heart-killing plot, he will probably become the object of admiration by everyone. And with this kind of envy, Sima Wushuang felt that the current Chen Xuan was indeed not suitable for him.

Otherwise, it is very likely that what is coming to Chen Xuan will be the so-called unreasonable disaster. Because you think, Chen Xuan, a cultivator who has not reached the peak of the Immortal Transformation Realm, actually broke the heart-breaking plot left by the Painting Immortal at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm of Yu Zong. What a halo this brings to Chen Xuanlai, and Yu Zong will definitely hold a grudge against Chen Xuan because of this. But with him around, Chen Xuan would certainly not be harmed. And after he becomes a feather, I am afraid that Chen Xuan will also have the ability to protect himself.

What worries Sima Wushuang about beating you to death is that it is easy to dodge an open gun and hard to defend against a hidden arrow! In addition, within the Hegui Sect, if there is any further collusion with the Yu Sect, Chen Xuan may be put in danger!

But immediately, Sima Wushuang was relieved. Any opportunity would be a test for Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan can't even solve these problems, he will definitely not be able to achieve the height he wants to achieve in the future. So why should I care so much? It seems that it all depends on Chen Xuan's luck and blessing, as well as his hard work and talent. If Chen Xuan wants to reach the height that he wants him to reach, I am afraid that all of these elements are indispensable!

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