Chen Xuan finally lost consciousness. At this moment, Chen Xuan really felt the feeling of a weak person. Because Chen Xuan knew that he was too weak compared to the other soul in his body. And if another soul in the body wants to deal with him, he has no power to fight back. This is very clear to Chen Xuan's heart.

But just because Chen Xuan knew it in his heart, he felt even more uneasy now. Now is the most critical time for him, Chen Lin, and Chen Hong. If this soul causes Sima trouble, it will be very dangerous for Chen Xuanlai.

But Chen Xuan's current strength is indeed unable to defeat Chen Lin and Chen Hong, so even if he doesn't have another soul in his body, he will have to endure this humiliation today.

At this time, Helan Yu'er said nothing and looked at Chen Xuan with an indifferent expression. If Chen Xuan himself was willing to take a closer look, there would be a look on his face as if he was watching a good show.

Of course, Chen Xuan now has no time to worry about Helan Yu'er. He looked at Chen Lin with a provocative look on his face, saw Chen Hong with a kind look on his face, and looked at Elder Liangda who looked like he was looking for a good show. Chen Xuan just looked at them coldly, and the other soul didn't seem to do anything, just looked at them coldly.

But only Chen Xuan himself felt the powerful murderous intention of another soul in his body. How is this going? Could it be that such a powerful murderous intention is because of himself?

how can that be possible? He seems to be not related to me, so why should he hate them because of himself? What kind of existence is this soul? Chen Xuan himself didn't know. What Chen Xuan didn't even know was that this soul could actually break through the shackles and break out at the critical moment.

But Chen Xuan seemed to feel something vaguely? Because Chen Xuan seemed to feel that whenever he used the Taoist power, even slightly, he seemed to feel dizzy.

Could it be that once I use the power of Taoism, this soul will break through the shackles? No, then how can I survive in this world in the future? Chen Xuan himself didn't know what to do.

But Chen Xuan felt that he still needed to have a good talk with the other soul. If the negotiation fails, Chen Xuan will definitely try every means to make that soul disappear.

If they can come to an agreement, they can still get along. After all, having another strong helper doesn't seem to be any harm to Chen Xuanlai. Chen Xuan also agreed with this point.

But Chen Xuan now wants to see how the soul of this so-called strong man will deal with his matter? Do you want to fight with the other party? At that time, the big tree attracted the wind, and Chen Xuan felt that it would be very disadvantageous for him.

But Chen Xuan knew that what the other party did now had nothing to do with him. Because Chen Xuan knew that he couldn't control all this, because once Chen Xuan couldn't control his body, Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he was just a bystander, without any control!

So he is still not himself? Chen Xuan himself didn't know, because Chen Xuan seemed to be looking at another self, dealing with things like himself.

But Chen Xuan, who has transformed into another soul, let’s call him Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan stared at everyone like a death machine coming out of hell.

Even Chen Hong's smile seemed to have solidified, because Chen Hong seemed to have felt the coldness brought by Chen Xuan. It was as terrifying as a bloodthirsty beast that had already lived together, and Chen Xuan was like a terrible wolf staring at each of them.

It seemed that if they dared to move even slightly, Chen Xuan could kill them all with one move. Chen Xuan seems to be a person who has killed thousands of people, even millions. What kind of photographable momentum is that?

At this time, even the two elders present seemed to no longer dare to look at Chen Xuan as if they were laughing. It seemed that Helan Yu'er was completely frightened at this time.

Helan Yu'er was just an unruly eldest sister. Although she was a talented person in the family, she had never killed anyone. Helan Yu'er doesn't want to kill people, but Helan Yu'er has never even killed a chicken.

During normal competitions, all the young people would just hit the spot. So when Helan Yuer saw such a powerful momentum, how could she remain calm?

This was simply too scary. Helan Yuer seemed to almost no longer recognize Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan has brought her too many surprises these days, because Chen Xuan seems to be a painting that she can never see through.

These days, firstly, Chen Xuan's character is very terrifying, and secondly, Chen Xuan's strength seems to be on par with his own. What kind of existence is Chen Xuan?

What's even more terrifying is that Chen Xuan's terrifying momentum is as terrifying as if Chen Xuan is a demon who cares about human life, because Chen Xuan's existence is like crawling out of countless corpses and seas of fire. This is too scary. Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his aura was really terrifying. Even in his two lifetimes, Chen Xuan had never seen such a terrifying aura.

But suddenly Chen Xuan seemed to have an idea. Because Chen Xuan seemed to have thought of something. There was only one thing he had ever seen that had such a terrifying aura. The aura was as terrifying as if the whole world was hidden in his eyes.

Chen Xuan instantly felt as if he had guessed something. Because when Chen Xuan saw that thing for the first time, it seemed to be a blue mist. But Chen Xuan knew that if that thing or something related to that thing existed in this world.

Then this world is definitely not as simple as Chen Xuan thought. Because Chen Xuan knew that if this world could accommodate that thing, then this world would definitely be no better than the Yujie world, and the monsters, people, and even artifacts in the Zhuxin world were said to be as strong as the forest.

In such a world filled with powerful people, what should Chen Xuan do? Chen Xuan's current strength is still too weak, and Chen Xuan has no backer. If it were the Chen family, Chen Xuan would have seen it clearly.

This Chen family is afraid that everyone in the family is purely interested in interests, and Chen Xuan knows that no one in the Chen family is really willing to help him. Apart from……

I don't know why, and Chen Xuan doesn't know either. It seems that Chen Xuan feels that only the old housekeeper still has a lot of goodwill toward him, as for the other people. Chen Xuan felt that they were plotting against Chen Xuan himself.

Even Chen Xuan himself knew that what Chen Xuan needed more at this time was probably a backer. Is the old housekeeper his backer? Chen Xuan was thinking secretly, but then shook his head. He knew that the old housekeeper was not his backer. Because Chen Xuan knew that the old housekeeper was only a life-saving talisman for his safety when he was in danger, and could not mean anything.

So who is your backer? The soul in your own body? At this time, Chen Xuan's thoughts were brought back to reality by Chen Lin's scolding. Chen Xuan has been imprisoned by the soul in his body.

And that soul seemed to be showing off its power at this moment, "Are you sure you want me, Chen Xuan, to kneel down?" Every sentence in that sentence was very gritted, as if behind every sentence there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​fire. Chen Xuan seems to have become a very docile evil wolf. He was watching the sheep struggling in front of his eyes.

But Chen Xuan's own soul seemed to be shaken by this bone-chilling chill. Because Chen Xuan knew that although he seemed to be completely unable to control his body at this time, Chen Xuan seemed to be able to completely feel everything around him.

This made Chen Xuan very curious at this time. What on earth is going on? What kind of existence is Chen Xuan? Chen Lin, Chen Hong and the two elders were also very confused.

Because it seems that Chen Xuan is like an old fox who has been hiding for thousands of years, Chen Xuan's eyebrows and Chen Xuedong's expression all reveal that bone-chilling chill. It seems that even Chen Hong, the most powerful being in the family, even as the patriarch of the clan, he has been in power for a long time and still has the aura of a superior, but at this time, Chen Xuan can still freeze his soul.

How could Lin'er endure such murderous intent? Chen Hong felt regretful in his heart. Chen Hongxiang wanted to stop this incident immediately.

But Chen Lin's junior was already wet at this time. There seemed to be some faint sweat on Chen Lin's forehead. But in fact, Chen Lin is already restraining himself. But Chen Lin found that this fear was like an instinctive reaction, and he couldn't control it at all.

The Lord's aura permeated every corner of the trial field, and it seemed that everyone in the trial field became trembling with fear. Everyone was sweating profusely behind their backs, and everyone who was smiling just now and watching the excitement now turned pale. Waiting for others to see your excitement.

"'s my fault." Chen Lin was very frightened at this time and seemed to have stuttered the sentence incoherently.

Chen Xuan said coldly, "Since my cousin doesn't want me to kneel down, then I can be considered a cousin and return your request just now. Remember, those who humiliate others will always be humiliated! Those who harm others will always be harmed." ! Those who respect others will always be respected!"

After Chen Xuan finished these words in a cold voice, he slowly walked towards his Beppu. Because he knows that there is another soul imprisoned in his body at this time!

After Chen Xuan left, he left behind a very chaotic trial ground. Everyone had their own thoughts and plans. In this game, Chen Xuan has truly entered the game!

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