Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1721 There is no free lunch in the world!

Chen Xuan seemed to have completely lost all thoughts at this time, because at this time, the blueprint of Jia Lan suddenly burned to ashes. Chen Xuan just looked at Jialantu with cold eyes, waiting for the truth to slowly emerge.

At this time, Chen Xuan felt that a phantom seemed to appear in the blueprint. He was wearing a white robe and had a calm and profound look on his face. Then there seemed to be a bit of murderous aura on his face.

The old man in white robe glanced at Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan also looked at the old man in white robe, sizing him up like this. Chen Xuan was actually testing the strength of the old man in white robe. Of course, the old man in white robe was also testing Chen Xuan's strength at this time.

However, Chen Xuan found that this white-robed Lao Que was really unfathomable. Chen Xuan felt that this Taoist's mental energy was circulating like an endless river and would never be exhausted.

who is he?

Chen Xuan couldn't help but ask in his heart, and the old man in white robe seemed to have seen Chen Xuan's detection and evaluation of him. He didn't answer, just looked at Chen Xuan with a playful expression.

Just like looking at an ugly person, Chen Xuan certainly felt his gaze. But there was no anger in Chen Xuan's eyes, which made the old man in white robe sigh secretly.

With such strength, his state of mind is quite high. At such an age, with such similar strength, his talent is considered to be excellent. There's just one last thing missing.

The old man in white robe kept thinking in his mind, and then he said nothing and just looked at Chen Xuan with a smile. As if waiting for Chen Xuan to ask questions first.

But Chen Xuan was also speechless, just looking coldly at this peerless strong man who came out of the Jialantu. The old man in white robe sat down anywhere, leaning on the tree trunk behind him, picking up the fallen leaves beside him, playing with them, and said casually...

" can ask whatever you want. If I can answer you, I will. If I can't answer you, it's up to you. See if you can let me answer you."

Chen Xuan endured it for a while, and then slowly saluted this peerless powerful man. He said expressionlessly, "Where does the old man come from? Can you tell me the secret in the blueprint or the identity of the old man?"

Although Chen Xuan looked indifferent, his words were full of respect. Chen Xuan knew that although this peerless strong man seemed very casual, how could he be an ordinary person who could become such a powerful man?

I'm afraid that he could easily pinch himself to death with just a flip of his hand, right? However, Chen Xuan's tone made the white-robed old man think more highly of him.

Not arrogant, not impetuous, not courageous, his character is really flirtatious. With such a flirtatious temperament at his age, his future achievements will definitely be extraordinary...


"I am the most powerful person in the reincarnation of Tao thousands of years ago! Just because of that war, I was plotted against. Then I was imprisoned in the Zheng of Jialantu."

"The person who plotted against me also saved me, because at that time the Tao was actually a hundred times more powerful than the Tao I had faced before, and countless of the strongest had fallen!"

The old man in white robe used a bunch of terms that Chen Xuan had never come into contact with... Chen Xuan knew the levels of the Earthly Immortal Realm, the Divine Realm and the Yu Realm, and he also knew the levels of the Taoist, Taoist, Taoist, etc. in the Heart-killing World. .

But what exactly is the strongest? What is reincarnation? Chen Xuan didn't know anything about it, but Chen Xuan found that the old man had no desire to continue this topic. So I didn't continue to ask questions, because it was too far away from Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan still had many questions, so he continued to ask. "Then...Senior, why did you come out this time? Senior, do you know what's wrong with me?"

The old lady in white robe didn't care that Chen Xuan's question was a very childish question for him. Then, the old man in white robe answered Chen Xuandao while playing with the fallen leaves around him.

"I came out because my seal was lifted, but I can only stay in your consciousness and cannot transform. But I still exist in reality."

"I can even steal your body and give it to me. Hehe..."

"Then you can only watch me live on your behalf!"

When Chen Xuan heard this, although his expression remained indifferent as usual, Chen Xuan's heart did hit his chest several times. If this person wants to take away my body, I'm afraid I don't even have the ability to resist, so I can only let him do it. But what this peerless powerful man said next made Chen Xuan feel a little more relieved.

"However, you don't have to worry too much. I'm not that stupid!"

The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan's indifferent expression and secretly admired him in his heart. However, the expression of the old man in white robe was still as deep as a bottomless ocean.

"Do you know...why am I unwilling? I have killed more than tens of millions of people. I have injured countless others! I don't want to take your body. I just don't want to become a person like you. Taoist perfection is a waste that has not even been achieved by Taoist masters!”

When the old man in white robe came here, there was obvious pride and ridicule in his tone. However, Chen Xuan didn't bother too much. Chen Xuan knew that this was a person who was much stronger than him.

It was reasonable for him to mock himself, but how could such a powerful person come out just for childish ridicule. Sure enough, with the next sentence, Chen Xuan seemed to understand the purpose of his coming out.

"I have a way to get the best of both worlds...are you willing?"

When the old man in white robe said this, there was a faint smile in his eyes. Chen Xuan began to wonder if he had seen it wrong. But the smile was almost fleeting.

"You practice well, I will give you my guidance. When you reach the strongest level...I will be able to be liberated and transform into my own entity again."

"Because once you cultivate to the strongest level, you will have the strength to get rid of my soul directly. Then I can find my own body, and my own body will still be there. How about it? This is a business that does not lose money... Are you willing to do it, doll?”

When the old man in white robe said this, he felt as if Chen Xuan had taken advantage of him. But this old man in white robe, Chen Xuan, felt very much like a human trafficker.

But Chen Xuan knew, where could he get a free lunch? Just because he was like this, what else could Chen Xuan do to help him? Or what does Chen Xuan have to pay?

This old man in white robe is really good at calculating. He promises benefits first and then raises the conditions. The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan's still indifferent expression, as if he had not forgotten the conditions offered by the old man in white robe.

This actually made the old man in white robe smile bitterly and said, "You...hahahaha...yes, your state of mind, mind and scheming are indeed good."

"Given time, he will definitely become a talent! Then I will tell you everything truthfully." There was a hint of a wry smile in the words of the old man in white robe, and there was also a tone of admiration. However, the old man in white robe made Chen Xuan even more wary. What does this old man in white robe want to do with himself?

"There is no such thing as a free lunch!"

The old man in white robe slowly spit out these words of wisdom. Chen Xuan nodded to express his acquiescence, and then motioned to the old man in white robe to continue.

"Actually, after you reach the most powerful state... you will have the strength to help me regain my physical body! And you have to know that I have been practicing in Jialantu for so many years!"

"The strength has long surpassed the existence of the current Supreme Realm. If you can't get my body back by then, I will have no choice but to start training again from the Supreme Realm. Can I borrow your body by the way?"

The old man in white robe said these words very calmly, as if it was an unintentional joke between friends. But only Chen Xuan heard the danger in it.

If I can't help the old man get his body back, I'm afraid my soul will always be imprisoned by the old man. But how dangerous is it to take back the body?

Chen Xuan knew that the person the old man in white robe had offended thousands of years ago had arranged mechanisms, traps or illusions. Compared to the strongest person he has become now...

That should be a lot stronger. The old man in white robe seemed to understand Chen Xuan's thoughts and did not say too many words. Just a word...

"You are right. They will indeed be stronger than the current strongest ones, but have I spent so many years practicing in the Jialantu in vain?"

"I might as well tell you that they have been reduced to ashes a long time ago. So what are you afraid of? It was just set up by ashes before they were alive. Besides, do you have any other choice?"

The old man in white robe smiled, and the depth in that smile was something Chen Xuan couldn't understand. Chen Xuan knew that this old man in white robe was too powerful.

If I don't do what he wants, I'm afraid I will die now. If you do it yourself, you might still have a chance of survival. And it can become even more powerful, why not?

But when Chen Xuan thought about helping the white-robed old man regain his body, he felt a chill in his heart. Because that's what he risked his life to do.

I'm afraid that if he fails, he will be the one who becomes ashes...or the best outcome is that his soul is imprisoned, and he is like being locked up in a prison forever, unable to escape forever and never enter reincarnation.

But now Chen Xuan has no choice at all, whatever...

The old man in white robe didn't say anything at this time, he just looked at Chen Xuan with a smile on his face. Even with this smile, Chen Xuan looked like he wanted to beat him up. But the old man in white robe seemed to be sure that Chen Xuan would definitely choose to help him regain his body.

After all, no one wants to die, and Chen Xuan is so talented. If he agrees, under his own training and training...

I'm afraid that my strength will become even more abnormal in the future! And my physical body is not far away from me!

Chen Xuan finally fulfilled the wish of the old man in white robe and nodded his head to express his agreement.

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