Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1728 Beating and Giving Money (2)

When Chen Xuan saw the world at this time, he seemed to be in bad shape. Because the scenery at the bottom of the mountain is still very beautiful, but what Chen Xuan knows is that this world does not seem to be as beautiful as he imagined. If you cultivate in such a beautiful world, you have to fight against the whole world.

At this time, the woods under the mountain were lush and green, and a ray of sunlight filtered into it. Chen Xuan knew that the world under the mountain seemed completely unsuitable for him. Whenever Chen Xuan thought of all this, he felt as if his heart had been hit hard.

Because whenever Chen Xuan wanted to sleep, the old man in white robe would always wake Chen Xuan up. At this time, the sun has reached the top of the sky, which means it is already noon.

But Chen Xuan was always in this state, enduring the pain and continuing to suffer, but there was still a bit of pain in Chen Xuan's calm eyes, which the old man in white robe naturally took to heart.

But the old man in white robe secretly praised Chen Xuan in his heart, because this kind of cultivation method is extremely taxing for one person. But this is just the beginning for Chen Xuanlai.

What Chen Xuan knows is that what he needs to do now is to endure it. Chen Xuan looked at the beautiful scenery outside the mountain and endured it.

Chen Xuan knew that all he needed to do now was endure it, and finally the most difficult time had arrived. Chen Xuan finally ushered in the hottest time, which was noon. Chen Xuan's back had been beaten to pieces, but Chen Xuan's expression remained as normal. But the more normal Chen Xuan's expression became, the greater the pain he had to bear in his heart.

But when Chen Xuan looked at the color outside now, he felt very different, because what Chen Xuan saw was a world full of blood and tears. Because Chen Xuan's heart seemed to have turned to tears under the scorching sunshine.

And now, at the hottest time of the day, Chen Xuan heard a faint voice coming from the stone pier where the old man in white robe was sitting.

"Chen Xuan is now going to change your cultivation method. Do you have any other opinions?" When Chen Xuan heard this, he also wondered what the method of changing his cultivation method mentioned by the white-robed old man was. Curious mind.

But what the old man in white robe did next completely subverted Chen Xuan's thoughts, because Chen Xuan found that he seemed to have arrived in a hell called Tang.

Chen Xuan looked at the beauty of the sun in the mountains or the gracefulness of the white clouds. Chen Xuan seemed to feel that these were all accomplices who were hurting him and dragging him into hell.

The old man in white robe also went too far, and actually used a whip to continuously beat Chen Xuan's body. That is, Chen Xuan's back, every time he was slapped, Chen Xuan felt as if his body was being torn apart.

The blood was dripping but the bleeding didn't stop. Chen Xuan would groan every time he was beaten, but he didn't say too many words. This is Chen Xuan's state of mind. Even the old man in white robes praised Chen Xuan Ruci's state of mind. Chen Xuan just silently swallowed up this pain completely in his heart. No complaints were made.

But Chen Xuan kept scolding the old man in white robe in his heart. This old man in white robe went too far. He only hit himself and had no more ways to practice. But what Chen Xuan knew was that even so, the old man in white robe had spent a lot of effort. Because after all, Chen Xuan felt that although the old man in white robe only beat himself like this, such whipping did not damage his muscles, bones and cultivation, but only skin injuries.

Regarding such intensity of control, Chen Xuan felt that the old man in white robe was very flirtatious. But Chen Xuan was still a little aggrieved in his heart. It seemed that he had spent money to pay for his existence. It seemed that this time he was able to take revenge on the old man in white robe.

But although Chen Xuan was still slandering in his heart, it did not affect Chen Xuan's body's instinctive reaction every time he was whipped. The twitching, the pain was so terrible that Chen Xuan wanted to bite his tongue off and grit his teeth.

But although Chen Xuan's expression remained as usual, there was just a slight cold sweat hanging on Chen Xuan's face. Chen Xuan's back was dripping with blood, and Chen Xuan's cold sweat and hot sweat were dripping into the soil.

The part of the soil around Chen Xuan had turned into blood by Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan still persisted. What made the old man in white robe even more amazed was that although Chen Xuan persisted, his training never stopped. This made the old man in white robe look very evil.

Chen Xuan didn't say much, he just endured it silently. For Chen Xuanlai, this mountain top is now like a hell. The appearance of this terrible hell is actually covered with such a beautiful coat.

Chen Xuan continued to challenge the limits of his body. Every time Chen Xuan felt like he was about to faint, he was held back by Chen Xuan's willpower. What even Chen Xuan himself may not have discovered is that his cultivation is actually increasing at a exponential rate.

When the old man in white robe saw Chen Xuan's scene, he couldn't help but praise Chen Xuan in his heart. Chen Xuan is really amazing. It's just that this time it was probably very effective in tempering Chen Xuan's state of mind and mental strength.

Finally, the sun slowly climbed down to the top of the mountain. Chen Xuan was already half beaten, and the figure of the old man in white robe was also a little blurry. Chen Xuan knew that this was the end of his current practice.


Chen Xuan felt that the pain in his back disappeared. Although the added pain in Chen Xuan's back disappeared, the pain from Chen Xuan's previous beating still continued to hurt. Only when the sudden feeling of being whipped disappears can the pain become extremely clear. But what Chen Xuan knew was that Jin's practice should be over.

Chen Xuan was finally let down from the rope by the old man in white robe. But Chen Xuan felt that he had not felt like he had landed for a long time, and the long-lost sense of solidity had returned. And although Chen Xuan felt pain in his back all the time, Chen Xuan felt that the temperature on the top of the mountain was finally not as scary as before.

It seems to be slowly returning to the kind of temperature that can make people feel comfortable with the cold. Chen Xuan felt it secretly. This kind of coldness that Chen Xuan experienced when he first came to the top of the mountain was not mixed with a trace of temperature. But now Chen Xuan felt that such shouting was mixed with the warmth of the sun.

Chen Xuan felt secretly, but what Chen Xuan was sure of was that although such warmth could make Chen Xuan feel better. But the pain in Chen Xuan's back was still as uncomfortable as if it could tear Chen Xuan to pieces. Chen Xuan felt that he was about to lose consciousness.

Chen Xuan endured the pain and planned to return to his residence. Although Chen Xuan felt pain in his back when he came down the mountain, Chen Xuan still felt a little relaxed. Because what Chen Xuan knows is that although he is still a little relaxed now, his muscles and bones will still be hindered by congestion in the future.

I really don’t know what kind of method this old man in white robe, my cheap master, will use to take care of myself? Although Chen Xuan was curious, he did not ask any questions to the white-robed old man.

Because Chen Xuan knew that although his master was not reliable at all. But what Chen Xuan knows is that he must handle things much more thoughtfully than himself. Things that he can think of, this white-robed old man, his cheap master, can also think of.

Chen Xuan went down the mountain facing the sunset and passed several villages. Chen Xuan didn't notice them at all when he went up the mountain, but Chen Xuan knew that it was probably because he came to this mountain too early.

People in these villages must still be sleeping. Along the way, Chen Xuan was accompanied by the calls of forest birds, the leisurely pace of fishermen, the playfulness of children, and the easygoingness of farmers. Slowly looking at the other side of this bloody and extremely dark world. In Chen Xuan's eyes, although they were deep, there was actually a hint of softness.

Chen Xuan knew that it might be a rare and beautiful moment for him. But the more Chen Xuan behaves like this, the more he realizes that this easygoingness and beauty do not belong to him at all.

But when the people saw Chen Xuan's appearance, they were frightened, because the blood on Chen Xuan's back still made Chen Xuan's robe dripping with blood. They thought that Chen Xuan must have encountered a welding bandit somewhere, so after seeing Chen Xuan's condition, they did not dare to continue talking to such a ruthless person like Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan's eyes did not flash any dissatisfaction. Because Chen Xuan knew that people are inherently very selfish, and in a situation like his own, who would be willing to deal with him and cause trouble to them.

Of course, they were all afraid of avoiding Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan felt a little calmer. He stopped and walked along the way and slowly returned to the Chen family's residence.

As soon as Chen Xuan entered Befufu, he seemed to be greeted by a strong smell, which was a very strong medicinal smell. Chen Xuan himself didn't know what kind of strange smell this was.

But what Chen Xuan knew was that this should have cost him five hundred gold coins. What kind of precious medicine costs me five hundred gold coins? This old man is really a scam, and it's not some kind of elixir, right?

Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

But this time, the old man in white robe did not wake up.

Forget it, not soaking is a waste, and there is no way to get the money back anyway. Chen Xuan murmured to himself, then took off his shirt and prepared to walk towards the medicine bucket...

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