A class like Chen Xuan is actually considered a hegemon in a city even if it is a family class, on the same level as the county magistrate in the city. Of course, these are all considered to be at the aristocratic level. But then there are those civilians. Of course, the largest number of civilians are farmers and those who are engaged in business. However, these businessmen are generally attached to aristocratic families, just like the Chen family still has many collateral families. These collaterals all help the Chen family manage their business, but those so-called collaterals that are not attached to the aristocratic family are likely to be unable to survive at all.

Or even if he could survive, it would be very difficult. Chen Xuan knew this in his heart. As for the next class of workers, although their salary will be higher than those of farmers, it is still a profession that is looked down upon.

Although Chen Xuan couldn't understand why the world was so light on business, the status of these part-time workers was even lower because it was so light on business. But even though the status of those working there is not high, they still look down on those farmers, because those working there make much more money and have far more horizons than those beggars who are about to starve and beg for food on the street.

Therefore, the doorman can be regarded as someone who hates the poor and loves the rich, but of course those farmers who they think are poor enough to beg for food also look down on these people. That's why the doorman was so hostile when he first saw Chen Xuan. He felt that Chen Xuan didn't look like a cultivator. Which cultivator does not wear a badge, or which cultivator does not have splendid clothes?

Then I looked at Chen Xuan. What Chen Xuan was wearing were all junk, and Chen Xuan's luggage looked so shabby. But now the doormen were beginning to panic, as they seemed to have offended some big shots they couldn't afford to offend.

At least the shopkeeper I usually thought was a big shot, but the shopkeeper was still so polite to Chen Xuan. This made the doorman think that he might have really messed with a big shot.

But what can be done? If this big shot wanted to argue with him, he would really die here. There is a huge difference in status between myself and this big shot. It is very likely that he will pay a small price directly for his behavior. But Chen Xuan still looked cold and talked to the shopkeeper very indifferently.

And just now the shopkeeper naturally saw the doorman's attitude towards Chen Xuan. How could the shopkeeper not be afraid? Although this hotel was opened by a big shot, the big shot also advised them not to offend big shots like cultivators and aristocratic families.

Because if there are practitioners from aristocratic families who take the initiative to cause trouble, that's all. He can find people from the Taoist Union, because he still knows people in the union who can settle the matter. If the shopkeeper and the people under the shopkeeper offend these practitioners and big shots, then the result will definitely be that he will die first. There is only one way for him to make up for it now. Maybe this method can still save it.

The doorman, that's him. The shopkeeper's eyes seemed to be glowing green when he looked at the doorman. That's his life. Since it's his life, then the doorman should just die.

Anyway, he must not die, and the doorman also felt the killing intent in the shopkeeper's eyes. The shopkeeper was not a cultivator, but the doorman actually felt a murderous intention that was so powerful that it made Rao's heart beat violently.

This murderous intention was his own desire to survive. Although Chen Xuan's face was still as indifferent as ever, Chen Xuan also felt the aura. However, Chen Xuan was still very calm in his heart. Having lived in two lifetimes, Chen Xuan had already despised life and death a lot. And this shopkeeper's desire to survive may be very scary or even very tragic to most people. But for Chen Xuanlai, it didn't matter at all.

Chen Xuan was as calm as ever, and the shopkeeper after some polite exchanges with Chen Xuan. He said that he still had a lot of worldly things with him and it was inconvenient to accompany him. Chen Xuan’s hotel expenses and alcoholic drinks were all covered by the hotel.

It was equivalent to apologizing to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was still very indifferent. He just nodded slightly, which meant nothing. The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had just survived the knife edge of death.

Because the shopkeeper knew that he had finally escaped a big disaster, Chen Xuan, a big shot, probably had no intention of killing him. Chen Xuan...wait a minute...the other person's surname is actually Chen. No other family in Wuyang City dares to have two surnames, one is Chen and the other is Luo. No one dares to offend these two surnames.

Because there are three major forces in Wuyang City, the most powerful one is the Snow Mountain Sect, and the Snow Mountain Sect generally only recruits those cultivators who are too young, and those cultivators are considered top talents for those families.

Because Snow Mountain Sect is a very powerful sect. But Chen Xuan knew that he had to become an enemy of such a tyrannical sect. Because at this time, Chen Xuan had no other choice. As long as Chen Xuan wants to survive, he must resist this sect. But Chen Xuan knew that the current Chen Xuan was like an insignificant ant to them, and if he wanted to surpass them, he would have to go through a lot of training.

At this time, the white-robed old man in Chen Xuan's body kept thinking that this Chen Xuan was really too insignificant. In the eyes of this white-haired old man, what is this so-called Snow Mountain Sect?

Even if there were a hundred Snow Mountain Sects combined, it would not be enough for this white-robed old man to see. The Snow Mountain Sect is just the backer of a country. In fact, in the eyes of the white-robed old man, this is still a very insignificant existence. He was just the backer of a country, and the old man in white robe was a person that everyone admired very much. That was truly standing at the pinnacle of the world. How many levels of difference was there between that world and the world Chen Xuan saw now? The old man in white robe himself couldn't figure it out.

Anyway, sects like the Snow Mountain Sect are incomparable. This is the world in the eyes of the old man in white robe! Chen Xuan did not hear the inner voice of the old man in white robe at this time. Chen Xuan just thought that the old man in white robe was still sleeping and resting at this time.

Chen Xuan watched the doorman walking towards him step by step, but still didn't pay too much attention. There was still an indifferent expression on his face. When Chen Xuan saw the shopkeeper's relieved expression, he understood instantly.

It seemed that the shopkeeper wasn't troubled by any miscellaneous things. He was obviously afraid that he would hold him and the doorman accountable for his rudeness just now. That's why now the doorman is dragged out to take the blame.

Chen Xuan's face was still indifferent, and his face still had that noncommittal expression, and Chen Xuan didn't pay too much attention. But what surprised Chen Xuan was that the price of staying in the hotel can be completely reduced, including the food eaten while staying in the hotel, which is completely covered by the hotel.

But Chen Xuan still didn't pay too much attention at all. Chen Xuan just followed the doorman's footsteps and returned to the room. Chen Xuan's face was still calm and calm.

Chen Xuan thought that since the shopkeeper couldn't chat with him for a while, let's see what the doorman knew. After all, this was Chen Xuan's first time out of the Chen family, and more importantly, there were a lot of things recorded in those books. But what Chen Xuan knew was some very grand things.

The worldview recorded in those books is too grand, too big for a worldview like Chen Xuanlai's. What Chen Xuan needs now is to understand Wuyang City, and for his understanding of Wuyang City, Chen Xuan feels that the source of his understanding of Wuyang City may only be obtained from these people who have been living in Wuyang City.

Chen Xuan's face at this time was still so indifferent. Although Chen Xuan's face was so cold, Chen Xuan still thought about it and decided to leave the doorman to drink and chat with him later. Tong should also be very happy.

Chen Xuan turned around and asked, "Is there a better place to talk about drinking here? I don't want to drink in my room, and will you have anything to do later?" When Chen Xuan said this, his tone was sharp. There was no hint of joy in it, as if Chen Xuan was just asking an old friend he had known for many years casually.

Moreover, Chen Xuan's tone made the doorman feel even more that Chen Xuan had no intention of killing the doorman. Chen Xuan looked indifferent, but his tone was much more approachable.

The doorman felt that he had not been treated like this for a long time, and his good impression of Chen Xuan seemed to be generated directly.

"Ah...Sir, that's it. Our hotel has a restaurant in Lu! I don't know, sir, do you want to go there to eat and drink?" When the doorman said these words, he completely lost the emotion he had just at the door. That kind of arrogance means only that kind of respect. Chen Xuan didn't have anything more than Sima, and he just nodded very indifferently.

Chen Xuan knew that only some people had an innate feeling that if he was very polite to them, they would feel that he was very easy to bully. But Chen Xuan felt that as long as his attitude towards them was not arrogant, then they would feel that he was very approachable...

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