Chen Xuan knew that this was the so-called strong person, and the strong person showed strength. But what is more powerful is the heart of the strong. Chen Xuan still looked at the old man in white robe with more admiration in his eyes.

But there was just a hint of Chen Xuan's admiration hidden under his deep eyes. Let ordinary people not find it. But how could the old man in white robe be an ordinary person? The white-robed old man's insight into the nature of his mind has reached a very perverted level. Of course he could see something mixed in Chen Xuan's expression towards him.

However, the old man in white robe still had the same faint smile as before, without any change. But in Chen Xuan's eyes now, the desire for the Dissolving Palm has become more and more fervent.

Although Chen Xuan was still a practitioner who had not even reached the level of a Taoist master at this time, the temptation of such Tao skills to Chen Xuan was very fatal.

Although Chen Xuan was very anxious in his heart, his eyes were still very calm.

The rain outside the window is still falling, and the night outside the window is still layered as always. The stars in the sky flicker and disappear, but the moon has long been hidden among the dark clouds.

And when Chen Xuan has cultivated to such an extent, his ears will naturally be much stronger than ordinary people, and his eyes and heart can naturally cooperate with each other, which is also several times stronger than ordinary people.

As for the bleak scenery outside the window, Chen Xuan could naturally feel this scenery when he was in the house at this time, but Chen Xuan could feel it. But Chen Xuan does not cause melancholy like a man of letters, because to Chen Xuan, these are just things. Objects cannot affect the mind, but it is still very difficult to do this.

In fact, scenery can easily affect people's emotions. Although when you see a desolate scenery, you won't feel so desolate in your heart. It's not like she shed tears. Of course, normal people won't, unless they are literati and extremely emotional people. But this will definitely give people a little psychological implication.

That is to say, when you encounter something tragic, your heart will become more prone to collapse than before. In fact, this is true for everyone.

This is like a psychological suggestion. You may not feel anything when you meet him, but as long as there is an opportunity, it is an inevitable phenomenon for anyone.

Chen Xuan naturally knew this, and the scene Chen Xuan felt now was a very irritating scene for Chen Xuan. The patter of autumn rain is like a weeping woman complaining about her trivial family shortcomings.

This made Chen Xuan feel very uncomfortable. After practicing to this point, Chen Xuan seemed to feel a slight irritation in the expression of the white-robed old man who was still trying to speak.

But Chen Xuan is a powerful cultivator after all. Since he is a cultivator, of course he can try his best to avoid such things from happening. Chen Xuan's expression was still so deep, as if he was as indifferent as an object. It seems that my heart has become an object, just an object used to maintain the functions of my body. This is a good state of mind for Chen Xuanlai. This is a good state of mind for any cultivator.

The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan with a hint of appreciation in his expression, but the old man in white robe deliberately showed this appreciation to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan understood instantly. It seemed that all this was a test for himself by his cheap master.

Chen Xuan seemed to have thought of something. Chen Xuan thought that when he was in the Chen family's residence, the old man in white robe would help him cultivate his character, but then, what would he get in exchange?

Even Chen Xuan himself was gnashing his teeth! Chen Xuan knew that in exchange for every torture he suffered, this was the so-called cultivation method that the old man in white robe formulated for himself after receiving so much money from him. But Chen Xuan didn't have anything to worry about. After all, after such pain, there were still some things that could be used as compensation, such as those decoctions.

However, what the old man in white robe thinks is very remarkable is that Chen Xuan's current temperament is indeed good, and the scenery outside the window just now is not an ordinary scenery. Just now, he deliberately stumbled Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan was feeling outside the window, he released some aura, an aura that could make any cultivator irritated.

At that moment, it was obvious that Chen Xuan was affected by such an aura, but what made the old man in white robe very gratified was that Chen Xuan could actually digest such an aura on his own. And before Chen Xuan digested such aura, Chen Xuan didn't show any irritability.

In other words, Chen Xuan is already pretty good at hiding his emotions.

But Chen Xuan still didn't let go of his vigilance in his eyes when he saw the expression of admiration deliberately shown by the old man in white robe. Still as deep as ever, the old man in white robe could not even see the slightest hint of joy or recklessness. Under Chen Xuan’s deep pupils,

Chen Xuan's calmness made the old man in white robe admire him from the bottom of his heart. However, this time the old man in white robe did not deliberately put this appreciation on his face.

The old man in white robe temporarily recognized Chen Xuan's state of mind. But Chen Xuan was very curious in his heart. Just after he felt the scenery outside the window, he seemed to feel an aura of extreme boredom.

And this boredom reached the extreme, and was suppressed to the extreme. It was like throwing a person directly into an ant nest. At least Chen Xuan seemed to see thousands of extremely powerful man-eating ants in front of his eyes at that time, but the cannibals Ants are very small. Chen Xuan had the ability to kill them, but Chen Xuan found that he seemed unable to kill them all.

They seemed to be endlessly pushing towards every cell and drop of blood in Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan could feel that his whole body seemed to be being eaten by those nasty man-eating ants.

Those red-skinned and white-headed guys didn't seem to show any hesitation when they tore the skin and flesh off Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan felt that his body was painful and itchy, but what surprised Chen Xuan was that the pain and itching seemed like It didn't feel like anything to Chen Xuanlai at all.

What makes Chen Xuan unbearable is the feeling that his heart brings to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan seems to feel that his heart is being eaten by those ants. Chen Xuan even feels that his whole body is about to explode. Come.

But Chen Xuan remained as calm as ever, and Chen Xuan did not show any signs of the extreme pain and violence. This made Chen Xuan himself feel incredible. But Chen Xuan immediately realized that his illusion was probably caused by the old ghost in front of him, who seemed harmless to humans and animals. But Chen Xuan now feels that the old man in front of him is very unfathomable, and his unfathomability is far more terrifying than he imagined.

However, Chen Xuan felt that his state of mind was improving very quickly. If such an illusion were left before Chen Xuan, even if he would not commit suicide immediately, at least he would lose control of his mind immediately. This is certain for Chen Xuan. .

But this time Chen Xuan handled it very well. Even the old man in white robe could not have imagined that Chen Xuan would improve so quickly this time. What a terrifying future life! But if Chen Xuan knew that the old man in white robe had the words "terrible for future generations", I don't know what kind of expression he would have. But in the opinion of the old man in white robe, it is indeed possible to pass this elimination palm to Chen Xuan at this time.

Because Chen Xuan's character is already very tough. But suddenly the old man in white robe thought of a very crucial factor. If Chen Xuan really wanted to learn the Huaying Palm. I'm afraid that Chen Xuan can only learn to transform the palm now, but there is no way to eliminate it!

In fact, when it comes to exercises like the Huo Xiao Zhang, it is actually very simple. One part of Hua Xiao Zhang is divided into Hua Xiao Palm, and part of Hua Xiao Palm is divided into Hua Xiao Palm, and Hua Xiao Palm...

As the name suggests, it is to completely neutralize the enemy's power. This is a defensive position for oneself. For Chen Xuanlai, it is more used to save life, and this is also a fire element Taoist skill, and the Dissolving Palm is even more The weird thing is that he is a dual-system Taoist skill.

Whether it was a thousand years ago or a thousand years later, dual-system Taoist skills had never appeared on the continent. For Chen Xuanlai, this was more than just a huge advantage?

However, although Transforming Palm belongs to the fire element, when practicing Transforming Palm, you are also practicing Taoist power of the fire element, and Transforming Palm requires a strong state of mind. As long as he has a strong state of mind, he can resist the attack of inner fire. For Chen Xuan, it should not be difficult for Chen Xuan to resist the inner fire of this one-star, third- and fourth-level Huaxia Palm.

But it is very difficult for Chen Xuan to eliminate the palm, because eliminating the palm requires a very strong body. Even the physical requirements are as high as steel, and the existence of Xiaozhang is actually used to turn the defense into an offense. The so-called elimination means that one's own body must be strong enough to reverse the enemy's attacking virtual force, and then use the elimination palm to transform this virtual force into strength.

However, the endurance of this virtual power requires a lot of physical strength. Although Huazhang can use his own inner fire to attack the enemy and convert the strength into virtual power, this virtual power still requires physical strength to bear.

That is to say, one's own body. If the so-called body is strong, then it will be no problem at all to withstand these weak forces, just like scratching an itch. But if the body cannot bear it, I am afraid that my meridians will also be damaged, and even the mental power will be weakened a lot...

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