When Huo Liu stepped out of the main hall door, he felt like smoke was suddenly rising all around him. The murderous aura coming from all directions made Huo Liu instantly fall into the trap of the formation.

The rolling murderous aura coming from the ground was extinguished towards Huo Liu.


Huo Liu's Tongmingxuan Heart Fire wrapped around his body, blocking this chilling aura.

But the next moment, a fierce roaring sound suddenly broke into his ears, as if the roaring seawater was suddenly poured into his mouth, and Huo Liu seemed to be suffocated.

At this moment, a hand directly brought Huo Liu out and fished it out from the endless sea water. Huo Liu was also panting. At that moment, he seemed to have experienced the most terrifying nightmare. generally.

"Ahem, damn..."

Huo Liu's breath was weak and he returned to the main hall.

But Chen Xuan stood at the door with his hands behind his hands, frowning as he looked at the empty space.

Although it seems calm, the enemy has already set up a formation.

With his own cultivation, he could actually set up a formation at this moment. Chen Xuan became curious about Lai Rao's strength.

"This is the rhythm formation."

Wei Ruoxue walked up, Chen Xuan was slightly surprised, and Wei Ruoxue also bowed slightly.

"I have read a music book before, and it describes the existence of this music formation. This scene is exactly the same as the one in the book."

Wei Ruoxue is not called the most beautiful woman in the empire randomly.

And Wei Ruoxue is talented in this aspect of music. Not only that, she can also be proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Although she doesn't know how to cultivate, Wei Ruoxue's accomplishments in calligraphy and painting can almost reach the point of attracting people.

Became a great artist.

But here with Chen Xuan, Wei Ruoxue hid all these, knowing that these levels of hers were not worth mentioning in front of Chen Xuan, but at this moment she saw that Chen Xuan seemed to be confused, and she couldn't help but say.

"Hey, sister Ruoxue, why are you here!"

The owner of the voice suddenly heard a sound of surprise, and then a figure appeared in front of the door. Upon seeing this, Chen Xuan locked the latter instantly with his murderous intent.

"How dare you take action against my sister!"

Ada's figure rushed out from the side of Huang Mengjing, and the long knife in his hand was pulled out with a clang. The aura of the fourth-level king level was released instantly, but Chen Xuan remained on the same spot, without moving at all. , as if it were a statue.

Seeing this scene, a flash of light flashed in Ada's eyes.

"Ada, you are such a disgrace. You are already at the emperor level. How can you be afraid of you, a mere fourth-grade king level?"

Huang Mengjing couldn't help but push Ada away from her.

Although this Ada is dull, when facing a strong enemy, he never hesitates to stand in front of Huang Mengjing. However, the effect is not very good, and the opponent may kill you easily. Well, what's your role here? ,

"Ah, emperor level...even if you are an emperor level, don't hurt my sister!"

Ada yelled.

Imperial realm!

Huang Mengjing seemed to be casual, but it shocked the others. They all looked at Chen Xuan beside them in surprise. They only knew that Master Chen Xuan was very powerful, but they didn't know that Master Chen Xuan's cultivation had already Reaching the imperial level is really terrifying.

Master Chen Xuan’s true strength turned out to be at the imperial level.

And Chen Xuan was also very surprised at how the girl in front of him discovered her own strength. ,

But it seemed that he was related to Wei Ruoxue.

Moreover, there is no origin.

"Sister Mengjing."

When she saw Huang Mengjing, Wei Ruoxue was also quite surprised. She didn't expect that this uninvited guest turned out to be Huang Mengjing and Mengjing's sister whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"What a coincidence. We said goodbye to each other at that poetry and calligraphy conference back then, but it has been five years, and now Sister Ruoxue is quite generous. So this must be her brother-in-law, even though she has an imperial level of cultivation. It's so so, but it's just barely enough. As long as you treat my Ruoxue well, I'll consider you a pass."

Huang Mengjing waved her hand generously.

Ah Da on the side was also dumbfounded. What was going on? He just rushed in and killed everyone in sight. Why did the situation change when he came in? One was his sister and the other was his future brother-in-law. This situation had already changed the upright Ah Da. Da was stunned.

"That's not the case, Sister Mengjing, this is Master Chen Xuan, my savior."

Wei Ruoxue's face turned red with embarrassment from Huang Mengjing.

He couldn't help but stamp his feet, and then gave Chen Xuan an apologetic look.

"Who are you?"

Chen Xuan asked directly.

The origin of the other party seems to be extraordinary, and he has a lot of abilities. Even with his god-level knowledge in his previous life, he has never seen this musical formation.

"She is Sister Mengjing, the third daughter of Duke Hongshan, and the image ambassador of our Qifeng Empire."

Wei Ruoxue said quickly, Wei Ruoxue also knew Huang Mengjing's character. If she had a disagreement, she might start fighting with someone directly. No one could stop her fiery temper, and Master Chen Xuan was even more arrogant, with his eyes How can a profound person care about these secular etiquette,

"Oh, since he is your friend, then forget it."

Chen Xuan waved his hand casually, implying that he planned to let Huang Mengjing go.

But these words did not sound so polite to Huang Mengjing.

"Oh, this brother-in-law seems quite arrogant. To be honest, the purpose of my dad coming here this time is to test your strength. Since you are my brother-in-law, then I will test your strength myself. Things are getting better.”

Huang Mengjing lifted up her sleeves.

Ah Da immediately stood in front of him.

"Sister, I won't let anyone hurt you."

"You give me a start. With your skills, people will kill you like cutting vegetables!"

Huang Mengjing took out a flute from her waist, put it under her lips and started to play. Suddenly, there was a feeling like waves of sea water in the whole room, as if sweeping from far away. Thousands of huge waves are coming,

Under Chen Xuan's feet, there was only a piece of rock with his head exposed.

"Psychedelic formation?"

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and the spiritual power of the emperor level was immediately released, and he quickly used his own mental power to build a flame burning array on the sea surface.

"Level 3 formation, you are a level 3 formation master!"

Although Huang Mengjing knew that Chen Xuan had extraordinary abilities, she never thought that Chen Xuan was actually a third-level formation mage.

After Chen Xuan's mental power broke through the imperial realm.

The formation cultivation level has also reached the third level and can successfully display the third level formation.

And a big difference between this third-level formation and the second-level formation is that the formation master can complete the formation in just one thought! Infinite power.


Under the flames, the sea water roared and turned into nothingness in an instant.

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