Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1741 Methods of cultivating the body (1)

After about a while, Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to be completely calm. The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan at this time, and he felt that it was indeed possible to discuss this method of physical training with Chen Xuan.

But this cultivation method didn't seem to be of any use, so the old man in white robe asked Chen Xuan to rest early, knowing that he would naturally make arrangements. But after Chen Xuan heard this sentence, he became even more panicked.

Because Chen Xuan thought of the time when he was cultivating the state of mind before, it seemed that the old man in white robe was like this with Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan also had a good night's rest. Of course, the reason for this good night's rest was Helan Yu'er.

But Chen Xuan does miss Helan Yu'er now. This girl even lent him tens of thousands of gold coins. But Chen Xuan didn't know why. It seemed that he missed Helan Yu'er because of those tens of thousands of gold coins.

It seems that because of the change of time, there is a fixed time every night when Chen Xuan misses Helan Yu'er. And Helan Yu'er's figure seems to be completely indelible in Chen Xuan's mind. But Chen Xuan didn't know why. It seemed that it was difficult for Chen Xuan to suppress this emotion.

But Chen Xuan didn't think this was a bad thing. Instead, Chen Xuan felt that this was actually a very beautiful thing. Because when Chen Xuan missed Helan Yuer, he seemed to become very happy. It seemed that everything he and Helan Yuer did was very sweet. Even before, Helan Yuer was with Chen Xuan. When he was a waste, he looked at Chen Xuan as if Chen Xuan didn't look so annoying now.

Chen Xuan didn't know what was wrong with him, but Chen Xuan knew that he must have different feelings for Helan Yu'er than others. But as for what kind of relationship this is, is it friendship?

Chen Xuan himself didn't know.

At this time, the old man in white robe was not asleep but was listening to Chen Xuan's words and psychological monologue in the blueprint in Chen Xuan's mind. I kept laughing secretly, from secretly laughing to secretly laughing wildly.

The old man in white robe thought that this apprentice was really interesting, but the old man in white robe felt that if Chen Xuan and Helan Yu'er were together, it would be a great opportunity for Chen Xuan.

Because Chen Xuan himself didn't know it, but the old man in white robe knew that Helan Yu'er's identity was very terrifying. Although the family behind Helan Yu'er is not the opponent of the old man in white robe, the old man in white robe knows that it is definitely not inferior to the Snow Mountain Sect, it is even a sect that is no less than the top two among the five peak sects. .

As for Chen Xuan's current strength, he still needs to look up to the existence of such a sect. I really don't know if Chen Xuan's talent will be valued in the Helan family, but Helan Yu'er's status in the Helan family is so high.

If Helan Yuer and Chen Xuan get together, whether the family will agree to it depends on Chen Xuan himself. But this was the Chen Xuan of the past, and the current Chen Xuan had his training. What does the Helan family’s approval mean?

Even if it takes another ten or twenty years, it is not impossible for the Helan family to be overthrown! After all, Chen Xuan's world should not be just this Daoxin Continent, but several worlds parallel to Daoxin Continent, and finally a higher world.

The old man in white robe's eyes, which had always been calm, narrowed slightly. Anyone who is familiar with the old man in white robe must know that they must not provoke him at this time.

This is the time when the old man in white robe is the most ruthless. If you accidentally see him, you must stay away. However, Chen Xuan still didn't see the expression of the old man in white robe.

Because Chen Xuan knew that Ming would not feel good. As for why, Chen Xuan thought it was just his consciousness. What Ming wants to see is a more tyrannical cultivation method, but how much can his body withstand it?

Chen Xuan himself probably didn't know, but Chen Xuan knew that although the method used by the old man in white robe was very harsh, Chen Xuan knew that it would not harm Chen Xuan's foundation, that is, Chen Xuan's foundation.

Other than that, Chen Xuan really had nothing to worry about. Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan understood that the road to cultivation should be so difficult and difficult.

And since he wants to become the most powerful, he will definitely face more cruel things in the future, so these cruelties now are just the beginning for Chen Xuanlai.

However, when Chen Xuan fell asleep, he was still thinking of Helan Yu'er. Because Chen Xuan found that after these days of being so tired and having such tight nerves, he seemed to be able to fall asleep only when he was thinking about Helan Yu'er.

Although Chen Xuan didn't know why.

At this time, the night is very clean, it is so dark that you can't see anything, but when you look at it calmly, it seems that there is also a kind of white. It was white floating under the black night, and the white seemed to be a kind of mist, or the water vapor after it had just rained. The night was extremely quiet, with no sound of insects or birds.

It seemed that even the sound of dew dripping could be faintly heard at this time. It had just rained in the sky, but it had stopped now, and the water vapor and dark clouds seemed to be moving slowly.

Slowly, the bright moonlight was revealed, and the low moonlight liked to shine through the girl's window, and the daughter was thinking about something at this time.

Helan Yu'er looked at the bright moonlight coming through, but she was thinking of him in her heart. It seems that I haven't seen Chen Xuan for a long time. How long has it been?

Helan Yuer seemed to be unable to understand it, even though she had remembered it for a long time. He didn't know why Chen Xuan didn't come to see him in Beppu. He also went to Chen Xuan's Beppu several times, but he found that Chen Xuan didn't seem to be there!

Could it be that Chen Xuan was hiding from him? Helan Yu'er thought to herself, could it be that Chen Xuan was hiding because he owed her money? Helan Yu'er had an idea that even she herself doubted...

As long as Chen Xuan comes to see her a few times a month, she can make as much money as Chen Xuan every month, or even more. But when this thought occurred, Helan Yu'er was also shocked. When did she care about Chen Xuan so much.

And it seems that Chen Xuan's other residence... Chen Xuan seems to have never come back, because these days Helan Yu'er almost ran to Chen Xuan's other residence, but every time Helan Yu'er was greeted by only That old butler.

And what the old housekeeper said most to Helan Yu'er every time was, "The young master has gone out, I don't know when he will come back! I don't know where the young master has gone! It seems I don't know when the young master will leave!"

Helan Yu'er could only return disappointed every time, but what Helan Yu'er didn't want to admit was that she seemed to be able to concentrate on everything except when she was practicing.

Other times, she only thinks about Chen Xuan. Helan Yu'er herself doesn't know why she misses Chen Xuan so much. When did Chen Xuan become so important to him.

In fact, Chen Xuan has almost no sense of presence in the Chen family, because Chen Xuan has disappeared so much. Except for the old housekeeper and Helan Yuer and Helan Yuer's personal maid, no one in the Chen family seems to have mentioned the name Chen Xuan.

As for the reason... Although Chen Xuan was just beginning to show his talent in the Taoist Mental Power Test, he also offended the patriarch Chen Hong and the future patriarch Chen Lin to death.

If he had a good relationship with Chen Xuan, it would mean that he would offend Chen Hong and Chen Lin to death, and then he would really have no place in the Chen family. It's no use asking anyone to cry!

But Helan Yu'er was thinking about Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's eyes, Chen Xuan's figure, and Chen Xuan's steps. Slowly, Helan Yu'er found that her heart seemed to be at peace, a kind of contented peace.

It's like a fish that was thrown into the desert a long time ago, and then thrown back into the pond, and then lived in the pond for the rest of its life. Helan Yuer found that she seemed to be that fish.

The more Helan Yu'er thought about it, the calmer her heart became and the quieter her mind became. Helan Yu'er's eyes slowly closed. Only her eyelashes were still trembling, but Helan Yu'er could still feel it. arrive.

After Helan Yu'er felt the autumn rain outside, the scenery outside became extremely soft, and the boring autumn rain finally stopped falling. Helan Yu'er also peacefully entered her dream.

Of course, Chen Xuan had already entered a dream at this time, although this time he dreamed of Helan Yu'er again. Helan Yu'er also dreamed of Chen Xuan in her dream, but the two dreams were different, but the two dreams seemed to be the same.

But what is very sad for Chen Xuan is that it may not be fully lit yet. The autumn rain was pattering outside the window again, and Chen Xuan was woken up by the damn voice in his head.

However, Chen Xuan felt very fortunate that this time Chen Xuan was not dragged to the top of the mountain. After being woken up, Chen Xuan knew that his good days were probably coming to an end.

What was waiting for him next was the devil's training behind the mean smile of the old man in white robe. But Chen Xuan was not afraid, and Chen Xuan's heart was extremely calm at this time.

There is no surprise, no expectation, no fear. It seems that there is nothing but a beating heart, but this is the best state for cultivators.

Only if the cultivator himself does not think of himself as a flesh-and-blood existence in the first place, can the effect of cultivation be greater. When the cultivator's mind and body become the same as objects in nature, then they will naturally merge with the earth. , then the cultivation effect will be the best!

However, the old man in white robe did not let Chen Xuan practice immediately. Instead, he took Chen Xuan to the dining table in the guest room and asked Chen Xuan to order breakfast...

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