Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1744 Methods of cultivating the body (4)

Chen Xuan's expression when he looked at the old man in white robe was still so indifferent, and he was still so unfazed at the moment when he took out the Jing Ming Powder. Although Chen Xuan knew that the old man in white robe and he were not in the same world, Chen Xuan couldn't help but secretly find it incredible that the old man in white robe was in such a state of mind. Moreover, Chen Xuan also has the hidden blessing of frustration.

However, although Chen Xuan would feel frustrated, it would only be fleeting. Because Chen Xuan knew that although the old man in white robe came into contact with the same world as himself, the two worlds were fundamentally different.

Chen Xuan wants to become stronger, because Chen Xuan knows that Chen Xuan's destiny seems to be controlled by these powerful people who seem to be in the same world as him, but Chen Xuan's heart is extremely calm.

Because Chen Xuan knows that becoming stronger is also a desire, and this world is different from the world of Yu. If you want to become stronger in the Taoist world, then you must learn to calm your heart.

Now that Chen Nausea wants to become stronger, he must become desireless. Although it is impossible to truly be pure and devoid of desires, he must also ensure that these desires do not affect his state of mind.

The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan's current appearance and secretly praised him in his heart. It is indeed good. The method of cultivating one's own state of mind is still very useful for Chen Xuan, because Chen Xuan seems to be getting better and better at controlling his own state of mind with his help.

However, the white-robed old man felt that for cultivators, especially for practitioners of Taoist power, the most important thing is not to improve their Taoist cultivation.

But the most important thing is to calm down your mind first and truly meet the requirements of the Taoist heart. But this is something that too many practitioners today are unable to do.

Regarding this point, the old man in white robe often still despises it and is very contemptuous. Therefore, the white-robed old man would not allow his only direct disciple to do the same.

However, what Chen Xuan has obviously achieved now has exceeded the expectations of the old man in white robe. I really don't know what level Chen Xuan can reach when he is cultivating his body.

However, the white-robed old man knew in his heart that cultivating the body was far more difficult than cultivating the Taoist mind. The old man in white robe also knew this very well. What's even more perverted is that the old man in white robe wants to use Jingming Powder on Chen Xuan, because the old man in white robe knows that time seems to be life to Chen Xuan now.

If you can improve a little more before entering the Forest of Secrets and learn the Elimination Palm, you will have more security after entering the Forest of Secrets. But Chen Xuan knew that the most important thing for Chen Xuan now was to get through the current hurdle of the white-robed old man.

The old man in white robe smiled mischievously again, but this time there was nothing on his face except a smile. Because the old man in white robe knew that Chen Xuan would take the Jingming Powder obediently according to his words.

Because the old man in white robe believed that he had seen the right person, but this time, the old man in white robe had a slight smile on his face. But in his eyes, Chen Xuan could see that there was a hint of chill in the smile.

Chen Xuan didn't know much, so he raised his smart powder and took a look. Chen Xuan had just touched the bottle of Purple Immortal Stone, and a refreshing chill spread towards Chen Xuan's chest.

Chen Xuan felt that his heart and lungs felt much refreshed instantly, but Chen Xuan's face was still as indifferent as ever, and his eyes were still as deep as ever. It seemed that no one could see the look of surprise buried deep in his eyes.

This is how Chen Xuan controls his state of mind now. Even Chen Xuan himself did not realize that his state of mind has now reached such a powerful level with just one sword strike.

This is the Purple Immortal Stone that the mainland, Daoxin Continent, will flock to! This is the Purple Immortal Stone that practitioners from all sects will fight for! No matter what your status is on the mainland, and no matter what kind of tyrannical status you have, you cannot resist the benefits brought by the Purple Immortal Stone.

This was like an ultimate temptation for Rao, so extreme that no one could resist him. But Chen Xuan's current strength is still so weak. Compared with anyone who can compete for the Purple Immortal Stone, Chen Xuan seems as insignificant as an ant.

But Chen Xuan did not lose his state of mind because of the purple fairy stone. On the contrary, Chen Xuan's calmness was beyond the expectations of the old man in white robe. The only explanation is that Chen Xuan's state of mind has indeed been mastered to the point of perfection.

It couldn't compare to Chen Xuan's panting mood, but he felt like letting the old man in white robe put Chen Xuan to the test. The old man in white robe glanced at Chen Xuan, and the half-smiling expression on his face became more intense, as if the old man in white robe had set some kind of trap and was waiting for Chen Xuan to jump into it.

The old man in white robe's eyes seem to be more indifferent than before, but those who are familiar with the old man in white robe know that the old man in white robe's breathless expression can better indicate that the old man in white robe really has plans for you at this time. .

Chen Xuan seemed to be one of the people who happened to be familiar with the old man in white robe. Of course, there were only a few such people. In fact, Chen Xuan was treated with cruel training methods by the old man in white robe every time, but Chen Xuan seemed to see the indifferent expression of the old man in white robe every time, and the old man in white robe was honing the five-month juice of Chen Xuan's state of mind. …

It seemed that in those five months, Chen Xuan had seen the old man in white robe when he was the most indifferent, but Chen Xuan knew... This also meant that the storm was coming, but although Chen Xuan had some fear in his heart at this time, Chen Xuan's The expression on his face was still that indifferent. Although this indifference does not feel like the old man in white robe to Shi Rao.

It seems that I can see through everything, and I don't care about everything at all. I feel like I am in control of everything. But Chen Xuan's indifferent expression was absolutely calm, as if nothing could affect Chen Xuan's state of mind.

However, the more Chen Xuan acted like this, the more intense the white-robed old man became about Chen Xuan's test. Chen Xuan looked at the Purple Immortal Stone carefully, but Chen Xuan seemed to suddenly feel that the Purple Immortal Stone had a magical power.

It was so cool and refreshing just now, but now it was as scary as if Chen Xuan was holding a ball of fire in his hand. Chen Xuan himself didn't even notice that his hand seemed to be unable to break away from the medicine bottle refined from the Purple Immortal Stone.

At this time, Chen Xuan just raised his head and looked at the old man in white robe. Looking at the old man in white robe, his face was still indifferent, and there was still a vague smile on the corner of his mouth. He was also staring at Chen Xuan intently. Chen Xuan didn't have much, and even the expression on the reservoir selection did not show any change. It was as if Chen Xuan was holding the medicine bottle refined from the Purple Immortal Stone as if nothing had happened at this time. .

But Chen Xuan, who only knew it a few times, knew that the current temperature of the medicine bottle refined from the Purple Immortal Stone had reached such a terrifying level. However, Chen Xuan seemed to find that the high temperature was spreading through his internal organs like poisonous gas.

And that burning dizziness took root in Chen Xuanji's body like poisonous weeds, and then multiplied rapidly. Even Chen Xuan himself felt that this purple fairy stone was too incredible.

Why did this thing that could have brought immortality be like this, causing those people to lose their lives? Isn’t the Purple Immortal Stone a fairy? Aren’t the functions of immortals eternal? Chen Xuan was also very curious about this.

But it didn't take long for Chen Xuan to be attacked by the dizziness caused by the high temperature. Chen Xuan felt that his brain was in chaos, and there seemed to be something very wrong with the ground at this time.

It seems that the ground is above, and it seems to be on the ground at this time, and all the scenery, even the warm sun seems to have become hot. Chen Xuan felt that the whole world had become crazy.

However, Chen Xuan still looked indifferent, but there seemed to be the slightest hint of pain underneath Chen Xuan's indifferent face. This was expected by the old man Baipo'ao, but Chen Xuan knew that his current physique should have reached its limit. Chen Xuan felt that since he began to have hallucinations, he was afraid that his body had reached its limit.

After that, I am afraid that my body will also develop a self-protection mechanism and I will start to feel dizzy. But before this dizziness, it was extremely painful for Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuanruci was in pain and didn't even frown. If someone didn't know, they would think that Chen Xuan was closing his eyes to rest his mind or falling asleep at this time.

This made the white-robed old man very surprised, because for Chen Xuan, this kind of pain was undoubtedly the extreme level of pain that Chen Xuan could bear. If it were applied even a little bit, it would cause indelible damage to Chen Xuan's body. But for Chen Xuan, no matter how much pain he inflicts, it seems that it is nothing more than that.

Because for practitioners, there is a certain degree of numbness to pain. Once the pain reaches the extreme, if you attack the person later and inflict pain on him, then the practitioner will not feel the pain.

But before this numbness, this cultivator must have experienced the most painful stage, which was Chen Xuan at this time. However, Chen Xuan didn't stay like this for long. After a while, Chen Xuan felt that he couldn't see anything clearly and fainted. But for Chen Xuan at this time, the test of Chen Xuan by the old man in white robe has just begun...

The old man in white robe also smiled slightly at this time and closed his eyes, as if he was falling asleep, but in fact he was not. The old man in white robe is dreaming for Chen Xuan...and this can be regarded as a test for Chen Xuan by the old man in white robe!

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