At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to become even sharper. And Chen Xuan knew in his heart the test he had to face at this time. But after Jiang Xia helped him pass the test, the cheap master behind him would give him a good benefit. So what will you get? Presumably the things you can get are pretty good too.

Chen Xuan thought for a while and looked at Jiang Xia with even more intense eyes. Since you want to become a strong person, you must do what others dare not do in order to become a strong person.

Chen Xuan has really changed a lot in the past twenty years. Jiang Xia dares to pat his chest now. There is absolutely no evil boy in the martial arts continent who can be like Chen Xuan, with Chen Xuan's mind. Even the disciples of those big shots can't compare to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's current strength is that it is easy to become the disciple of any powerful sect. However, Jiang Xia thought that there was no need for Chen Xuan, because Chen Xuan's current master should have surpassed all the strong men in the martial arts continent.

However, the challenge Chen Xuan faced was also an existence that was completely beyond the martial arts continent, because Jiang Xia had been to Ziluo Mountain. He even felt how terrifying Ziluo Mountain was, but Jiang Xia just wanted to send Chen Xuan to a place without demonic energy this time, and then let Chen Xuan go alone.

Jiang Xia will be waiting for Chen Xuan on the other side of Ziluo Mountain. However, although Jiang Xia thinks Chen Xuan is extraordinary, Jiang Xia is not sure whether Chen Xuan can come out of Ziluo Mountain alive.

"Son, are you ready? Then let's go with me. Ziluo Mountain Cluster, I only want to use two words to describe it, it is extremely dangerous!" Jiang Xia's words had a hint of solemnity. Chen Xuan could hear Jiang Xia's words. There was a hint of heaviness in his voice, which seemed to be a tone that the usually free and easy Jiang Xia would not have. But Chen Xuan just smiled, it was nothing.

Then he and Jiang Xia headed towards Ziluo Mountain. Chen Xuan was finally leaving the place that had bound him for twenty years. Chen Xuan came to the entrance of the cave and found that what had just been bright was replaced by dark clouds.

Chen Xuan felt that the temperature around him seemed to be dropping continuously. Chen Xuan felt the cold breath and danger at the same time. The clusters of blue mountains are really unpredictable! Chen Xuan also muttered, and although Jiang Xia's expression remained normal, her heart was inextricably shocked.

Chen Xuan is only twenty-six years old at this time, and he does not know any martial arts or martial arts. The only thing Chen Xuan knows now is to escape for his life, but Chen Xuan's current heart is definitely no better than those who have practiced martial arts for many years. Bad guy.

Why is this?

This is the benefit of Chen Xuan's hard training in the past twenty years. But this is practicing with your own life. Failure is death! Jiang Xia felt that the cheap master behind Chen Xuan had taken a big gamble on Chen Xuan this time.

But Chen Xuan's current character proves that the mysterious master behind Chen Xuan won the bet. However, this mysterious master is really brave enough. He just won the bet and then placed his bet on a bigger bet. This person's character must also be very strong, so strong that Jiang Xia can only look up to him.

Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia once again soared to the top of the clouds, and Chen Xuan proudly overlooked the blue mountain range. In fact, although the Blue Mountains are mountains, they still have mountainous areas dominated by jungles.

Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia felt that the temperature around them was getting colder, as if Chen Xuan felt that his heartbeat was constantly accelerating. But Chen Xuan's state of mind was calm. Chen Xuan knew that this was his instinctive reaction when he encountered a life-or-death situation, but his heart rate was an instinctive reaction, and his state of mind was something that Chen Xuan could control.

Chen Xuan understood that this should be a situation where the earth's energy was extremely strong. Originally, when Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia left the Youlan Mountains, the earth's energy was extremely strong, because Chen Xuan found that when he left the Youlan Mountains, the sun and the moon were alternating. when. To be precise, it is when two hours of daylight and ten hours of night alternate with each other. Whenever they alternate, Chen Xuan will find that the aura of the place at that time is extremely weak.

The aura of the earth is extremely weak, that is, the aura of the earth is weak but the aura of the earth is strong. This is when monsters and ferocious beasts are prevalent, but adventurers will not act at this time. Because the adventurers have long been familiar with the rules of the Blue Mountains, they will control their activities to two hours. However, Chen Xuan knew that this was an extremely contradictory disadvantage for his weak self.

Because Chen Xuan's probability of encountering monsters and ferocious beasts changes during the day when his Qi is extremely strong, but the probability of encountering adventurers increases. There is no adventurer who enters the Blue Mountains who is not a vicious person with blood on his hands, and such adventurers do not regard life as life at all and only seek profit.

However, Chen Xuan used his divination skills and his incredible luck to avoid this time and time again. But what Chen Xuan has to face next is Ziluo Mountain. Chen Xuan didn't know enough about Ziluo Mountain, but Chen Xuan knew that after crossing Ziluo Mountain, he could leave this world.

What kind of world will you go to? Chen Xuan actually missed Chen Da very much in the past twenty years, but he didn't always think about it. He just sometimes thought that when he felt that he was relatively safe, he would see Chen Da when he closed his eyes.

This feeling is the same as Chen Xuan's dream when he was three years old. But Chen Xuan knew that this was not an external force, because it was his own heart. It seems that he still can't give up his feelings. Even though his mood has become so strong, Chen Xuan still thinks of Chen Da uncontrollably.

Chen Xuan felt that this was definitely not an advantage for him, and would even become his Achilles' heel when faced with danger. Chen Xuan doesn't want to have such a fatal weakness, what should he do?

Jiang Xia glanced at Chen Xuan. He saw the calmness on Chen Xuan's face, but there was still a trace of embarrassment hidden under the calmness. Although it's just a trace, according to Chen Xuan's current state of mind, Chen Xuan has long been accustomed to hiding what he's thinking in his heart very well.

But now Chen Xuan still makes him see a hint of embarrassment, which means that Chen Xuan is very embarrassed now. Jiang Xia thought for a moment, it should be because Chen is older.

After all, Chen Xuan followed Jiang Xia to the Youlan Mountains when he was six years old. For a six-year-old boy to leave his only father's side, this would be unbearable for anyone.

As long as Chen Xuan still has feelings, this will definitely become Chen Xuan's fatal weakness. But what can be done about that? The opposite of emotion is reason. Since Chen Xuan cannot control this emotion, then this emotion must not exist. Chen Xuan can only restrain him...

How to restrain yourself?

Jiang Xia thought deeply for a while, and then came up with a clever idea. He decided that since Chen Xuan had feelings, why not use these feelings to restrain Chen Xuan's current uncontrollable feelings?

"Son...don't blame me for not warning you! Do you know what kind of person the master behind you is? He is a truly strong man!"

When Jiang Xia arrived here, she bit the word "real" very hard. Chen Xuan didn't know why, but Jiang Xia didn't look like he was smiling. What did Jiang Xia want?

Chen Xuan naturally knew that the master behind him was a real strong man, but why did Jiang Xia suddenly bring up this matter?

"A real strong person does not allow the existence of a trace of emotion. But I think you are still affected by Chen Da's matter, right?"

Jiang Xia stared at Chen Xuan with her deep eyes, and Chen Xuan felt as if his soul was being seen through. But Chen Xuan's face was still as calm as ever, and his eyes were very deep. It was so profound that when she and Jiang Xia looked at each other, Jiang Xia just felt that there were two black holes, as if if she took one more look, Jiang Xia's whole body would be sucked into Chen Xuan's pupils.

But after that, Chen Xuan still nodded. Then he looked away. Jiang Xia instantly felt cold sweat dripping down his back. Because Chen Xuan knew that Jiang Xia wanted to persuade him, since he was doing it for his own good, there was no need for him to release this kind of momentum.

Jiang Xia was so shocked that he almost lost his composure in front of Chen Xuan. This is a very terrifying momentum. When Jiang Xia and Chen Xuan looked at each other for just a few years, Jiang Xia seemed to feel like she was being targeted by a thousand-year-old monster. Jiang Xia instantly felt a cold sweat on his back.

"Son...Actually, I don't have any ill intentions. I just want to know that Master is such a powerful being. If I find...that your state of mind has become weak because of an old man from a fishing village, what do you think will be the fate of the old man from the fishing village?" ?”

Jiang Xia only said that. He didn't dare to say anything directly, because Jiang Xia knew that Chen Xuan was too scary. If Chen Xuan really went berserk because of what he said, I wonder if he would be driven crazy by this momentum.

In fact, Jiang Xia knew Chen Xuan's state of mind because he had experienced it in the Youlan Mountains. But Chen Xuan was only twenty-six years old at this time! The state of mind of a twenty-six-year-old can almost drive Jiang Xia, who has lived for more than 100,000 years, to collapse. What kind of horror is this! That is simply a monster, but only such monsters can go to Ziluo Mountain.

Only such a monster has a chance to come back from Ziluo Mountain alive. Jiang Xia began to look forward to Chen Xuan's test in Ziluo Mountain... But he was still very confident in Chen Xuan. Even with the momentum just now, one more Within seconds, Jiang Xia almost wondered if she was going to die. But Jiang Xia knows that he is the Gua God of the Martial Arts Continent, and the Gua God means that he has the strongest mentality in the Martial Arts Continent.

But in front of Chen Xuan, he was still vulnerable...

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