Chen Xuan said goodbye to Jiang Xia and continued walking forward. Chen Xuan saw that the canyons on both sides of Ziluo Mountain had turned completely black. What a terrifying atmosphere this is, and this area seems to be completely covered by a big black cover, which makes people feel chilling.

Chen Xuan glanced at the surrounding environment. Chen Xuan saw the trees around him looking at him with teeth and claws. It seemed as if he was going to be eaten alive, but Chen Xuan didn't pay too much attention. Chen Xuan knew that these trees were too evil.

The humming voice kept ringing in Chen Xuan's ears, and Chen Xuan felt as if he was trapped in a place full of howling ghosts and wolf howls. Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel a chill. In fact, this had nothing to do with Chen Xuan's state of mind, and was an instinctive reaction of his body.

The evil wind swept towards Chen Xuan accompanied by the buzzing sound. Chen Xuan felt as if the evil wind was also helping the evil spirits, and wanted to keep Chen Xuan at the entrance of this canyon.

Chen Xuan calmed down and realized that this seemed to be just the entrance, not even the entrance. Chen Xuan was just a little bit closer to the canyon on both sides in front of the canyon entrance.

In fact, Chen Xuan discovered that Ziluo Mountain is not just one mountain, but two mountains. The center of Ziluo Mountain is actually in the middle of the canyons on both sides. But Chen Xuan found that this was not like an ordinary canyon at all. Chen Xuan looked forward at the entrance of Ziluo Mountain. Chen Xuan felt more that this was like a long corridor with no end in sight.

But Chen Xuan still walked forward without hesitation. So what if there is no end in sight? Chen Xuan felt that this was nothing to him. Even if the road ahead was long, he still needed to move forward step by step.

Chen Xuan slowly pushed forward, although he felt that the evil aura seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Before, what Chen Xuan felt was the constant evil energy outside his body approaching Chen Xuan. But when Chen Xuan arrived at the entrances of the canyons on both sides, Chen Xuan instantly felt as if his entire body was completely occupied by this evil energy.

Chen Xuan felt that there was a breath spreading continuously on his body, and Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to be driven crazy. It was a strong feeling of danger and fear, as if it was the feeling of being targeted by a monster when encountering danger in the Blue Mountains. But Chen Xuan tried his best to tell his heart not to be afraid and afraid. For him, this was just a slightly stronger inner demon. Chen Xuan seemed to completely ignore the strangeness coming from his body and continued to move forward.

At this time, Chen Xuan had already entered the interior of Ziluo Mountain. Chen Xuan also felt that there was indeed a big difference between the canyon of Ziluo Mountain and the outside. Even the Blue Mountains are only superficial compared to the Ziluoshan Canyon. The earth energy here is really too strong. The earth energy is like an accomplice, constantly helping the evil spirits here to grow.

Slowly, the evil spirit here became more and more serious, and then there was no grass growing here, and even birds and animals would avoid this place. Slowly, Chen Xuan seemed to feel that these evil spirits began to take shape, turning into these trees that seemed to have evil life, standing here.

Then the evil energy is released, and these trees will grow thicker and denser, and slowly this place will become their world. But where is the source of this growing evil spirit?

Chen Xuan didn't know that Chen Xuan could only go on like this. Finally, Chen Xuan entered the center of Ziluo. Chen Xuan felt that there was an endless canyon area behind him, because although it was still as dark as ever at this time, Chen Xuan knew that he had been gone for about two days now.

Chen Xuan didn't dare to take any rest during these two days, because Chen Xuan knew that once he rested and relaxed, what awaited him would be the same fate as those who entered Ziluo Mountain before.

That was complete madness, but Chen Xuan's long-term support made Chen Xuan feel a little tired. Because Chen Xuan discovered that once he entered Ziluo Mountain, the evil spirits that attacked him would not attack his flesh and skin...

Instead, he continued to release his violent inner demons, attacking Chen Xuan's heart. Chen Xuan felt that this should be a great test for him. During his days in the Youlan Mountains, he cultivated his Taoist heart. And this Ziluo Mountain does not test anything else but only tests one's Taoist heart.

Chen Xuan became more and more curious about the master behind him, as if all this was arranged for him by the master. After the test in Ziluo Mountain, he must meet the master with great powers behind him.

However, Chen Xuan didn't pay too much attention to this, because Chen Xuan knew that it was best for him to focus on fighting against his inner demons.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he was surrounded by a powerful aura. Chen Xuan could feel that this powerful aura was full of violence. At this time, the color of space also changed, as if the black color completely faded away, and turned into purple. The purple sky made Chen Xuan feel even more evil. At this time, the buzzing in Chen Xuan's ears seemed to have disappeared, and even the evil windy sound that was supporting the unique buzzing of Ziluo Mountain seemed to have stopped.

But Chen Xuan felt that the valley seemed to be getting more and more depressed, and Chen Xuan even felt that his surroundings seemed to be suppressed by this powerful aura. The trees that were still showing their teeth and claws, the grass that seemed to have sucked up Chen Xuan's flesh and bones, seemed to have all been wiped out at this moment.

Chen Xuan knew that this was definitely not a sign of relief, but a sign of a real nightmare. Chen Xuan could almost confirm this. Because Chen Xuan felt that this evil energy seemed to completely surround him...

Is there a master behind this Ziluo Mountain? Chen Xuan thought in his mind, and at this moment, a deafening sound sounded in Chen Xuan's ears, as if it could directly burst Chen Xuan's eardrums.

"Son! You are the second person in the past tens of millions of years who dared to enter the heart of Ziluo Mountain. In the past tens of millions of years, countless great masters in the cultivation world have wanted to break into Ziluo Mountain and obtain the Purple Immortal Stone and the King of Purple Immortal Stone. !”

"But they are so crazy that they will die to death. Even so, no one has ever come here. This is the center of Ziluo Mountain, which is where you think the evil is the strongest. But... this place is... It won't be open at any time, this place will only appear this year! No one will find this place before! Son, are you lucky and destined to die, or are you unlucky and looking for death? "

Chen Xuan was also very confused when he heard these two completely opposite words. But Chen Xuan just frowned, nothing happened. Chen Xuan knew that this was just a test for him, and all he could do was to survive the test alive.

Chen Xuan was speechless, which surprised the owner of the voice.

"That's right, there is still some distraction. It's just that my test is not that simple. If you can't pass it, you will be like those people. You will either go crazy and kill yourself, or you will become a demon and kill the world first. Kill yourself again!"

These words made Chen Xuan feel this chilling horror. He first committed suicide and then killed others. What a terrible end. But when the owner of this voice got up, it was so easy and convenient, as if he was eating and drinking.

But Chen Xuan's state of mind is not so easily frightened by these. Since the owner of this voice controls Ziluo Mountain, he, as an outsider, naturally has no right not to.

"It's up to you! Chen Xuan's words were also very light, as if he couldn't pass the test and the person who died would not be him. But Chen Xuan's state of mind made the owner of the voice appreciate Chen Xuan even more.

Yes, he is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and his mood is as calm as Ci Ci. He looks like the master chosen for the King of Purple Immortal Stone, and more like a candidate for the emperor...

However, the owner of the King of Purple Immortal Stone did not play the role of a good emperor last time, but he cannot be blamed. It is really the reason why the Tao is confused and the demon is eliminated. However, the demon has been growing for such a long time, and it is time for the Tao to disappear.

In fact, the year Chen Xuan arrived was the year when it was possible to escape from Ziluo Mountain alive, because the central area of ​​Ziluo Mountain was only opened once every thousand years.

Like the cultivators who came here before, if the time has not come, they will definitely die and there will be no way to survive. Perhaps the state of mind of those cultivators who became demons was enough to support them in coming to the center, but the center had not yet appeared at that time. It was like they had entered the mouth of a bag, with no way out, so they had only one way out, and that was death.

Should Chen Xuan be glad that he came at the right time? Otherwise, he will have no choice but to die without a burial place? However, Chen Xuan discovered that all of this was actually under the control of the mysterious man behind him. That is, his cheap master. Chen Xuan began to admire his cheap master more and more. He definitely looks like an expert!

Although Chen Xuan thought so in his heart, his face was completely silent, without any disturbance. When the owner of this voice saw how calm Chen Xuan was, his evaluation of Chen Xuan was a little higher. It was quiet for about a long time. This was the most relaxing but also heaviest time for Chen Xuan to come to Ziluo Mountain. The owner of the voice and Chen Xuan were both extremely quiet. The owner of the voice seemed to have blocked the evil spirits away from Chen Xuan. He wanted to let Chen Xuan take a rest.

Chen Xuan naturally appreciated it, and just looked at the thick evil spirit outside without saying a word, letting his heart return to absolute peace... The owner of the voice seemed to disappear after those words, and Never appeared in Chen Xuan's ears or in front of him...

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