When the man in black saw Chen Xuan's sneer, it was as terrifying as seeing a devil grinning. Their hearts trembled again. Chen Xuan's cyan flame did not seem to be in the palm of his hand at all. Instead, the temperature of the flame became hotter and hotter.

Seeing that the negotiation failed, the man in black had no choice but to fight, but Chen Xuan turned San'er into dust in the air in just a moment. It must be very extraordinary, and the flame in Chen Xuan's palm is green fire!

"I don't know...who is the master behind you, maybe he still has friendship with Mr. Luo Yi!" The man in black didn't want Luo Zhen, an idiot like him, to die, and he didn't want to offend a Talisman Maker.

Because the price of offending a Talisman Master in the cultivation world is offending a powerful faction, which means provoking a lot of cultivators. This is a big trouble for any cultivator. It's not because the man in black thinks he can't do anything to the guy in front of him.

The two men in black are both dead soldiers of Luofu, and they are both people who have come out of blood and killing. Who is this young man under thirty years old in front of me? But what about the master behind this rough guy? So it's best to resolve it peacefully!

Chen Xuan smiled coldly and glanced at the two men in black with his cold eyes. Just occasionally glancing at Luo Zhen out of the corner of his eye, Luo Zhen was naturally so frightened that his heart almost burst. It's just that the two men in black put away their flattering expressions and regained a bit of their original appearance as iron-blooded negotiators.

"My master, you are not qualified to know!" Chen Xuan's tone was still so cold, as if even the scorching volcano sun could not melt the murderous intent in his tone.

"Hmph! Don't toast me and I'll be fined if you don't eat!"

"Your master is good at everything but he can't teach you how to be a good person! If you really stay here, you will be just a remnant of the Chen family. Do you think we will have anything to fear?"

The man in black knew that the negotiation failed, and his tone became cold and stiff. Chen Xuan had long seen their strength, they were just two fifth-level Taoist masters. Chen Xuan used it to sacrifice the devil in his heart. No matter what they did, in Chen Xuan's heart they must die now!

Chen Xuan's eyes once again filled with fierce murderous intent, and the cyan flame grew larger and larger like a magic ball until it filled Chen Xuan's palm.

At this time, Chen Xuan could no longer restrain the temperature of the ground fire, and the man in black knew that Chen Xuan was about to take action.


A purple light seemed to be blocking Luo Zhen's face like a shield, and the two men in black began to condense ice balls in their hands. When the ice balls began to condense, it was like an iceberg avalanche.


Chen Xuan's green flames suddenly burst out. Just now, Chen Xuan poured all his Taoist power into the fire palm. But the temperature caused the two black-clothed ice balls to explode. In an instant, the Chen Mansion was filled with flying snow, as if from the sky. Autumn turned into harsh winter. But Chen Xuan didn't seem to frown at all. But the man in black was so frightened by this scene that he couldn't breathe.

How is this going?

My iceberg bead was actually cracked by this guy with just one move? How strong is this kid's Taoist power? The two men in black looked at each other, knowing that their young master might have really kicked the iron plate today!


The two dark men scolded Luo Zhen in their hearts at the same time. When Luo Zhen saw this picture, he became even more frightened. Just like the straw I grabbed before dying, it suddenly broke!

Chen Xuan's ice-like face began to have an expression, it was a smile! Luo Zhen and the two men in black recognized him, it was his smile. But none of the three of them want to see this smile now, because San'er died under this smile just now.

Chen Xuan didn't say much, but his ferocious smile became thicker and thicker. Chen Xuan didn't want to suppress it anymore, he wanted to let go of the murderous intention that had been building up for three days. Now all he wanted to see was blood, he just wanted to see bodies. He wants revenge!

"Please... please let us go! We are just Mr. Luo... ah no! It's that beast Luo Yi! He's not the murderer of the Chen family and Sister Yu'er!"

The men in black knelt down and begged for mercy in unison, and now their backs were covered in cold sweat. Although they are used to seeing life, death and killing, when it is their turn, they will definitely die. They will still be very panicked!

Chen Xuan's heart has long been occupied by murderous intent. The fire palm in Chen Xuan's hand is equivalent to the heat of six volcanoes erupting at the same time, making the man in black feel that he will die here soon.

"Let you go? Humph! Have you let Yu'er go? Have you let the Chen family go?"

Chen Xuan's every question was so justified, like a lion king who had fallen into a trap and received support by mistake, howling to vent his inner indignation.

"Has your master, the Snow Mountain Sect, let my family go? Yes, although they all target me, Chen Xuan. They all think that I, Chen Xuan, am a waste, and they all want to drive me, Chen Xuan, out of the Chen family. I can hate them, I You can annoy them, but you won’t allow anyone to hurt them…”

"How dare you let them die! Hmph!"

When Chen Xuan reached the last few words, his whole person almost became distorted. Yes, Chen Xuan can hate them, they can drive Chen Xuan out, and they can scold Chen Xuan, but after all, they are kind to Chen Xuan! After all, they are relatives of this original body! It can be regarded as the person who saved the current Chen Xuan!

But now they are being massacred by the dog-like Snow Mountain Sect, as well as their own Yu'er. They all deserve to die. Anyone related to the Snow Mountain Sect should not exist in this world!

"We...we just..."

The men in black began to roar. They were like trapped animals in a cage, making their last struggle. They wanted to explain that they were just dogs raised by the Snow Mountain Sect's dogs. If it hurts the Chen family, Helan Yuer and Helan Heng.

That simply exalts them! But Chen Xuan didn't give them a chance to explain!

The heat from the Fire Refining Palm, which was like six volcanoes erupting at the same time, swept directly and crazily onto the two men in black. That man in black is just a fifth-level Taoist master! The Taoist skill Iceberg Bead he practiced had just reached the fifth level of mortal level. When Chen Xuan's fire palm was hit, it immediately turned into snow flakes and dissipated in the forest. At the same time, the two men in black were directly obliterated by Chen Xuan's fire palm!

Not even a wailing sound was left, but Chen Xuan felt that they were just pets kept by the dogs raised by the Snow Mountain Sect. There is really no need to spend too much energy, but Naluo Town...

He is looking for death!

"Master, god! Please let me go. If you are willing to let me go, I will give you everything you want!" Luo Zhen realized that the last straw had been pinched at this moment, and he could only beg for mercy in a panic.

But what shocked Luo Zhen was Chen Xuan's ferocious smile. Chen Xuan's ferocious smile seemed even more ferocious. Moreover, Chen Xuan's eyes were completely filled with blood at this time. It's like a pair of completely bloody eyes! In addition, the blood that the old butler spat out when he was poisoned stained Chen Xuan's white robe...

There was also the blood splashed on Chen Xuan's face when he hunted the man in black. Chen Xuan now looked as if he had just been fished out of a pool of blood. The bloody air all over his body made Luo Zhen wonder if this was a terrible nightmare!


Chen Xuan shattered the barrier that the man in black had just set up for Luo Zhen, and a bloody air poured directly into Luo Zhen's nose and throat. Coupled with his own yellow and white stuff, the taste is indeed special enough!


When has a spoiled young master ever seen such a battle? He vomited it immediately, and the smell made Chen Xuan frown slightly. When Luo Zhen saw Chen Xuan directly breaking the barrier, he was so scared that he even begged for mercy. He just opened his mouth wide and said no words.

"Son, it's strange that you showed up when I was in a bad mood. It's strange that the family you have always been proud of is related to the Snow Mountain Sect! But if this is the case, I will give you a decent What a way to die! But you still covet my Yu'er! That's an unforgivable crime!"

Chen Xuan's originally calm tone suddenly turned murderous, and Yu'er was Chen Xuan's irreparable pain. But this guy is still blaspheming Yu'er with his words, that is seeking death!

"Then I will give you an interesting way to die!" The ferocious smile on Chen Xuan's face slowly calmed down and turned into the original sneer. But this sneer was like a knife, cutting into Luo Zhen's heart one after another.

"I...this young master's father is Luo Yi. If anything happens to this young master, he and the Snow Mountain Sect will never let you go!"

"When the time comes, this young master will cut you into pieces and quarter you into pieces!"

"I will cut you up piece by piece and feed it to the dogs!"

Luo Zhen's final struggle turned into desperate insults. But no matter how Luo Zhen scolded him, Chen Xuan's movements seemed to be very methodical. First, Luo Zhen was tied up tightly, but Luo Zhen still wanted to struggle. But after all, Luo Zhen is just an ordinary person, not even an ordinary person. How could he escape from Chen Xuan's hands?

Seeing that the insults and threats were useless, Luo Zhen turned a deaf ear to Chen Xuan, so he could only beg...begging Chen Xuan not to let him die, but nothing worked. After Chen Xuan trapped Luo Zhen vigorously, he found someone from the kitchen. Pile firewood over here.

After the arrangement was completed, Chen Xuan smiled coldly and looked directly at Luo Zhen again with his stern eyes. Then he spoke slowly, "You will definitely beg me to let you die later!"


Chen Xuan used earth fire to light the pile of firewood. He used first-level firepower, which was almost the same as the heat of a volcano erupting. Moreover, Chen Xuan's control was very precise, not even the slightest bit worse than Shanluo Town. It's just that Luo Zhen was slowly roasted by the fire, and the fear on his face became more and more intense...

"That's right! I forgot to tell you! Sooner or later, there will be a Snow Mountain Sect, and I will make everyone who joins that sect regret it!"

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