Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1786 Temporary Demon Hunting Team

The girl in purple's cherry-like mouth opened slightly, and a look of surprise flashed through her dark eyes. But it soon returned to normal. The fat man next to the girl in purple felt jealous when he saw the girl in purple showing such a seductive look, but not towards him.

The look he looked at Chen Xuan was like that of a Liu Mian who had been hungry for a long time. Seeing the state of the beautiful woman, it was full of fierceness! However, the face of the purple-robed boy next to the fat man did not change at all, except that the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Then Master, do you want to join our team?"

The purple-clothed girl's smile was as touching as if she were a descendant of a woman. If Chen Xuan wasn't mentally determined, he would probably go crazy at this moment.

However, Chen Xuan's face was still so kind, and just when he was about to nod in agreement, a foul-smelling tone came over him.

"Son! With your level 5 Taoist strength, aren't you going to the Secret Forest to drag us down?"

Obviously this voice came from the mouth of the fat man next to the girl in purple. Wearing a yellow armor and a big belly, at first glance, he looks like a cook who has been in the kitchen for a long time, full of greasy blessings.

However, this is the Demon Hunter Guild, and the cook cannot enter. This guy must be eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, and he must have such a greasy feeling! Chen Xuan didn't take him to heart, so he thought about what the girl in purple said and nodded slightly to express his agreement.

Chen Xuan's movements seemed to be surrounded by a spring breeze, and the girl in purple looked at Chen Xuan with even more friendly eyes. But at the same time, the purple-robed boy's eyes were like rolling glass balls, constantly spinning in his eyes. Occasionally, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

But the fat man in yellow armor had his dissatisfaction with Chen Xuan written all over his face, staring at Chen Xuan like a wolf staring at a sheep. It's a pity that Chen Xuan is not a sheep, and the fat man is not a wolf in front of Chen Xuan.

"I wonder what your name is?"

The girl in purple also found that the team members she brought had bad eyesight. Then he glared at them with his big black eyes and asked Chen Xuanfa.

"Chen Xuan, please give me some advice!"

The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly, his eyes were full of amiability, and his voice was as gentle as jade. The purple-clothed girl felt as if she was in a sunny March with willows.

"Okay, my name is Ziyi. I come from Qinghu Clan. These are my two senior brothers, one is senior brother Xiashan. Senior Brother Xiashan is the direct disciple of the third elder of Qinghu Clan! Very flirty!"

When Ziyi introduced Xiashan, there was a little more reverence in his tone. Naturally, Chen Xuan couldn't lose his etiquette because of Xia Shan's look at him just now. The newly arrived Chen Xuan was still unwilling to break through this layer of window paper.

"Hello, Brother Chen Xuan!"

Xia Shan's voice was very enthusiastic. If Chen Xuan hadn't seen the fierce light in his eyes just now, he would have been blinded by this voice. What a person who is good at pretending!

Ah! interesting! It's just that Xia Shan probably doesn't know that Chen Xuan is the originator of the game, and this trick can't fool Chen Xuan at all. But since you want to play, I will accompany you to the end!

"This is Fatty Wang. Just call him Fatty as the name suggests!"

Ziyi's voice sounded like an elf by the spring, making Chen Xuan feel like he was hearing it.

The fat man obviously didn't like his goddess Ziyi calling him that, but he couldn't be bad-tempered towards Ziyi. This hatred continued to be superimposed on Chen Xuan.

hateful! The fat man said bitterly in his heart. What is the origin of this guy? When the time comes, I will find an opportunity to teach this guy a lesson. It would be best to let this child disappear from this world forever, wouldn't it be wonderful?

Fatty is also one of the disciples of the Qinghu Sect, so he is naturally used to killing people. Moreover, Fatty is already a sixth-level Taoist. Killing a fifth-level Taoist bastard with no family or sect will not bring him any trouble!

The fat man's eyes began to show a hint of murderous intent when he looked at Chen Xuan, and this murderous intent was also noticed by the sensitive purple-robed boy. The corners of the purple-robed boy's mouth raised slightly, full of pride. This trick of killing people with a borrowed knife is a brilliant move on his part!

Naturally, this murderous intention cannot be hidden from Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan has seen too many people and monsters who want to kill him. Therefore, the killing intent I have seen is too overwhelming. In front of this, the killing intent hidden under Fatty's eyes seems very clumsy.

It’s as ridiculous as a kid pretending to be a housewife who knows how to cook before a world-famous chef!

Although Chen Xuan was still laughing with Zi Nu at this time, he looked like an ordinary boy next door. But at this time, Chen Xuan secretly had murderous intentions in his heart. I'm afraid the fat man won't live long!

In fact, Chen Xuan has a steelyard in his heart. As long as he does not touch the critical point of the steelyard, then Chen Xuan will still look like the big brother next door, giving people the blessing of being close. But as long as he dares to touch Chen Xuan's bottom line, Then he just waits to die!

As the saying goes, if you don't send it out, it's enough. If you send it out, the mountains, the sun, the moon, the rivers and the sea will tremble. Maybe it's people like Chen Xuan!

The friendly feeling of the girl in purple left a good impression on Chen Xuan, but even so, Chen Xuan did not tell him her true strength.

If your trump card is seen by others so quickly, then you will be very passive. As for the fat man, in Chen Xuan's opinion, he was an ugly man, but the purple-robed boy Xia Shan's scheming was rare.

It's just a pity that he was unlucky enough to meet him. Playing this trick in front of him is no different from seeking death. This young man in purple robe, Xia Shan, is more scheming and more terrifying than the fat man, and Chen Xuan has to guard against him!

Three days later...

Chen Xuan waited at the door of the Demon Hunter Guild early because he and Zi Nu had agreed to enter the Secret Forest to practice today. But this mission is not to find the flower of the other side, but to hunt the python demon.

This can be regarded as a test for Zi Nu, a test given to them by their Qinghu Sect master. We also need to make friends with some young and promising talents, and take the opportunity to win them over to Qinghu Gate. Zi Nu had offered her an olive branch three days ago. However, Chen Xuan refused and wanted to think about it again.

Chen Xuan didn't want to rush to join a sect. After all, joining a large sect would give him better skills to assist his fire palm. However, the Dao Heart Technique still needs to wait until he becomes a Dao Master before it can help his Fire Palm.

At present, judging from my strength, I still don’t need to enter a sect! However, Chen Xuan did not compare his Tao skills with Zi Nu. Generally speaking, even if the Mao Touji who has not entered the sect has Tao skills, they are only ordinary Tao skills!

This may also be one of the reasons why Fatty dared to kill Chen Xuan so rashly. A person without any sect or sect has no background at all. Even if he is gifted with an extremely good cultivation speed and the same speed as disciples from these large sects, his strength is far inferior. If you lose in the level of Tao skills, you lose even more in the learning of Tao skills!

"Chen Xuan! You are here..."

While Chen Xuan was meditating on these, the goddess-like figure of Zi Nu came into Chen Xuan's eyes again, and her voice was still as crisp and moving as it was three days ago. I felt like I was lucky enough to hear it, and the lingering sound lingered for three days.

Chen Xuan laughed gently again. Now Chen Xuan looked more mature, as if he had become more restrained after experiencing a blow of blood and fire. His appearance has replaced his previous ice-like face, replaced by skin like the guy next door. Throwing him into the crowd may not seem dazzling, but his movements can make people feel an inexplicable kindness.

This is Chen Xuan's disguise, as simple as wearing a piece of clothing...

As for the two people behind Zi Nu, Chen Xuan also had a harmless look on his face.

This made Xia Shan, the young man in purple robe, and the fat man in yellow leather armor curse in their hearts, country bumpkins!

But what made them both feel distressed was that this country bumpkin was actually flirting with their goddess! They said they couldn't bear it, it was like putting flies in a fat man's favorite soup or dish. Throwing an ugly girl on the bed of the purple-robed boy Xia Shan is so wicked and bad!

The jealousy and murderous intent in the fat man's eyes attacked Chen Xuan. But his skin seemed as strong as an eighteen-foot city wall, and the fat man's jealousy and murderous intent could not completely wipe out the warm spring breeze in Chen Xuan's movements!

A poem he learned in a private school echoed in Fatty's mind, "Wildfire never burns out, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates..."

The hatred in the fat man's heart continued to build up, which actually made the purple-robed young man Xia Shan feel happy. good! He really killed two birds with one stone. Apart from his two childhood sweethearts and his fellow disciple, Zi Nu became his Taoist companion!

But what Fatty and Xiashan didn't expect was that their current thoughts were almost guessed by what they thought was a country bumpkin who could only unleash the spring breeze endlessly. Moreover, their murderous intentions and plans against Chen Xuan were taken into his mind one by one, and they would settle the accounts together!

The fat man barely restrained his murderous intent towards Chen Xuan along the way. Zi Nu glared at him several times and finally did not say anything to blame. After all, if fellow seniors had a dispute over Chen Xuan, it would embarrass Chen Xuan...

However, the fat man's murderous intention towards Chen Xuan pushed him further and further towards death. At this time, Fatty was already on Chen Xuan's must-kill list. In addition to the Snow Mountain Sect, there are also some people related to the Snow Mountain Sect. This fat man has become the second one. I wonder if he feels honored? It can be placed on Chen Xuan's death list alongside behemoths like the Snow Mountain Sect!

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