Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1793 Fierce Battle with the Python Demon (2)

Chen Xuan's return in white clothes made Ziyi's eyes become moist. When Xia Shan saw Zi Yi's affectionate look, he felt even more angry.

He already regarded Chen Xuan as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh. It's like a dagger stuck in the heart, and it won't be fast until it is pulled out!


This is just a prelude! Xia Shan murmured secretly in his heart.

You haven't even seen the face of the python demon, so you're in such a mess? What if it was me who just rushed into the wind blade array?

Xia Shan couldn't imagine that he might have died under the formation.

He glanced at Chen Xuan, his eyes full of deep fear, and underneath the fear was a slight murderous intention, looming.

"Humans! That's right... There aren't many humans who can break through my wind blade formation. You're a little kid! You're only in your twenties, so you're really amazing!"

Demonic sounds seemed to sweep in from all directions, exploding in Chen Xuan's ears.

Following the sound of the python demon, endless earth and rocks fell, creating a huge crater several feet deep on the ground.

The python demon is really scary!


Suddenly, the sky seemed to explode, revealing a faint purple light. The entire sunset glow dyed it a dark purple.

Chen Xuan and his party were even more vigilant!

"Son, even though the Wind Blade Formation was broken by you, you still killed ten thousand enemies and suffered eight thousand losses, right? As for the two dolls next to you, hehehe... they were given to me for nourishment!"

When Zi Yi heard this, his face was filled with anger, like a hibiscus emerging from water. It looks unique and extremely cute.

What a leprechaun! Chen Xuan cursed in his heart.

Chen Xuan's face once again changed into the look of a gentleman. Standing next to Ziyi, he was really blessed with talent and good looks.

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

There was a hint of heartache and pity in Ziyi Chuchu's eyes.

This made Xia Shan see the fire of jealousy burning more and more. Why did Zi Yi reveal so much of his body just for Chen Xuan?

And what about yourself?

Although Ziyi doesn't have a cold feeling towards him, and his attitude can be considered gentle.

But she was as humble and courteous to herself as she would be when facing a stranger, but she showed all her expressions to Chen Xuan!

She would be worried about him, sad for him, and would chirp and ask questions around him like a weird elf.

She has never done this to herself!

Xia Shan's heart seemed to be full of mixed emotions, but in the end it was replaced by the fierce flames.

It was as if there was a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time in Xia Shan's heart, and the burning magma was eroding his heart.


I am Zi Yi’s childhood sweetheart, and I am the young generation’s genius who came out of the Qinghu Gate! But why did the bastard in front of him take all the limelight?


Xia Shan snorted coldly, with a cold light rising in his heart. Chen Xuan would feel uneasy if he didn't get rid of him!

Xia Shan stared at Zi Yi and Chen Xuan walking in front of him, laughing sometimes, and Zi Yi's laughter as clear as a bell often rang in Xia Shan's ears.

This made Xiashan resent Chen Xuan even more!

If the obsession in his heart could kill people, Chen Xuan would have been chopped into pieces by Xia Shan hundreds of times.

A chill spread across Chen Xuan's back, and his thin lips raised upwards, but he didn't pay attention.

It seems that this son of Xia Shan must be eliminated! Chen Xuan will never let a person who has murderous intentions towards him live in this world.

It should be noted that if you cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows!

However, Chen Xuan still had a gentle smile on his face, as if the murderous intention in his heart had nothing to do with him. Ziyi still pesters him with questions, and occasionally teases him.

That smile that pretended to be charming but was actually extremely naughty made Chen Xuan laugh uncontrollably! So it is natural that there will be laughter and laughter.

But now that we have entered the central area of ​​the Forest of Mystery, everything is already under the eyes of the big demon.

Chen Xuan was naturally very cautious! Ziyi also came from a major sect, so he would not neglect this matter. Also very vigilant!

Suddenly, the purple mist in the void turned into a deep barrier and enveloped Chen Xuan and others. The barrier was ten feet thick, a hundred feet high, and a hundred feet wide.

Wherever the barrier passes, there are dark clouds and black smoke, murderous intent everywhere, and silence.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, Chen Xuan and his party heard the sound of thunder and lightning from the surroundings, but then they understood that it was not the thunder of earthquake, but the sound of the barrier encountering the mountains and the sound of a huge mountain collapsing.

very scary!

Chen Xuan exclaimed in his heart, this purple barrier was like a big piece of cloth covering up the original blue. The dark clouds and black smoke seemed to be alive and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

"Brother Chen Xuan, this is the Green Lotus Pill. After taking it, it will be very beneficial to Brother Chen Xuan's weak injuries! He should be back to his original state soon!"

As if Zi Yi suddenly remembered something, he transformed a Jinhai directly from the purple ring.

The brocade box looks very exquisite, and the wood used is also a thousand-year-old ginseng wood.

Qinghumen is really fucking rich! Chen Xuan muttered secretly in his heart.

Chen Xuan opened the brocade box, and a flash of blue light flashed past. Then there was a burst of fragrant fragrance, directed towards Chen Xuan's face that was so feminine and sickly due to injury.

Chen Xuan smiled softly and gave Zi Yi a faint salute in return.

"Brother Chen Xuan and I don't have to be polite! Take it quickly!"

Zi Yi's face turned slightly red. He had to reciprocate gifts from others in Daoxin Continent. Unless it is someone close to you, such as a lover...

"It's just... Ziyi forgot something before, so he took it out a little late! Brother Chen Xuan won't blame it, right?"

Zi Yi had been grabbing Chen Xuan and asking questions, but she had forgotten that Chen Xuan was still responsible for supporting him.

In fact, it's not entirely Zi Yi's fault. It's Chen Xuan's complexion that remains as usual and his smile that still gives people inexplicable warmth like the warm spring breeze.

This made her so immersed in it that she forgot about Chen Xuan's injury.

Chen Xuan smiled gently, without any intention of blaming...

After the fragrant mist passes, you will reveal the true form of the elixir. It was a blue elixir that looked as elegant and beautiful as a bluestone antique.

This Qinghu Gate is really a good idea!

If Talisman Makers are one of the groups that cannot be messed with on the mainland, then Alchemists are the second group of people that cannot be messed with!

Moreover, his status is only as noble as that of a Talisman Maker. Because for the talisman makers, their talisman refining is to help the magic weapon increase its strength and the monks to improve their cultivation level.

Alchemists make medicinal pills to help monks recover wounds, treat some poisons, or refine some poisons.

A glimmer of light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he threw the Green Lotus Pill into his mouth with a raised hand.

A fresh air filled Chen Xuan's chest, and the fresh elixir air seemed to turn into a warm current and slowly entered Chen Xuan's Dantian.


This elixir is also magical, and Chen Xuan's feeling of fatigue just now seems to have completely faded away.

"Brother Chen Xuan, please don't forget that the Qinghu Sect uses elixirs and making talismans as secret techniques! However, these are learned by forbidden monks, and will be passed down by a dedicated lineage continuously!"

Chen Xuan remembered that there was a group of people in Qinghu Sect who were dedicated to making talismans and refining medicine, and this lineage was like passing the throne to the emperor.

It is passed down from generation to generation, but the disciples of Qinghu Sect are absolutely not allowed to learn the techniques of making talismans and refining medicine. Those who are involved in making talismans and refining medicine are not allowed to practice Taoist power.

If you dare to violate it, you will definitely be punished!

If you claim to the outside world that you are cultivating, making talismans, or refining medicine, you must not do it half-heartedly...

But the real reason is probably known to the top management of Qinghu Sect!

"How about it? How about Brother Chen Xuan join the Qinghu Clan? I can be with my father..."

Just when Ziyi was about to blurt out some sect matters, the voice of Liao Xiashan sounded coldly.

"Junior Sister Ziyi, the affairs of the sect must not be leaked to anyone!"

Xia Shan's words were filled with murderous intent.

Zi Yi's face suddenly turned red. She felt like she couldn't hide anything when facing Chen Xuan. I want to share it with him.

However, Chen Xuan's expression remained unchanged and he just glanced at Xia Shan.

That glance made Xia Shan feel cold...

It was still silent. After several giant mountains collapsed, the sound of silence returned within the barrier. Chen Xuan and his party all knew that it was a sign of danger coming...

The wind blade formation just passed has just passed. This time, I don’t know how the monster wants to kill me!

"Hahaha... It's really brave to dare to go deep into my territory. Not bad! It's not enough to swallow you into my belly like this! According to the Demon Codex, the longer a monk struggles before death, the more likely he is to die. Great supplement!”

The sound of the python's demon shaking seemed to come from outside the purple sky. It was indeed a demon beast in the first level of demon elixir!

The cultivation level is really terrible!

The python demon's voice echoed in the sky like a nine-vibrating drum. Every time it hit the eardrums of Chen Xuan and his party, they felt their own hair stand on end!

After echoing for about half an hour, the sound finally faded away, and the silence became deathly silence again.

There seemed to be no living things at all. The mountains and trees seemed to be dead, without any life in them.

Under the cover of the thick purple fog, there was not even a white cloud, not to mention the setting sun! Only the dark clouds and thick smoke were left, exaggerating the roaring fighting spirit and the death-like silence.

Suddenly, the mountains, rivers, earth and rocks within the purple barrier exploded as if giant explosives had been planted by the alchemist...


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