Chen Xuan's eyes were still as deep as a pool of calm water, and the Fire Formation had finally broken through with the help of the Purple Immortal Stone. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his hand to break the battle barrier.

All that's left is the big demon's true form. Now I should be able to give it a try against that big demon's true form.

What a powerful breath! Zi Yi's eyes were widened, and his alluring face faced Chen Xuan in an almost ugly manner. Did he break through again?

How did he break through? Chen Xuan, who was still struggling on the edge of death just now and almost had his life taken away by the big demon, now actually broke through... Huh? In Ziyi's mind, it seemed as if thousands of mythical beasts were running past...

This is definitely not the aura of the seventh-level Taoist master. Ziyi has seen a lot of the aura of the seventh-level Taoist master. It's not that powerful, so what level has Chen Xuan broken through to?

"Chen...Chen Xuan..."

Ziyi could hardly even form a complete sentence. Chen Xuan's evil spirit really surprised her! Did you claim to be the top talent of Qinghu Sect before? A proud generation?

And this son who came from a family in Wuyang City, for a person from a big sect like Ziyi, Chen Xuan was just a mud-legged kid who came from the mountains. But compared with this mud-legged guy, the pride of his so-called pinnacle sect is just a scumbag.

"I'm lucky too! I just broke through. There's no need to be polite, purple monk!" Chen Xuan didn't dare to reveal the secret of the Purple Immortal Stone. The Immortal Stone was too shocking for the current Daoxin Continent.

It was like an existence that existed in the legend, but now it directly became Chen Xuan's possession. If word spreads about the immortal stone in Chen Xuan's hands, Chen Xuan will be the one who dies.

However, Ziyi didn't ask any more questions at this time. Asking too much about Chen Xuan's secrets will hurt Chen Xuan's and his own feelings. Besides, he is now a representative of the Qinghu Sect, so it is not appropriate to ask too many questions.

"Brother Chen Xuan is next up with the Flame Python Demon King. Are you sure about it? Geez... Which level has brother's strength reached? Zi Yi can't even tell!"

Ziyi's clear laughter poured into Chen's eardrums like sweet bells. Chen Xuan was not very rigid and laughed. The blood and sweat from before was still hanging on his face, and the red half of it still looked very permeable.

But Chen Xuan's smile is still as warm as the spring breeze, even though Chen Xuan's upper body is almost naked at this time, his skin color is still a little red, his upper body is still stained with his own blood and sweat, his hair is very messy, and there is still some blood hanging on his lips . Looks like a kidnapped hostage.

But this does not hinder Chen Xuan's image at all. He is still as gentle and gentle as the big brother next door, more like the aspiring young academics in the countryside.

Zi Yi's words were like a warm current flowing in Chen Xuan's heart. As for Zi Yi not being able to see his own strength, it was considered to give himself a room for change. If asked directly about my own strength, I'm afraid I don't want to appear embarrassed.

Ah! This girl is really interesting, quite considerate and clever. Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.

Chen Xuan didn't need to hide anything about his own strength, at least he felt there was no need to hide it from Ziyi. As for Ziyi being from the Qinghu Sect, this is no longer that important to Chen Xuan.

After Chen Xuan walked through the gate of hell, Chen Xuan had completely opened his eyes... What are the five peak sects?

Sooner or later, his own strength will surpass them, and what is more important to him is his feelings, not fame and fortune. You can pursue fame and fortune for your relationship, because with fame and fortune you can better maintain your relationship. But you cannot push your feelings into the abyss for the sake of fame and fortune.

Ziyi had great faith in himself when he faced the fiery formation of that evil beast. That had deeply touched Chen Xuan's heart.

Therefore, to Chen Xuan's heart, the relationship with Ziyi is more important than fame and fortune. In this case, there is no need to hide anything from Ziyi.

"I have reached the peak of being a master!"

Chen Xuan still had a smile on his face, giving people a very warm feeling. The look in his eyes was even more calm, as if Chen Xuan didn't need to struggle at all to make this decision.

Zi Yi's heart suddenly felt warm, as if a faint warmth flowed into her heart. But under the warmth, he was extremely surprised, Chen Xuan was really scary.

He actually broke through to the peak of Taoist masters in one go. From the sixth level of Taoist masters to the peak of Taoist masters, there are four levels. Even for those so-called talented disciples of various sects, it would take about ten years of hard work to break through these four stages. It takes years to do it.

But Chen Xuan actually broke through overnight, and only after a thin line of life and death did he gain such tyrannical strength. If the self-proclaimed disciples of the five major sects knew about it, they would probably commit suicide in shame!

Chen Xuan's faint smile still hung on his face, like an old man who was unfazed by pampering and humiliation, more like a hermit who looked away from everything. What kind of person is this? The longer Zi Yi spends time with him, the more confused she becomes.

Originally, Ziyi only thought that he was a young man who was well versed in scheming. However, because he wanted revenge, he became obsessed with profit and was blinded by hatred. And that warm spring breeze is just a coat for this person.

But Zi Yi just discovered that Chen Xuan was far from being such a simple boy.

"Don't think too much!" Chen Xuan's gentle voice once again shone in Ziyi's heart like the warm sun in spring. The softest part of Zi Yi's heart was inexplicably touched.

Does he care about me?

A blush appeared on Ziyi's face, but it was fleeting. His mountain-like face soon returned. But underneath that iceberg-like face was a heart that was as if it had been irrigated by warm water. It was heating up like crazy and beating.

"Actually, I tell you because, in my heart, Chen Xuan, you are a person worthy of knowing me. I, Chen Xuan, are not a good person. You also know that I killed my whole family and my beloved woman. As long as he is a human being, in my heart There won’t be anything left.”

Chen Xuan's tone became calmer, but there was still a trace of anger hidden under this calmness. It could be seen from Chen Xuan's hoarse voice that he was suppressing this anger.

Chen Xuan's gentleness also faded and he became expressionless. right! There is just no expression, which makes people feel that there is no trace of joy or anger in the bottom.

Seeing Chen Xuan's expression, Ziyi knew that Chen Xuan was solemnly coming to the point. Naturally, there was no need to hide anything, so he sat calmly on the ground in front of Chen Xuan, his bright black eyes staring at Chen Xuan. She didn't want to think about anything at this time, and she had no intention of dissolving the hatred in Chen Xuan's heart. At this time, she just wanted to be a listener.

Chen Xuan's expression softened slightly, and he still looked quite gentle and elegant in his movements. He casually sat down in front of Ziyi and said coldly.

"Actually, I, Chen Xuan, am not the kind of person who destroys everyone because of hatred. As for all the girls in purple, we should get straight to the point. Otherwise, your misunderstanding of me will not only affect our relationship, but also make us all die here!"

Chen Xuan's tone was very calm, like a stream of cold water that could give people an inexplicable coolness in the hot summer. But it was because of Chen Xuan's calmness that Zi Yi felt even more frightened.

After killing his entire family and his beloved woman, every one of them would not be furious, with a rage that could engulf mountains and rivers, but on the other hand, Chen Xuan was so calm.

Zi Yi didn't say much, just nodded to signal Chen Xuan to continue, but every word Chen Xuan said seemed to be important information to Zi Yi.

For Ziyi, this is not only his current life, but also the future. Chen Xuan, this son, will become a tyrannosaurus in the future and cause a bloody storm on the Daoxin Continent.

"So I, Chen Xuan, killed Xia Shan before, including Fatty, because they were all members of the Snow Mountain Sect. Everyone who has anything to do with the Snow Mountain Sect needs to die. This is the oath I, Chen Xuan, made, and it will definitely come true."

Chen Xuan's tone was very firm, and his face was as neutral as a dry well. But the perseverance in his words seemed to make people unconditionally believe Chen Xuan's words at this time.

"Then...that...fatty is you too..."

Zi Yi's words were intermittent, and the fear in his eyes was self-evident. What is the strength of Fatty? That was no weaker than Xia Shan. Chen Xuan, with the strength of a sixth-level Taoist master, actually killed two strong men of the same level in a row. What a monster!

It's just that Fatty is also involved with Snow Mountain Sect. It seems that the Ninth Elder is indeed very problematic. I must report this matter to my father after I get out alive. Moreover, the person who spread this false news this time and wanted Ziyi to die was probably the Ninth Elder, and the purpose was definitely not as easy as killing himself.

"And the Ninth Elder, huh! Even I, Chen Xuan, won't let you go!"

There was a hint of coldness in Chen Xuan's eyes, and the undisguised bloodthirst on his face made Zi Yi's heart uncontrollably frightened.

"Chen Xuan, this is our Qinghu Sect's own business. If you get involved, you will challenge the authority of our Qinghu Sect. Then you and the Qinghu Sect will definitely ignite a war! The Qinghu Sect is far more powerful than you. Think complicated."

Seeing the murderous intent on Chen Xuan's face, Zi Yi seemed to have foreseen the scene of Chen Xuan standing in front of the Qinghu Sect and calling Elder Zhan Jiu. Where to put the face of Qinghumen?

Chen Xuan and the Qinghu Sect must be fighting in a bloody battle, and Qinghu Sect is a thousand-year-old sect... The result must be that the Qinghu Sect will be severely damaged and Chen Xuan will die! This is a lose-lose situation that Ziyi doesn't want to see.

"Don't worry, if the Ninth Elder really has an affair with the Snow Mountain Sect, the Qinghu Sect will never forgive him."

Ziyi looked at Chen Xuan's calm face but felt very unsure, so he vowed to Chen Xuan.

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