"Elder Bai He, please take a seat! Let's just talk casually. I have no other intentions. Why are my brothers worrying so much about talking to each other? Look at Bai Zhe..."

The moment Bai Yan saw Bai He saluting, he was speechless to the extreme. I don't know how to evaluate it. It's just that Bai He didn't seem to hear it, and he still knelt down like this pedantically.

Bai Zhe put away his smile and glanced at Bai Yan lightly. At this time, Bai Yan seemed to be planning to ask Bai Zhe for advice, and the two eyes met again.

After about a moment, Bai Yan nodded towards Bai Zhe, put away his faint smile and looked towards Bai Hedao.

"That's all, get up now! Since you don't want to, I won't force you to do so. Just step back!" Bai Yan's voice was extremely cold, and his face returned to its previous majestic look. But there is still a hint of anger underneath the majestic look...

"Yes! I'm resigning!" Bai He said calmly, a hint of joy flashed across his eyes, and then returned to his previous indifference. When Bai He walked out of the palace, Bai Yan's face lost its majestic look...

"Bastard!" Bai Yan roared angrily. This time he didn't have to estimate anything, because Bai Zhe was the one who really stood by him in the huge Presbyterian Church.

"Brother, don't be angry! Bai He is so evasive, maybe he's just... still hesitating!" Bai Zhe guessed, frowning his crescent-like eyebrows.

"Hmph! Wait and see! I've given him enough time! Chen Xuan is doing well! Why doesn't he just want to stand by me!" Bai Yan was so angry that his eyebrows knitted together. His whole body was filled with fierce murderous aura, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty.

That powerful aura spread all around. Bai Zhe shuddered coldly and his face changed slightly. Then he familiarly picked up the jade bowl in front of him to pour the fairy tea and took a sip.

In just a moment, Bai Yan's expression returned to normal. But there was still lingering anger on his face.

Seeing this, Bai Zhe slightly bowed his hands to Bai Yan and said, "Brother, Bai He still needs to be won over! At least he has a wait-and-see attitude towards Chen Xuan, and he is extremely respectful to brother!"

"Apart from Bai He and the two of us, who in the Presbyterian Church doesn't want something to happen to Chen Xuan? There are some, right? Although it's not as serious as Bai De, but..."

Before Bai Zhe could finish, he was interrupted by Bai Yan waving his hand.

"Why don't I know? Who doesn't covet my seat?" Bai Yan said coldly, with a chilling look in his eyes. But then he returned to calmness and spoke again.

"Alas! It's just that they don't know that Chen Xuan can only take the seat after me! We have no choice!" Bai Yan sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Brother, don't worry too much! Bai He has met Chen Xuan many times. If we meet him a few more times in the future, I think..."

After Bai Zhe stood up, he walked towards Bai Yan, and then like a boneless immortal, he sat on the floor next to Bai Yan's chair.

"Well, that's all!" Bai Yan said lightly.

The fruity aroma filled Chen Xuan's mouth, as if a pure and pure beauty was dancing on his tongue and taste buds. Chen Xuan closed his eyes and enjoyed the satisfaction brought by the rest of his life and the delicious taste of wild fruits.

This practice is really a narrow escape, but if you can understand some things about talismans, your suffering will not be in vain. Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

That’s it! Don’t even think about it now. Let’s leave these things for later, let’s have a good time first! Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with joy, and suddenly his legs flew up, jumped to the tree, and picked three wild fruits in one fell swoop.

Then he was like a rich man who spent money like water, feasting on these fairy fruits that were priceless outside. Without even raising his eyes...

The Forest of Secrets is really a good place, Chen Xuan muttered in his heart. But what Chen Xuan didn't know was that even some wild fruits had been arranged for Chen Xuan by Bai Yan and Bai Zhe.

Otherwise, if it were an ordinary fruit, how could it have been preserved during the major disaster before the Secret Forest?

"Brother... look, there is a fruit forest ahead! It looks fruity and refreshing!" A voice that sounded like he was in his forties was respectfully flattering.

"Oh?" The man who seemed to be called the eldest brother spat out one word coldly and arrogantly.

"Hmph! If Yu Gui and the others find things first, how will Lord Jiang He reuse us in the future?" A voice that was probably in his seventies yelled powerfully at the man next to him.

Chen Xuan frowned when he heard this! Rivers? Yu Gui?

snort! Turns out he was someone related to the Snow Mountain Sect? Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with cold murderous intent, and a cold light shone on his face. At this time, Chen Xuan had already had murderous intentions.

Return! Is he the disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect Jiang He whom he killed before? Chen Xuan's memory has always been good. He recalled that before Yu Gui was killed by him, he seemed to have sent two groups of people across the river to look for things in the Forest of Secrets.

snort! It seems that I am very lucky to have met another group of people. Of course, this is also their misfortune. Chen Xuan quickly swallowed the last fruit and walked quickly towards the other entrance of the fruit forest.

The people of the Snow Mountain Sect themselves once swore an oath that if they met someone, they would suffer a bad death. Let them be unlucky today! Chen Xuan, a fifth-level Grand Master, naturally arrived near the sound very quickly.

"Thing like a dog!" A man wearing the white uniform of the Snow Mountain Sect with blue brocade embroidered on it shouted to Chen Xuan with a sinister look on his face. And Chen Xuan's eyes were like sharp knives directed at this person.

He didn't say a word, but the bloodthirsty chill on his face and the cold murderous intent in his eyes made the man want to kneel down involuntarily!

"Do you...do you know...who we are?"

The man in the white robe embroidered with blue brocade gnashed his teeth and spoke out these words as if his tongue was trembling.

"Hmph! A member of the Snow Mountain Sect, Jiang He Laogou? A lackey of Helan Chong?" Chen Xuan's face smiled coldly, shining like a ghost. The killing intent in his eyes suddenly overflowed.

"My friend, you insulted my mentor and the sect master! Are you thinking about it?" The man next to the blue brocade embroidered group said his first sentence uncertainly. Then the second sentence was like the roar of a lion from Hedong, roaring thinking of Chen Xuan. Every word reflects the fierce murderous intention.


For a moment, the air around Chen Xuan was shaken by this roar, and the wind started to go crazy as if it was out of control.

Chen Xuan smiled coldly and seemed unmoved at all.

"My friend, who are you? Which sect are you from? Apologize, and I won't pursue it any further. My name is He Long, and Daoxin's mainland dialect is worth some weight!" He Long glanced at Chen Xuan's face, as if he was not disturbed by Snow Mountain. Zong was shocked by his origin. He planned to test it out. After all, the five major sects like to send their talented disciples to practice everywhere.

If he provokes other sects, the gains outweigh the losses, but it would be best for He Long to make some talented disciples. As for Chen Xuan's own strength, He Long didn't think it would be that powerful.

He looks like he is only in his twenties. The monks in Daoxin Continent were all young monks before they were a hundred years old. Generally, the level will not exceed the fifth level of Taoist master. Even young disciples can reach the peak of Taoist master before they are a hundred years old.

But He Long is a person at the peak of Taoist masters. It is because He Long has reached the peak of Taoist masters that he is so valued by Jiang He. It's just that in recent years, Yu Gui, who only knows how to flatter, is actually on an equal footing with an eighth-level Taoist master?

This made He Long curse secretly.

Chen Xuan's face was full of ridicule, and the faint sneer made He Long look very dazzling. He Long, who was arrogant and always regarded as the pride, couldn't bear it. He suppressed his heart and wanted to tear Chen Xuan into pieces, but still looked at Chen Xuan with a forced smile.

son! You'd better beg for it, you need a backer to make me feel awesome! Otherwise, I will trample you to death even if I step on you! He Long was already furious and cursed Chen Xuan secretly in his heart.

"Apologise? It seems that the person next to you insulted me first? And then I insulted your dog-like mentor and the head of the Snow Mountain Sect!" Chen Xuan said calmly with indifference in his eyes.

These words were like a fire that ignited the strong dissatisfaction in He Long's heart. The hidden anger on his face could be divided into pieces, and Chen Xuan would have turned into minced meat by now.

"Ha...ha..." He Long was about to attack and turned into a fierce lion to tear Chen Xuan alive. The remaining reason in his heart once again took over and he laughed awkwardly.

This person knew that he was a disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect and yet he dared to be so presumptuous. It seemed that he had an incredible background behind him. Which sect is it from? Yu Zong? Xingyimen?

He Long secretly guessed...

But Chen Xuan still looked at He Long with a faint sneer. "He Er... you are like a dog! Apologize to this friend first!" He Long's anger could not be poured out on Chen Xuan, so he slapped the face of the man with the blue brocade embroidered on the white shirt. Go up and scold him in a cold voice.

He Er was stunned by He Long, but after a moment, he knelt down like a dog.

"I'm sorry, sir..." He Long looked at He Er's kneeling body with anger. This young man is very good! If given the chance, I would definitely make him feel what real fear is!

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