There was a cold light in Chen Xuan's eyes, and the surrounding aura quickly condensed to freezing point. Chen Xuan was lazily leaning against the tree and staring at He Long like a ghost.

He Long's heart felt as if he had overturned a poison vat, filled with regret and regret. He Er should be damned, and he should be damned too. Why did you mess with such a bastard?

"!" He Long felt his knees wobble, as if they were just a ball of cotton and not his knees. With a pop, Chen Xuan knelt down. Chen Xuan stared at He Long coldly, calmly.

"There are still two seconds, otherwise I don't want your left arm!" Chen Xuan smiled sadly, his pale face was bloodless under the scorching sun, and He Long was trembling in his heart.

"You..." He Long was so frightened that he couldn't speak, but big beads of sweat were pouring down his face. At this time, He Long still looked like a proud man. He was like a frightened bird. Whenever he saw Chen Xuan, he could not stop feeling fear in his heart.

"Hmph! I don't know what's wrong!" Chen Xuan said coldly, and then he moved with the shadow again. The long shadow under the sun was like a ghost dancing in the dark night, rising in the wind, and the blue sword was like the hand of a devil. Generally, He Long's left arm was torn apart violently.


He Long exclaimed, his face twisted in ferociousness, intense pain squeezing his heart and stopping his blood flow. At this time, he himself heard the sound of sizzling in the bones. He was frightened when he heard it...

If it was a series of coincidences before, I was blinded by the wind, and I was not prepared to block Chen Xuan's first sword. This time, there was no luck at all.

Chen Xuan's strength is so powerful that he will turn into a pile of minced meat in just a blink of an eye. He Long secretly guessed. But what can I do?

"Hmph, you still have a stick of incense to think about. When the time is up, you should worry about your right leg!" Chen Xuan's cold voice sounded faintly, like a bloodthirsty beast eyeing a rabbit.

Tell this guy? If he went out, he would definitely not dare to return to Snow Mountain Sect. Jiang He will definitely pursue him crazily, and he knows the character of his great master best.

But no, I am afraid that I will soon turn into a pile of minced meat.

"Hmph! It seems that you are really persistent! I like persistent people the most..." There was a hint of ridicule in Chen Xuan's tone, and there was a hint of a faint smile on his face.

"My Jialan Sword seems to like drinking your blood very much, so the more persistent you are, the more excited the sword in my hand will be." The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth curled up in an extremely weird arc, and his fair face His face was still expressionless, except for the two black pupils that seemed to glow with a green glow.

He Long felt like he was falling into an endless ice cellar just by looking at each other, and his heart began to tremble involuntarily. Damn it! He Long cursed secretly in his heart, now is not the time to be afraid.

He had to figure out a way within the time of burning incense. If he couldn't, what awaited him would be the kind of pain that made him want to die. Did he really betray Jiang He?

How can I survive in the future? He has already broken two arms. If he offends Shang Jianghe again...

"It seems that you are really stupid." Chen Xuan spat out this sentence calmly, his face full of ridicule. This sentence was like a knife cutting into He Long's heart word by word.

fool? I have always been a proud person, when did I feel stupid?


He Long gasped without saying a word, and his chapped lips wanted to ask questions at this time, but because blood spurted out like water from a river. At this time, he was unable to speak and could only stare at Chen Xuan with pleading eyes.

A thought kept surging in his heart, where did he offend Chen Xuan? He just cursed Chen Xuan, but he paid for it with two arms. I am really unlucky today!

"You still have half a stick of incense. Think carefully about whether it is appropriate to work for your Lord Jiang He!" After Chen Xuan lazily uttered these words, he did not continue to be silent.

"Do you think if you don't speak, you can still return to Snow Mountain Sect? Can you still return to Jiang He? Will Jiang He accept a cripple?" Chen Xuan's eyes were full of coldness, but his lips actually raised slightly. He's still laughing!

He smiled and pronounced the death penalty, which was the only result he expected in his heart. He Long's eyes were as big as bells, full of unwillingness. Even Chen Xuan could hear the beating of his heart, and the sweat on his face became even more profuse.

His earthy expression made Chen Xuan secretly happy. Snow Mountain Sect's white shirt was now stained with blood from Chen Xuan's torture, very good! This is what you want, there is always someone in the Snow Mountain Sect, and you will become like the Chen family...

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty hatred, but it was immediately replaced by the ice that seemed to be under the Nine Netherworld. He Long was still immersed in his imagination at this time, as if he had seen the future.

After he returned to the Snow Mountain Sect, he saw that the trash he had tortured were torturing him in the same way. He seemed to see Jiang He scorning him and throwing him out of the Snow Mountain Sect like garbage. Sect.

So what can I do if I am disabled? right! And this is very likely the ending! Jiang He would never raise useless people. If he were once useless to Jiang He, he would be close to death.

And he has offended so many people, how can he die so easily?

"Okay! Me!" At this time, He Long's eyes were firmer than ever before. The long sword that Chen Xuan had just raised was withdrawn at this time, "Good morning!"

Chen Xuan sneered, and a hint of fear flashed in He Long's eyes.

"Actually, Sir Jiang He has the Marrow Condensation Pill, although it is just a transmission. But the effect of the Marrow Condensation Pill is very great, even if it is passed down, it is worth our while!"

"It is rumored that people who took the Marrow Pill..."

He Long was interrupted by Chen Xuan coldly before he finished.

"Is there more?" After Chen Xuan spat out these words faintly, He Long looked at Chen Xuan in surprise with his eyes widened. Isn't it possible that this guy is not even interested in the news about the Ningshen Pill?

" more...the Concentration Pill is..."


When He Long reached the halfway point, another strong sting came towards him. His muscles seemed to be contracting hard. At this time, he could clearly feel that his mental strength was about to reach the limit of collapse.

As for his own vitality, even He Long himself felt that he was passing away rapidly. what to do? Can I just wait to die? He Long had never felt such fear in his heart. Such fear was like a ghostly hand grabbing his heart.

"You..." He Long looked at the wound in his abdomen stabbed by the Jialan Sword, and raised his hand with difficulty to question Chen Xuan.

"Haha! Do you know what kind of people are most likely to die? Chen Xuan opened his mouth quietly, not rushing to reveal the answer, but asked He Long instead. He Long's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly screamed.

How could I trust this demon?

"Hmph! Your news is of no use to me at all. It's not the evil people who are the easiest to die! It's not the good people who are the easiest to die! It's the trash..." Chen Xuan stared at He Long mockingly, with a sneer on his face.

"By the way, I'm telling you that the Marrow Condensation Pill has been swallowed by me a long time ago! If you don't have some useful information, then you really have no choice but to die!" Chen Xuan looked at He Long with pity on his face, but the glimmer in his eyes was No restraint at all.

"You...what do you want to know?"

He Long's voice trembled at this time, and his face was full of fear.

"What is your status in the Snow Mountain Sect? How much do you know?" Chen Xuan tore off a piece of white cloth from the arm that had just been chopped off. Then he wiped his sword secretly and asked coldly.

"I am Lord Jiang He's closest minister, and also his direct disciple! Among the Snow Mountain Sect, apart from Lord Helan and Lord Jiang He, and the powerful man behind them who only exists in legends, it's me!"

He Long looked at Chen Xuan's figure and his eyes began to become trance-like. Perhaps because he had lost too much blood in his body, and his Taoist power seemed to have been completely suppressed before, he felt that his body was weaker than ever before.

"Hmph! That's somewhat useful." Chen Xuan smiled coldly, with a glimmer of light in his eyes. He inserted the Jialan Sword into the scabbard again and raised his eyes to stare at He Long.

For some reason, the more Chen Xuan looked at him like this, the safer he felt. Even at this moment, his heart seemed to be squeezed to pieces by that powerful aura.

Maybe it’s because of Chen Xuan’s words! Only waste is the easiest to die.

"Then I want to know what happened between Helan Chong, Helan Yu'er and Helan Heng!" Chen Xuan's eyes were full of bloodthirsty chill. When he thought of this, the emperor-like aura on his body suddenly exploded. open. Forced towards He Long...

At this time, the atmosphere around the orchard had almost dropped to freezing point, and He Long felt as if he was going to be driven crazy by this momentum. He could only keep his last bit of calm by opening his mouth wide and panting like crazy.

" do you know this?" He Long regretted it as soon as he said this. Isn't it just asking for death if I ask this question? But no one has mentioned the internal fighting within the family for a long time, and because this matter is also a forbidden matter within the sect, no one dares to touch the reverse scale of the Helan Sect Master without risking his life.

"It hasn't been a long time since this happened. Is it strange that I remember it?" This time, Chen Xuan did not punish He Long. Instead, there was a trace of sadness in his words.

snort! It had only been two years since this incident, and now everyone in the world thought it was a thing of the past. And the names Helan Yu'er and Helan Heng will probably disappear from the minds of the world forever.

As for Chen Mansion, to those in power, it is just an ant that they crushed to death. Who will remember it?

"Haha..." Chen Xuan actually laughed miserably, and every laugh seemed to contain deep sadness and endless hatred.

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