Chen Xuan saw that a lot of third-level and fourth-level monsters appeared due to his arrival, but even though he didn't see the fifth-level monsters, he felt that this was still a bit strange. Mu Zichen still had a little trouble with the number of monsters here. Frightened, Chen Xuan said to Mu Zichen, "Let's go! Change to another place."

When Chen Xuan just finished this matter, he felt that the monster seemed to be able to understand their words. It immediately surrounded Chen Xuan and the others. Chen Xuan looked at this situation as if he still had some feelings for them. It's not quite fair, but Mu Zichen is also not afraid of death, and even finds it exciting to follow Chen Xuan.

In the past, Murong Yu would never let such a thing happen, because only his brother could bear the danger. He just hated his brother being like this, so he wanted to reassure his brother that he also had the ability to protect himself. Yes, I won’t need my brother to handle everything like before.

"It seems that the fun is yet to come." Chen Xuan, who originally wanted to leave, suddenly changed his appearance when he saw these monster beasts. It seemed that these monster beasts were preparing to shout for a higher level. The monster came over, and I felt a little excited just thinking about it. This fifth-level monster opened up its spiritual intelligence with one sword. If you can negotiate by then, try to ask the fifth-level monster to give you some blood directly. If it doesn't work, just kill it directly. .

Mu Zichen didn't know that Chen Xuan had such thoughts. Seeing that Chen Xuan was not ready to leave, he thought that Chen Xuan was looking at this group of beasts and was preparing to get the beast crystal, but Chen Xuan directly opened one for them. The protective shield, those third and fourth level monsters wanted to attack them, but this spiritual barrier was very powerful, and those monsters couldn't destroy it at all.

The sound of a fox barking came from far away. Chen Xuan looked cautious and said to Mu Zichen: "Here we come, please be more considerate and take care of yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge red fox appeared in front of Chen Xuan and the others. Chen Xuan looked at the fox and said to himself: "The fifth-level monster has been waiting for you."

The fox's blood-red glasses looked at Chen Xuan and Mu Zichen, and actually spoke human language, saying to Chen Xuan: "Humans, the depths of the Black Forest Mountains are not something humans like you can enter at will. I advise you u Pride, leave now, otherwise..." The tone of these words was like a reminder and threat. Mu Zichen looked at the fox in surprise, thinking that he had seen this infinite monster before. They have hunted down third-level and fourth-level monsters by themselves, and my brother Oudu does not allow him to touch the depths of the Black Forest Mountains.

"I need the demon blood of a fifth-level demon beast. If you can give me some, I will naturally leave. If you don't agree, then I'm sorry for being rude." Since this spirit fox has opened up its spiritual intelligence, then It has become clear that this spirit fox has been cultivated into a human form. This is also a rare monster. If it is a contracted beast, it is worthy of it.

"How dare you! How dare you peek at my blood essence? My compatriots, kill this man in white!" The spirit fox became very angry, and a roar of monster beasts made a very terrifying thing happen in the whole forest. Chen Xuan walked out of the protective barrier and told Mu Zichen not to come out. Seeing that the monster didn't seem to have any intention of harming Mu Zichen, Chen Xuan felt that he could save a lot now. Trouble.

"But you..." Mu Zichen looked at Chen Xuan's worried explanation after he walked out. Although Chen Xuan could instantly kill this fourth-level monster with one move, this monster would be very difficult to deal with once it reaches the fifth level, and The upgrade of this monster is not the same as the registration of their human cultivation. If the monster looks at this spirit fox, although it is only a fifth-level monster, looking at his eyes seems to be filled with demon pills.

If the monster has formed a pill, does this mean that it represents the level of cultivation of a human being? Can Chen Xuan resist it?

There were bursts of sword lights and intricate shadows. Mu Zichen did not see Chen Xuan fighting with the monsters. He only saw the corpses and blood of many monsters on the forest. After more than ten minutes, Chen Xuan used Long Teng again. Fei Yue directly picked up the sword in his hand and stabbed Ling Hu on the body. Ling Hu's screams spread throughout the Black Forest Mountains.

Looking at Chen Xuan, a large black gold python appeared behind him at some point. It opened its bloody mouth and wanted to swallow Chen Xuan alive. Mu Zichen could no longer let Chen Xuan fight alone. After leaving the protective barrier, he loudly said to Chen Xuan: "Behind the heart!" This was the first time Mu Zichen had seen this huge python. Looking at it, this monster should not be just a fifth-level monster. This monster seemed to be powerful. Much more powerful than this spirit fox.

Chen Xuan turned around and quickly jumped out a few meters away, angrily looking at the black gold python not far away. If he was eaten in one bite, would Chen Xuan still have a chance to survive?

However, Mu Zichen got out of the protective cover in excitement and was directly seriously injured by another monster. Seeing this, Chen Xuan walked up to Mu Zichen and brought Mu Zichen into the protective cover. A vitality pill directly After letting Mu Zichen take it, Chen Xuan looked at Mu Zichen's semi-conscious state and thought that the man clearly knew that he could not defeat these monsters, but he was kind enough to remind him that although there was still some sound isolation inside the protection. , this is also to remind myself why I was so seriously injured.

A trace of guilt couldn't help but appear in my heart.

"Human, how dare you hurt my brother, I want you to repay me!" The huge python opened its mouth to Chen Xuan with another bloody mouth. However, what Chen Xuan first practiced was speed, so there is no python for you. Chen Xuan is quite dexterous here.

Looking at Mu Zichen being supported, Linghu felt that this young man looked so familiar. He thought deeply about it in his mind and then walked over to make sure. Who knew that Chen Xuan looked at Linghu and wanted to ask Mu Zichen? He thought he was going to kill Mu Zichen, but he was suddenly attacked by the python. Chen Xuan was thrown to the ground not far away by the python's tail. Chen Xuan rolled down the big tree.

"Ugh!" Chen Xuan breathed out and stretched out his hand to wipe it. Chen Xuan felt that he should think carefully about how to do this. The python's cultivation level was obviously much higher than that of the spirit fox. But this is obviously different from the python he met in the Secret Forest. This python is so powerful that Chen Xuan also has some troubles.

"Stop!" Chen Xuan watched the spirit fox trying to open the protective shield, and instantly came to the side of the protective shield, picked up the Jialan Sword and prepared to challenge him, but the spirit fox spoke again: "Stop it!" I know this boy."

The python was a little surprised when he heard what the spirit fox said. It instantly transformed into a man in black clothes, with a black snake surrounding the man's body. Seeing this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh. This python was actually a level seven monster. , no wonder he can seriously hurt himself, but it doesn't matter. It would be good if he could get their blood. Chen Xuan looked at them and was thinking about something.

"Do you know my brother? Is he that boy?" The man in black looked at Linghu and walked over directly. He looked at Linghu like a master, but for Chen Xuan, all their monsters did not relax. Be wary, after all, in their eyes, this Chen Xuan is still a bit of a threat. He can easily kill level four monsters and seriously injure his younger brother. No matter how you look at this person, they feel that he is not an ordinary person.

"Yeah." Linghu finally nodded.

Mu Zichen woke up not long after taking the Vitality Pill. He was a little surprised when he heard the spirit fox's words. What was this spirit fox doing?

Does he know himself?

"Brother, I have decided on that matter." It took a long time for Linghu to say such nonsense. Chen Xuan didn't even know what Linghu wanted to do, but the thing that surprised Chen Xuan the most was That is, the python said to Chen Xuan: "My brother heard that you want the blood essence of a high-level monster, right? I can promise you this, but I also have a condition."

condition? Chen Xuan looked at the python and thought about why he suddenly started negotiating terms with Izji. Chen Xuan was also thinking that this terms might have something to do with Mu Zichen.

However, after hearing what the python said, Chen Xuan immediately agreed, and directly helped Mu Zichen without saying anything.

"Chen Xuan, I..." Mu Zichen was still in a state of confusion. What happened? Did his brother Chen Xuan sell him? Chen Xuan looked at Mu Zichen and smiled. , to: "You are lucky today. If you go back a few times, remember to treat me to dinner."

Although it was just a polite word, Mu Zichen had already asked his brother to prepare it.

"No problem!" Mu Zichen also answered happily. Chen Xuan came to Mu Zichen, made a mouth directly on Mu Zichen's index finger, and made a contract with the spirit fox. This time, Mu Zichen finally knew. What on earth is Chen Xuan doing? It turns out that this spirit fox wants to contract with him, right?

This spirit fox is a fifth-level monster after all. There are still relatively few people who can contract a fifth-level monster. Thinking about this, I feel a little more grateful to Chen Xuan. It seems that I am following Chen Xuan. After realizing that he had made the right choice, he knew that Chen Xuan was still suitable to be his master.

Seeing that the contract had been established, the python directly threw a bottle of blood essence at Chen Xuan's team. This time they were able to work both ways. The spirit fox had now turned into a young man who was almost the same as Mu Zichen. The white hair and white clothes looked full of fairy spirit. Chen Xuan looked at the spirit fox up and down and felt that Mu Zichenjin had made a profit. Even though the spirit fox had formed a pill, he could still continue to improve himself. .

"My name is Xue Yue, what's your name?" This spirit fox was very proactive. After seeing the successful contract, he transformed into a human and came to Mu Zichen. It seemed that Mu Zichen was not very used to it. , and replied with a sneer: "Mu Zichen."

"What a nice name." Xue Yue chanted the name a few more words, and then said happily to Mu Zichen.

Mu Zichen didn't understand this scene. Even Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of medicine Xue Yue was selling, so he asked for Mu Zichen: "You won't do any harm to him in the future, right?" Xue Yue quickly waved her hand and replied: "Once we monsters are contracted by humans, we will not be contracted unless humans die. Moreover, if the contractor is unwilling, we have no way to resolve it." Once the contract is made, another thing about the contract with the monster is that the master-servant relationship is already established, and we will not be the ones who fight against each other. "

Chen Xuan was relieved after hearing that Xue Yue was so angry. Otherwise, in the later period, although the spirit fox medicine suddenly gave Mu Zichen a contract, it would be bad if Mu Zichen killed him and solved it later.

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