Seeing that Chen Xuan has not yet succeeded in refining it, looking at this matter, he felt that maybe Chen Xuan was cheating. Lan Feng, who was on the side, walked up to Chen Xuan and said mockingly: "I, Chen Xuan, you just Stop struggling. If you can't refine it, you can't refine it. Why bother trying to die like this? Even if you can't refine it, no one will laugh at you, right? As long as you apologize to me and prove that you are not worthy of doing alchemy. Master, then I will forgive you.”

Regarding this, Lan Feng felt that Chen Xuan would definitely not be able to refine it. He had actually practiced alchemy for so long, and looking at Chen Xuan who seemed to have an indifferent attitude, Chen Xuan turned to look at Lan Feng with a disdainful smile. He smiled, as if looking at Lan Feng as if he was some kind of ugly person, not worth mentioning at all.

Lan Feng looked at Chen Xuan's look and said angrily: "What kind of look are you looking at? If you have the guts to stare at me, I, Lan Feng, will kill you!"

"No noise during the game!" The people above were a little unhappy when they saw this scene, but it seemed that Elder Bing was quite concerned about Chen Xuan, and the most important thing was that Elder Bing's disciple Yan Xu walked to Bing In front of the elder, he looked at Elder Bing and asked, "Teacher, how are you? Do you think this guy can join the Alchemy Association?"

For Yan Xulai, he seemed to be pretty good from the very beginning. He still had some insights into this elixir, as well as the elixir that Chen Xuan had just refined by Mu Zichen. This Isn't it just a famous act? The elixir refined by Mu Zichen is actually to increase the cultivation level of the monster?

I have never seen anyone refining such an elixir in this Daoxin Continent. However, regarding this point, Elder Bing, the vice president of the association, said that he really didn't seem to be as well-informed as this guy.

The moment the fire in Chen Xuan's hand went out, a burst of fragrance hit his nostrils. Many people felt that their spiritual veins were unblocking when they smelled this smell, and a lot of spiritual energy surged into them. Some people with low cultivation levels were already meditating on the spot and starting to adjust their breath. Chen Xuan looked at the attack with a cold look on his face.

"Open it and take a look!" Elder Bing above saw that the smell was so familiar and couldn't help but feel a little excited. He wanted to open it to see if the elixir refined by Chen Xuan was really the same as the ones he had refined several times before. The excitement of being dominated came from deep in his soul. Elder Bing came to the stage and looked at Chen Xuan with a smile.

Chen Xuan slowly opened the Shennong Cauldron and took out a few light red pills. Looking at it, there were only eight pills in the cauldron. It seemed that the blue maple had just affected him, which caused him to fail in the last level. He didn't grasp the heat when he was doing it. Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw the result. Elder Bing looked at the elixir in Chen Xuan's hand and was so excited that he couldn't speak. He looked at Chen Xuan tremblingly. This behavior made Chen Xuan still... Some doubts, what happened to Elder Bing?

"Seventh-grade elixir!!!" Elder Bing choked up again as he looked at Chen Xuan.

You must know that Elder Bing has been studying this pill for almost two years, and he has not been able to break through it. Today, he actually saw his shortcomings in this pill. At the beginning, he felt that this pill How come the medicinal materials that Chen Xuan needs to make alchemy are so similar to the red Rodan that he makes? It turns out that what Chen Xuan refines is Red Rodan.

"Brother, is this Red Rodan?" Elder Bing held a Red Rodan. Looking at this pill, Elder Bing seemed to want Chen Xuan to give him some advice, as if he was dealing with the same thing. But now that there are so many shortcomings, I feel embarrassed to lose face.

"Ah! It's actually a seventh-grade alchemy. This Chen Xuan is actually a seventh-grade alchemist. There has never been such a young seventh-grade alchemist in the entire Daoxin Continent except those from the Presbyterian Council. How is this possible!" in the audience. People here have begun to have some discussions about Chen Xuan. Xia He, who was already mentally prepared, found it a little unbelievable to see him doing this in front of him.

However, Mu Zichen, who was standing next to Chen Xuan, heard that Elder Bing said that Chen Xuan, a poor family who made elixirs, was actually a seventh-grade elixir. He instantly felt a little embarrassed in front of Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan seemed to know this too. What was Mu Zichen thinking? Murong Yu patted Mu Zichen on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged. Although you can only practice third-grade elixirs now, you are still the most talented among all."

Chen Xuan looked at Murong Yu's words and thought that they were a slap in the face to Mu Zichen. Although he didn't agree with Murong Yu being so high-profile, since Chen Xuan wanted to accept Mu Zichen as his disciple, then for Mu Zichen Chen Xuan also returned to the post office with a little more encouragement: "You have achieved third-grade elixirs in three months. You are better than everyone here."

Many people were still wondering what Chen Xuan was going to say. After all, Chen Xuan's slap in the face was more severe than Murong Yu's Harbin medicine. Even the elders in the Alchemy Association at the scene thought so after hearing Chen Xuan's words. , and another thing is that Mu Zichen is really special to Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan left the stage, he gave Mu Zichen a red Rod Pill. Many people were envious of this Mu Zichen. There is a seventh-grade elixir, which cannot be bought at the market price.

"Chen Xuan, I..."

"Remember what I said at the beginning, I'll check back in three days." Chen Xuan smiled at Mu Zichen and left directly. Xue Yue saw that Mu Zichen was still standing there so helplessly. After thanking him, he pulled Mu Zichen off the stage and said quietly: "Chen Xuan has promised you to be his apprentice. The feeling of asking you to prepare is to see your qualifications and prepare to assess you. You have to study hard in the past few days. This Chen Xuan Xuan is really awesome.”

"Is everything you said true?" Mu Zichen simply couldn't believe it. At first, seeing Chen Xuan like this, he should have been hopeless. But now that he has started to do this, he is concerned about this matter. There is something strange. Is it because of today's game?

If it is true that Mu Zichen earned this, the most important thing is that Chen Xuan helped him prove that this pill was actually used to replenish the vitality of the monster beast. This is simply unimaginable. Looking at Xue Yueye, he was very Seriously: "Xueyue, it's great to meet you, thank you!"

Xue Yue didn't expect that Mu Zichen would be like this suddenly. She had a serious face just now, but when she saw Mu Zichen being so serious, she couldn't help but blush. She looked at Mu Zichen with evasive eyes and said in a thin voice: "It's okay. ”

He came to Xia He and gave the remaining six pills to Xia He. Everyone looked envious. Xia He was really lucky to be able to recruit talents like Chen Xuan into his family. At the beginning, Chen Xuan seemed to be very close to the Mu family, and thought he would go to the Mu family. Now that Chen Xuan has a seventh-grade elixir and gave it to the Mu family, he felt that the Mu family felt a little guilty. Yeah?

Many people are speculating that Chen Xuan is really for the Xia family now. This is a seventh-grade elixir. Although hi, I have one for Elder Bing. Elder Bing is very happy. Elder Bing seems to be going. After visiting the Xia family, the relationship between Elder Bing and the Xia family will undoubtedly hinder the Xia family's growth! ’

Many people are envious of how Chen Xuan's alchemy ability could be so successful at this time. You must know that Chen Xuan now knows a man in his twenties. Many people with girls at home are looking at Chen Xuan. Xuan and Xia He, some people even asked Xia He: "This Chen Xuan should not be married yet."

The meaning of these words is very obvious. If there can be a son-in-law like Chen Xuan, many people in the crowd will start to boil. Chen Xuan looked at those people and said: "You can go to Mu Zichen, I will Very talented. As for me, I don’t think about those things yet.”

How could Chen Xuan forget that he came here to take revenge? Although he is now waiting for the arrival of the Snow Mountain Sect, it has been a month since then. How come he still hasn't heard the news?

Recently, Chen Xuan discovered a very interesting thing, that is, although Baishan wants to cooperate with the Xia family, during the investigation, Baishan has already joined forces with the Snow Mountain Sect. He Lanheng seems to be the same as Chen Xuan. He wanted the half-life stone of the Xia family. Since it was what the Snow Mountain Sect wanted, how could Chen Xuan give it to the Snow Mountain Sect so easily.

Besides, Chen Xuan also happens to need the half-life stone to refine the Zifu Ling for his own use. With the half-life stone, Chen Xuan can use it more easily. In comparison, the Zifu Ling belonged to his master Bai Zhe at the beginning, and now he wants to use it. After giving it to himself, he might still have some time, and it just so happened that Chen Xuan also thought this city was quite interesting.

"Dad, brother Chen Xuan, this game is over. Do you want to go back home?" Xia Yanran watched Xia He and Chen Xuan prepare to leave, and immediately came to Chen Xuan. Xia He looked at his daughter and looked at Chen Xuan. Xuan Ruo was shy, thinking that Chen Xuan was so capable that he would not let him go just like that. If he could be with his granddaughter, this would undoubtedly be the safest thing. Just like what happened with Liu Mu, if Chen Xuan If Xuan can't grasp it, then it must be a big worry.

What's more, although Chen Xuan has proven his loyalty to him, Xia He still has some worries. Although he has no doubts about employing people and is not good at artists, on this aspect, Xia He still needs to discuss the song with Liu Mu. Initially, At that time, it was Baishan who asked him to take Zongli with him. Why didn't he see Baishan at the end of the game? There was something strange about this.

"Chen Xuan, you and Yanran should go back first. Elder Bing and I still have some things to deal with and protect Yanran's safety." Xia He sighed when he saw the way Xia Yanran looked at Chen Xuan. He loved him so much. Yanran may have really come to her senses this time, but since she likes Chen Xuan, it is a good thing, it is better than falling in love with every serious man before.

"Okay." Chen Xuan saw Elder Bing and Xia He chatting happily. Chen Xuan turned to look at Xia Yanran and said, "Please." Then he walked over to escort Xia Yanran, as if he was Xia Yanran's bodyguard. , there were many women present looking at Chen Xuan with love in their eyes, but this look in Xia Yanran's eyes seemed to mean that not everyone could stand by Chen Xuan's side in this matter, only she, Xia Yanran, could That qualification.

This proud look made many women envious and jealous. In front of Chen Xuan, Xia Yanran showed a hint of blush and replied softly, "Okay."

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