Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1875 Then I’ll make the decision for you once

A month has passed since the last time Chen Xuan rejected Elder Bing's matter. Usually nothing happened. Now Xia He has relatively some trust in Chen Xuan. He will directly do the things assigned to Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan I'm thinking about how I'm going to get this half-life stone, or where I'm going to find this thing.

Just when Chen Xuan was walking back to Xia's house, he was hit by the full Xue Yue. Chen Xuan looked at Xue Yue's anxious look and held her hand: "Xue Yue? What happened? What happened? Running so fast?"

Xue Yue was about to cry when she looked at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan knew that something must have happened with Mu Zichen, otherwise Xue Yue would not have run out alone and looked at the inn next to her, walked in and asked for a private room. , Chen Xuan poured a glass for Xue Yue and said, "Okay, there's no one here now."

"Chen Xuan, I know you will definitely help me. I don't know what to do now. Zichen, he is going to..." Xue Yue started to cry, and then said: "If I directly put him If I take him back, he will definitely be unhappy. He will definitely hate me for being so obedient. What should I do? I'm afraid, I'm afraid of destroying Bansheng City. "

Chen Xuan looked at Xue Yue with some curiosity. What happened? As for Xue Yue becoming like this, it seemed to be a very strange thing. Faced with Chen Xuan's doubts, Xue Yue turned The general matter was left to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan looked at Xue Yue in shock. Chen Xuan just thought that Xue Yue should come up to repay his kindness. He never thought that this would be the case.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Chen Xuan looked at Xue Yue deeply, as if he thought of something, and began to think about this matter, but Chen Xuan couldn't accept it.

"I don't know what to do now. When Youmu and I, Zichen, might marry someone from the Bai family, I felt that this matter might have been wrong from the beginning. I, I shouldn't..." Xue Yue He has already begun to talk incoherently about this matter, but Chen Xuan has no way to help Xue Yue about this matter. It all depends on how Mu Zichen handles it. Besides, there are only two brothers in the Mu family now. If Mu Zichen really Chen Xuanke became a sinner when he walked with Xue Yue.

Chen Xuan looked at this matter as if it was a very embarrassing question. Another question is that if it is really written according to this, then some of these things can be done, but for half of the people, it is unacceptable. Bar.

"I can help you take a look at this matter, but overall it is better to see how Mu Zichen thinks about it, otherwise it will be a bit confusing for people to do. But there should be no difficulty in this matter. "After looking at this matter, Chen Xuan began to worry about this matter. If this is really the case, then let's take a look at the arrangements.

Of course Xue Yue knew that she had to take a look at this matter, but another thing was that if she really thought this way, then Mu Zichen would definitely not agree to this matter. He didn't know what he was thinking at all, even that time It was just a coincidence. After staying with Mu Zichen for more than half a year, nothing happened to them. He even often saw Mu Zichen going to places he didn't like and having a group of very good friends. Every time this happens, Xue Yue returns to Mu Zichen's consciousness and just goes to sleep.

There is always a person in this world who knows that he cannot provoke others at will, but he is still so careless that he provokes others at will and makes others upset. However, he himself does not care about anything and just pretends that nothing happened. Same.

Chen Xuan looked at Xue Yue and told Xue Yue that if she didn't want to go back to Mu's house now, just stand in the inn.

At night, Mu Zichen found Chen Xuan in a panic. Chen Xuan thought something had happened at first. After asking, he said, "I heard that Xue Yue has come to see you, right? What time has it been? Why?" He hasn’t come back yet, where has he gone?”

"Xueyue heard that you were getting married. In order not to disturb you recently, he planned to stay out for half a year. He might know something about it by then. Maybe he wouldn't go if you were getting married, for fear of being scared. Those guests." Chen Xuan looked at Mu Zichen seriously, as if this was a fact.

"How could it be... Why did Xue Yue leave without saying goodbye? He told you that I was going to get married?" Mu Zichen looked at Chen Xuan and nodded. Mu Zichen instantly began to feel that something was not so right. It's the same thing.

Mu Zichen's whole body felt bad. When Xue Yue first heard his brother acting like this, he felt that something was wrong with his reaction. At first, he didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that Xue Yue might be tired in the past few days. Suddenly, Xue Yue had always followed Mu Zichen, and now she acted on her own. Mu Zichen thought that Xue Yue also had his own behavior, and he couldn't restrict him, so he just said okay. Mu Zichen still remembers that. When Xue Yue looked at him, he stood there coldly motionless, looked at Mu Zichen without saying anything, turned around and left.

At that moment, although Mu Zichen didn't know what Xue Yue was thinking, he could still feel that the look in Xue Yue's eyes was full of danger, as if something important was about to happen.

What on earth is Xue Yue thinking?

"Mu Zichen." Chen Xuan looked at Mu Zichen and called his name.

Mu Zichen saw Chen Xuan suddenly calling him a very serious word. He was stunned, turned to look at Chen Xuan, and asked in confusion: "Huh? What's wrong?"

"Did you live with Xue Yue for so long that you forgot his original appearance?" Chen Xuan's words made Mu Zichen take a deep breath and was so surprised that he was speechless.

yes! He seemed to have never cared about Xue Yue's feelings, and he really had no plans to get married this time. The reason why he agreed was because he didn't want his brother to worry. Who would have thought that Xue Yue would have such a thing happen? .

Also, he never explained anything to Xue Yue about what happened in the Black Forest Mountains at the beginning. Xue Yue also knew about this matter. According to the third sister's thoughts, why didn't he tell Xue Yue? Mu Zichen started to blush when he thought of what the third sister said. At first he thought it was okay because he thought Xue Yue was a boy, so it didn't matter even if it was the first time, right?

Thinking of this, Mu Zichen said goodbye to Chen Xuan and ran away crazily. Chen Xuan looked at Mu Zichen's leaving back and smiled. When he turned around, he saw Bai Shan standing behind him. , although I don’t know when he stood here, but according to Chen Xuan’s temperament, the cultivation level of this Baishan will not be lower than his own, otherwise he will not be unable to feel the cultivation level of this Baishan.

"You have frequent contacts with the Mu family. Those who didn't know better thought you were an undercover agent sent by the Mu family." Bai Shan looked at Chen Xuan and smiled, as if Chen Xuan was caught doing something by Bai Shan. Got the handle.

Chen Xuan didn't pay much attention to Baishan's words. Even if there were many people who couldn't stand him, how could he, Baishan, be nothing?

Bai Shan held Chen Xuan with one hand, smiled strangely, and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell Xia He?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly and said calmly: "Are all undercover people now as upright as me?"

Bai Shan's face twitched. He was a little angry when he saw that Chen Xuan didn't take him seriously at all. Why is this Chen Xuanpin so arrogant? He is just a child now. How can you be arrogant in front of him? of.

At the beginning, Baishan received the invitation from the Snow Mountain Sect, and where he came, he was very respectful to him. Why did Chen Xuan do this? He was the one who gave it to the hatred in the first place, but he thought of countermeasures. If Chen Xuan was just fighting head-on, they would definitely not be his opponents, and the higher-ups might know about this matter. If Chen Xuan was really killed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Bai Shan thought of a very interesting method, that is, to praise Chen Xuan the most. This is why Bai Shan cooperated with the Xia family. It just so happened that Chen Xuan also chose the Xia family, but why did Chen Xuan choose Naturally, Baishan of the Xia family knows this. After all, the things that temper the Purple Mansion Order are here.

I was also curious when I came here. The people of the Xia family hid this thing really deeply. Even Baishan did not find out the whereabouts of this half-life stone. He just knew that this thing was in the Xia family when it was last born, so This is why everyone's focus is on the Xia family.

If Bai Shan had done something more subtle, I believe those in the Presbyterian Church would not have done anything to him. Thinking of this, Bai Shan's lips showed a smile and he murmured: "Chen Xuan, I must ask you to do the same this time." Try what it feels like to fall from above to hell."

Mu Zichen could sense where Xue Yue was. At this late night, there was no one on the street. Mu Zichen stood outside an inn, jumped to the roof, and lifted the roof of a hotel. Open a tile and look at Xue Yue, who seems to be sleeping now.

Go to sleep……


At first, Mu Zichen thought that his eyes were wrong. When he saw that the people on the bed were actually two men, one of them was Xue Yue. Thinking of this, Mu Zichen felt a ball of anger in his heart. Mu Zichen murmured angrily. Nan Shui lost: "It turns out that I am open to another man. I am afraid that I will find out, so I am preparing..."

The more Mu Zichen thought about it, the angrier he became. Every night Xue Yue turned into a fox and slept with him. Even if she wanted someone to be with her, Xue Yue should have changed into a fox and slept with him, but this Xue Yue actually turned into a human being. The person outside was actually holding Xue Yue. Mu Zichen looked inside and saw what Ran looked like. The person outside, His entire face was buried in Xue Yue's arms. Thinking of this, Mu Zichen wanted to hit him.

But just when Mu Zichen was angry, he seemed to see a face suddenly appear in front of him, and he pulled Mu Zichen into the house with one hand.

"Ahhhh!" Mu Zichen screamed, waking up Xue Yue from her sleep. She looked at the other man and said, "Third sister, what are you doing?"

"Zi Chen?" Xue Yue looked at Mu Zichen here in surprise and looked at Mu Zichen on the ground, who was now being bullied by Ling Luo. Seeing this, Xue Yue felt a little unbearable.

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