Chen Xuan watched Bai Shan being pressed tightly by him. Just when he was about to kill Bai Shan, another person found Chen Xuan's flaw at this moment and slapped Chen Xuan hard on the chest. Chen Xuan's whole body was blown away. Seeing such a thing, Chen Xuan's whole body looked at Bai Shan and that person, and he started to laugh at them. His neat hair was also messy because of the fight.

In fact, she didn't know how to explain that matter, but she thought in her heart that if this was the case, wouldn't they be unable to see each other again in this life?

And it made him curious, that if the whole thing was like this, then they should have even stranger people to help.

When these people first started, they all thought about different reasons, and what they felt most embarrassed about was that if this person just kept letting it go on like this, then wouldn't there be nothing for him to feel? He was a little worried, and it made him curious, that is, if they were all like this, who would have such an ending tomorrow.

"Do you think you can beat me with your two or three kicks of cat kung fu? I'm not afraid to tell you that our cultivation levels are almost the same now, and my car needs to be repaired. Forgive me, I think this matter should not be missed. Come with me." Bai Shan is now at the same level as him, both at the Taoist level, so if they want to do something, it's not the easiest thing for people to guess, and it's very confusing. Embarrassing means that if others knew about these things, wouldn't it be very embarrassing? Another thing is that if they could, wouldn't they just call them over?

However, after seeing this, another person came over to help. The two of them were in tandem, one behind, one on the left and one on the right. As soon as they found a flaw, they immediately attacked without giving Chen Xuan any chance to go back.

But just because he was like this, he showed his fast side. However, many times, the surrounding trees and mountains were all badly damaged by them, as if someone dug a big hole here. Like a pit.

Moreover, the huge turmoil caused by the three people's robbery shook the forests in several places nearby, and there were many people outside the city wall who could feel the aftermath of this.

A big explosion made him feel that this should be the most curious thing, and now it seems that he can't make himself feel that there is any difference, so this is what makes him feel like There is no such feeling.

If things are really like this, and I can let myself be arrogant, then it can only be like this, and there is no need to explain it.

"Okay, you dare to hurt me, then you have to be prepared for this." Thinking about this, he felt that there were many times when he felt how incredible it was, as if someone had done it No matter what the subject matter is, I also know what the consequences will be.

"Hahaha! Young man, let me tell you, don't be too arrogant. You probably don't know how high the two of us are in cultivation. And just by yourself, you think we can fight alone. "But, I am really a joke, and I am not afraid to tell you that even if our cultivation levels are equal, the two of us combined are enough to kill you." The person who said this was Bai Shan, but his speed. Very fast, but because of his age, he is still more stable than the other person in terms of different moves. But it is because of this appearance that she feels how annoying he is. things.

At this moment, they thought that this member couldn't beat them. After all, the two of them worked together, but they didn't expect that at this time, a helper appeared next to him, and he was very familiar with that person, so This is indeed very disadvantageous for one person, otherwise he would definitely be able to defeat him.

And what makes him feel most embarrassed is that this matter seems to be not over yet, so he must experience it here.

And he didn't know why, but he felt that he could always think of this matter, and he felt that these things should be fully understood.

The man was wearing white clothes. When he descended, he felt like a god descending to earth, but his handsome face showed a very cold expression. This seriousness made everyone step back.

It's obvious that they all know each other, because they are the ones who should have been away for a long time, however.

The old man in white clothes walked up to him. Seeing the two people trying to fight and kill him, he couldn't help but smile. He also looked at the young man in front of him. Wasn't it the same person he went to last time? While drinking by the lake, I saw the young man who wanted to use a new model. I didn't expect to meet him here today, and it seemed that we were quite destined.

After the two people looked at the old man in white clothes, they said angrily, who is he? But looking at such a person in white clothes, they don't know why they feel familiar, but he seems to be It's like forgetting who this Ran Di is.

And when he was in Baishan, he dared to sleep. What kind of person was this Ran Di? Because why, she felt that if this was the case, then there should indeed be something else.

"Oh, my friend, why did I meet you again? It seems that you are not in good shape now. Every time I meet your hand, I feel as if there is some danger around you. It seems that I am destined to help. Oh, I am a good person by nature." Chen Xuan actually still has some strength to fight against them. After all, their cultivation levels are similar to his own, and the two of them can't give him any mercy. , it is indeed a bit difficult, but now the old man's tone, tone and demeanor are obviously helping him, so he has nothing to worry about now.

If there is anything else that needs to be dealt with, wouldn't it be nice to just leave it to that person directly? So that's the key point, but there's something wrong with that person. The thing about the Confucian Temple is just to make him feel that this matter Isn't it the same as everyone imagined?

Another thing is that if some people can really take courses like that, then some people will know that this kind of thing will bring the same feeling to others.

After seeing this incident, I seemed to have such an impression in my mind. When I was about to go crazy, I seemed to be saved by a person, and then now he appeared in front of me again. This person may not be a very lovable person.

But even if it's like this, they don't feel too sorry. When the time comes, their younger brothers often come to visit, looking at their elder sister who is already guarding the official. I don't know why this 13 is very naughty. Are you? When everyone was gone, I saw the sister in the yard.

She wanted him to play with her, but now players should all be like this, and he would hit them when they left. Feng Xi and the others ate together in a town, and everyone knew how poor this town was, and when he looked at me, he simply didn't want it for this kind of competition.

Chen Xuan knew who this person was when he heard his words. This man with the wine flask had saved himself last time!

"Thank you, senior, for saving me!" Chen Xuan looked at the man and said with cupped hands.

There is a limitation in this continent, that is, the highest cultivation level can only be accepted by a Taoist master. However, according to Chen Xuan's speculation and the moves used, it should be more than a Taoist master's cultivation level.

Who is this Ran Di?

"Who are you? I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Bai Shan looked at the clothes of the old man in white and felt familiar, but as long as he stopped him from killing Chen Xuan, all the puppets Reading is his enemy.

Just when he said this, the old man in white said something. Looking at Bai Shan, he couldn't help but shake his head, and said in a disappointed tone: "Bai Shan, you really disappoint me."

Just because of this sentence, Bai Shan was a little dazed, because there was a person who said the same words to him before, but that person's words were: "Bai Shan, you are so awesome, I'm looking forward to it!"

"Shut up!" How could Baishan listen to the old man in white saying so many words? Just like that, he felt that his spiritual power was unstable. He had no way to avoid doing those things. He was obviously that As a human being, what does this old man know?

He was desired, and the throne was his.

I have said something like this before, that people who work hard like him will definitely be rewarded. But after so many years, that person left the Presbyterian Church and disappeared for many years. As for the collapse, it is now Baishan didn’t know whether he was alive or dead. Baishan knew that there must be some misunderstanding. From the beginning, he thought that if it was Baishan, then the heat thing would definitely be possible. Why was the person who finally took that position? White smoke?

"Bai Shan, don't be stubborn anymore. Knowing your mistakes can make a lot of improvements." Chen Xuan looked at the old man in white and seemed to be familiar with Bai Shan. Chen Xuan frowned a little about this matter. This can't be together. One of them is a good guy, and the other is a bad guy?

Although the old man in white had saved him at the beginning, all the Bai Shans wanted to kill him. However, in the past few months, Chen Xuan had not seen Bai Shan do anything about this matter. But Chen Xuan was a little curious about what this Baishan looked like.

"Go to hell!" Baishan looked at the old man in white and said fiercely, as if this time Baishan had used all his strength to get rid of the old man. Baishan looked at the person next to him, and if that person knew it, he would directly He gave Chen Xuan a hard slap, but Chen Xuan's reaction was quite sensitive. He quickly jumped up and avoided the attack.

"Damn it!" Chen Xuan stared at that person with frowning eyebrows and cursed secretly in displeasure.

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