Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1882: Settle new and old accounts together

Chen Xuan ignored Bai Shan and the old man with the wine pot, but went to Helan Heng. Seeing him take the Red Flame Stone away, Chen Xuan followed Helan Heng as fast as he could. Helan Heng knew that Chen Xuan would not be able to keep up with him, and he was determined to get the Red Flame Stone. He walked slowly on the road until he saw Chen Xuan standing in front of him with the Galan Sword.

"I can't believe you can survive from Bai Shan and Broken Sword. It's really surprising." Helan Heng watched Chen Xuan lose in front of him. You know, for this matter, it's like Chen Xuan is a little different from before. This cultivation is scary. He still knows that Bai Shan and Broken Sword are above the cultivation, but Chen Xuan is not injured at all.

"You are not bad. You can actually invite these two to work for your Snow Mountain Sect. It seems that you must have spent a lot of effort to kill me." Chen Xuan said this and walked directly to Helan Heng. There was a strong murderous intent in his eyes. He looked at Helan Heng and put the red flame stone in his Qiankun bag. He drew his sword and looked at Chen Xuan seriously and solemnly, as if this fight was a competition in the martial arts arena, regardless of life and death. "Then be prepared to die!" Helan Heng flew directly to Chen Xuan, but why did he feel that this was a little strange, that is, Chen Xuan actually dodged very quickly no matter how he hit. Chen Xuan chuckled and felt that Helan Heng was really whimsical. At the beginning, he began to look at this matter and Helan Heng's cultivation. It seems that this person's cultivation has not been much higher in all these years. He is now a Taoist master. At the beginning, he was laughing at Chen Xuan for being just a Taoist master of the sixth level and a low-level wild boy. Sooner or later, the old and new accounts will be settled, but for Chen Xuan, Helan Heng just killed him like this, which still made him somewhat dissatisfied. You know, this is the case for this place, but there is another thing about this matter. Helan Heng saw that although Chen Xuan was fighting with him, his mind was elsewhere.

This was too disrespectful to the opponent.

It was obvious that Helan Heng was at a disadvantage now, but even so, Helan Heng was still very determined to deal with this matter, but there was another thing that made Chen Xuan absolutely curious, because Helan Heng seemed to have a few more moves now, and there was another thing that Helan Heng roared wildly for this, which caught Chen Xuan off guard and was directly shocked by this burst of spiritual power.

"Damn it!" Chen Xuan stood up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand. This Helan Heng was really unfortunate. After all, this Helan Heng was from the Snow Mountain Sect. "Helan Heng, you should know that the moment you killed Yu'er, you should understand that today, you will definitely die!" Chen Xuan quickly picked up the Galan Sword and rushed to Helan Heng's neck, as if he was still a little strange to this person. After all, there was still some embarrassment about this matter, that is, how could this Helan Heng's current cultivation level not know how this matter happened. "Hehehe! Helan Yu'er, you still remember this bitch after so many years. I am so luxurious, don't mention this person in front of me. This is the shame of our Helan family." Helan Heng hated others mentioning Helan Yu'er the most, but this Chen Xuan did this when he was fine today, and really thought that it was the same as the above matter, but there was another thing that absolutely made Chen Xuan laugh with his ignorant look. This Chen Xuan was actually missed at the beginning. Has Chen Xuan grown so powerful with one sword at this time? However, those who are enemies of their Snow Mountain Sect will have a fate in the end, that is death!

"Shame! Is this how you, the Helan family, treat Yu'er? What did she do wrong? You actually treat her like this." Chen Xuan said fiercely in front of Helan Heng, and he wanted to chop Helan Heng to death.

"Hahaha! Are you angry now? Are you angry out of shame? Chen Xuan, I heard that you still have a relationship with the daughter of the leader of Qinghu Sect. What is the ending of her being purple and red? I don't mind telling you how it was under me..." Helan Heng was absolutely very happy when he saw Chen Xuan's painful look. There was another thing that Iu was a little strange about this matter. This Chen Xuan was really a sentimental person. At the beginning, when he knew that Yu'er and Chen Xuan had a relationship, he was very sad and heartbroken, but this Ziyi actually had a little relationship with Chen Xuan. Thinking of this, he was definitely a little angry about this matter.

This Chen Xuan must come out.

Because this man's cultivation has grown so fast in the past one or two years, I think this man will be a very big threat to him in the future, so this is the case.

Another thing is that if he is now, the two of them are facing each other like this, looking at his appearance, it seems that he must kill himself, so only one of them can survive tonight.

Thinking about Baishan, I don't know what's going on. He actually faced them like this. It looks a little uncomfortable. I don't know what's going on.

Also, it's unbelievable that the two of them can't defeat Chen Xuan alone. After all, how tall Bai Shan and Duan Jian are, their cultivation levels are obvious to all, and he also knows it. , so knowing their details, how could the two of them still be incomparable? Is it because something happened in the middle?

"Take your life!"

"Fudo Mingwang!" Chen Xuan looked at him and saw that he actually rushed over like this, so he took a precautionary measure.

But there was another thing that made her feel that this matter was not very good for others, or it was something else. And another thing was that it made him feel that he was being treated by someone who didn't really feel that he was a big deal. in appearance.

It seemed that I didn't have much trouble, so he discussed it and solved it directly. However, when he was standing in front of him and wanted to kill him, the two people appeared in front of him.

Bai Shan is not dead.

At the beginning, I thought that both of them had been killed by the old man holding the wine pot. Now it seems that there is a relationship between the two of them, so now if the man with the wine pot also stands On their side, this is obviously a very disadvantageous situation for them.

But it was because of things like this that he thought carefully about it, and did not even kill the person in front of him who he hated very much because he found that he no longer had that chance.

"You two are actually alive."

"Hahaha! I really disappoint you, but how could a person with a lot of luck like me die so easily? Besides, I haven't taken revenge yet. The hatred I had in the past is now easy to settle." Baishan directly took his sword again, rushed over like Chen Xuan, and then he was exercising. Although he had lost his temper at this time, for him, if he meditated and rested, he should recover soon.

What a coincidence, just when Chen Xuan felt that he could not stop him, Baijiu stood directly in front of him. What was even more surprising was that Baishan didn't move at all. He thought it would just happen like this. Call over.

"Do you really think that I don't dare to kill you? Or am I reluctant to kill you? Don't think that you used to be the person I respected the most, but now I no longer have the intention to kill you. I've passed it, and I hate you. I wish I could kill you." Baishan looked at the old man in white in front of him, and looked at him like this. Although his heart was very painful, because at the beginning, he understood that Baijiu should have cultivated immortality. That kind of cultivation, but why does he appear to everyone now as a middle-aged old man? Did he break the precepts for this?

He didn't care much about this thing anymore. After all, his affairs had nothing to do with her. Now he just wanted to kill the person in front of him, get back what he wanted, and then he would return to the world again. , take back your own throne.

No matter what, he has only one goal now, and that is to regain the throne. However, now it seems that his cultivation level is only at the level of a Taoist priest, and there are complete restrictions on his cultivation level in this continent. This is not easy for him to do, and the cultivation level of a Taoist priest is at the level of a Taoist priest in this continent. Several people have appeared, so there are quite a few people who can compete with him.

From now on, he will establish an example of his own, and then start a duel with the elders in the world. Just like before, he organized a group of people to compete with the Bai family, but those things have changed. These are all experiences of growing up.

In the past, when he believed in a person, he treated him as a god, but later this god treated him like this, and he couldn't help but feel resentment in his heart.

"I know you will definitely kill me, but I just want to tell you, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Besides, this is very bad for your cultivation. You may go crazy at any time, so even if you fall thousands of miles away, If the anger in your heart disappears, what will you gain?" Baijiu's clothes were light and elegant. Although he was facing such a scene, he still looked at the person in front of him without blushing or heartbeat.

Chen Xuan knew that these two people were very familiar with each other or maybe just friends, but after hearing Bai Shan's words, he felt that this person was his father?

But if it was the father, they shouldn't look like they were in their thirties, so they should be considered brothers.

"This kid is the one Bai Yan likes, so just let him go!" Baijiu said again.

When Bai Shan heard the word "Bai Yan", the boy's very plain face turned ferocious in an instant, because for him, if the relationship between the two of them breaks down, the relationship between the two of them will come to an end. Now, it's all because of that person named Bai Yan.

"Hahaha! No, you are wrong. As long as it is the person he likes, I will not leave anyone alone." Baishan looked at Baijiu and said.

It was like this in the past. As long as one person likes it, he will definitely make others give in. Just because this person is the person chosen by Baijiu to take the position of the elder, no matter who is next to him, he will make concessions. Let this person go, because this is a special case for him.

So what if the person sitting on the throne as the elder is Bai Shan?

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