Chen Xuan actually agreed.

Baijiu and the others looked at Chen Xuan in surprise. After all, Chen Xuan was the kind of person who would get the Audi he wanted. Who knew that such a thing would happen?

But there was some curiosity about this matter. How could it be different?

For someone like Chen Xuan, how should this matter be handled? There were many things that started to surprise him. There were some reports on this matter, so this matter was not something that he thought of, right?

After Chen Xuan came to this place, he started to deal with this matter, but there was another thing that he was not willing to believe in this weak existence. Thinking of this problem, he felt that he had a secret.

Chen Xuan didn't care about the matter since the beginning. Since that person handed it over to that person, it was clear that this matter could definitely be done. I don't know why I saw a figure walking over there. There was also a strange moment when I didn't know if this matter was what I believed. Another surprising thing was that this matter seemed to be a little wrong, otherwise why would he leave directly after this matter.

When Chen Xuan came to the street, he saw the child who sold the Red Flame Stone last time. Although he looked like a child, he was quite powerful. However, he had some strange thoughts about this matter. If this matter had evolved from this matter, then would it be unnecessary for this matter to develop. "Friend, wait a minute!" Chen Xuan stopped the friend. The Red Flame Stone that Chen Xuan came here was quite precious, but since he met this child, he asked about the Red Sun Stone directly. The child left directly after seeing Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan looked at the child curiously and followed this person all the way. However, it seemed that it would be uncomfortable for only one person to handle this matter? Thinking that this matter would be directly surpassed by the people above who didn't know, okay? The boy thought that he should not be able to beat Chen Xuan, because he could not see Chen Xuan's cultivation in the child's eyes. Doesn't this mean that this person has something that he doesn't know yet? Although this is what I think, there are some things that need someone to come, otherwise this life will just start this thing, this thing, and another thing will start this boring thing, right? As for why Chen Xuan is hated by this child, this is the general idea of ​​this matter, but there are many things that others don't know, and there is another thing that others are special, and another thing is that this matter may make Yu cheer up. "Why are you running!" Chen Xuan stood directly on the child, and the child hugged the thing in his arms tightly. Although he didn't know what this thing was, he looked at the child so nervously, and he still cared. The child closed his mouth tightly, as if he was doing something different, but there was another thing that needed someone to tell him to do this, but there was another thing that was a pleasure for everyone, but in many things, he showed everyone such things for a while in different things. "What happened? Why did you become so angry? Don't worry, I won't take the silver, and I won't rob you." This matter began to come and go.

The child looked at Chen Xuan and still looked at this matter with some doubts, but there were more people who didn't know how to do things.

"Someone told me that you are a bad person. You will rob me of my things. I can't give it to you. Don't rob me. This silver is for Daddy's treatment." The child talked about the situation of this matter.

Am I a bad person?

Thinking of this, Ji Bu thought a little bit about what kind of person this is. There is another thing that there are some things that are unknown about this matter. However, there is another thing that no one knows about this situation.

"Who told you this matter? Tell your brother, and your brother will ask it clearly." The boy wanted grandma, but Chen Xuan was lucky that he was quick-witted. If it weren't for someone, he would know something.

"This..." Chen Xuan looked at the boy and seemed to be not very good about whether this matter was really like a fairy tale.

Lan didn't want to tell him about this, because if he told him about this, he might have other ideas. For this, he felt like he had a fool around him.

When my brother said this, he didn't dare to tell others. After all, how could he have the heart to share this kind of thing with others? It made people feel a little curious, but there was something that made him feel very strange, so he thought. This might be the difference between him and them.

He had thought about such a problem a long time ago. If this matter is really like this, then he really shouldn't be here to make it difficult, but even if Lan is on a business trip, it may not be difficult. , after all, he himself was very surprised by this incident.

And she may not have thought about it. He has never been such a considerate person, but this time, he is willing to think about others, so this time he has not only changed a lot, but also other people. People also changed with him, that's why he became so beautiful, something that attracted everyone's attention.

But the most important thing is that the prince wants to be with the princess. Doesn't this mean that he must be happy to live alone, but what is the reason why he sent this fan?

My uncle had to wait for the director to finish filming before taking pictures, but looking at such a thing, it seemed a bit scary, and it felt like it was being used.

"I can't answer this question for you, and I also told that person that I will never betray him, but even if he is a brother, he will not become unrounded like this for his own sake, like a As a child, it does feel a little uncomfortable.”

What if this car really has a long top?

"Oh, if you bring out the person who spoke ill of me behind the scenes again, then I can help you with this matter. And you are not an aunt and uncle with a slumping mentality. Otherwise, I will save your father. If you want Believe me. Regarding this, whether I am poisoned or anything, it is a piece of cake for me." No matter what, the matter is already done, so no matter how hard they try, or how it goes. Conversation, it all involves the same concept of parents.

"That brother passed away. You can't let you know about this matter. If you let you know, you will definitely know who he is, so for sure, I also think that I believe that person's words a little bit, and I think you have always been Follow me, he does look like that brother, he feels like a bad guy, otherwise, how could he be so good, so I think it makes sense."

The boy looked at the man in front of him. After thinking about it, he felt that it was quite right. Otherwise, how could it have ended like this? And if she puts herself in trouble here, doesn't she look like a bad person? ? If he hadn't robbed him of his own money, no one would have believed him.

This man seemed to be obsessed with me just now. He seemed to be the one who could save his father's life. If this was really the case, would he have to believe him? The child feels very confused about this.

In the end, the child seemed to have made a big decision, and said to the person next to him, "I don't know what his name is, but that brother was wearing white clothes, and there was a sign on the left side of his pants. flute."

The old boy's description of this person was a bit unbelievable, because he felt that if there was a flute on the left, there were indeed one or two candidates in mind, but if such an occasion could occur and develop so quickly, maybe there would only be that one. .

But if it’s all from that family, no one’s child will be truly happy. For this matter, relatively speaking, it feels very surprising and surprising.

"I've told you everything, so I must save my daddy. You just talked to me about it, you can't default on it." The child looked at Chen Xuan as if he was about to leave to chat, and quickly grabbed Chen Xuan like this After all, many of them are not very understanding people about this matter, so how could they bully them and just go this route? I think they all feel very embarrassed about this matter.

Many times, they may not know how to take this road, but if it is another person, it may be another person who is responsible for appearance.

Maybe the things I have been thinking about for a long time are not like that? And regarding their matter, he felt that there was no chance of being angry, and looking at this matter, he felt that he had already earned it.

But no one should be able to see it, but Chen Xuan finally went to a place with her child. However, after walking for almost ten minutes and still not reaching the place, she frowned slightly. Could it be that Isn't this house really outside the city? Why haven't I arrived after walking for more than ten or twenty minutes?

But even though this was the case in my heart and I was just thinking about it, there still wasn't much disagreement. After all, boys couldn't bear such a thing, let alone girls.

"This is my home." The child looked at Chen Xuandao.

Chen Xuan looked at the child in surprise, wasn't he going to the Fierce Mountains? Why are you here?

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