Chen Xuan and Huo Lie saw this thing after fighting with this group of people, but there was another thing that started a new understanding of this matter. Huo Lie was very helpless about this matter, thinking that this matter was very weird. Regarding the matter, he looked at Chen Xuan and said: "I can guarantee that I don't know this group of people. I don't even know what this matter is like. Besides, there are still some embarrassing things about this organization. That’s it for this matter.”

Huo Lie was like this about this matter, but there were many times when it was like this. However, Chen Xuan looked at this matter and looked like he didn't quite believe it. After all, he knew that Huo Lie was like this. Who told others that Huo Lie has recovered, but Huo Lie has died, so I don’t know what it should be like, but even so, forget it.

"Since the matter of your recovery has been someone else's business, just buy it wherever you can. This matter started. The people of the Huo family have seen this matter. If we go back this time, it will be over. We must know this matter. , then they must be on guard this time, and we need to pay attention to it." Chen Xuan just looked at this matter, but there are many things that Huo Lie will know after knowing this matter, but this time. Whether it's because their goal is too big or someone already knows about this is still unclear, but it's still true that they still want your brothers to love you.

"Probably not. Many people thought I was dead. This time, it was so embarrassing that our front foot started chasing us before we even left the city. Is it because of this? I still need to think about it. Who revealed the news. "When it came to Huo Lie, I actually suspected that Chen Xuan had done something behind the scenes, but Chen Xuan probably didn't look like this. But there was another thing about this matter. How was this matter? It's rather embarrassing.

"Probably not. I told you at the beginning that it is best not to tell others about the fire, but... I suddenly thought about buying something. This may be because of the fire, so..." Chen Xuan thought At the beginning, when Xiong'an came to the auction, he introduced himself like this, saying that he was a child of Huo Lie. Xiong'an still didn't know how many people this matter might affect.

Huo Lie also remembered that this matter started at the above time, but there is another thing that seems to be the matter for this matter, but there is also one thing that is who called Huo out of this matter. Ali's.

There is still some embarrassment about this matter, that is, it was the right decision to hand over the fire to Xia Yanran, but for this matter, this matter is like this, but there is another thing: this matter is like this. Yes.

"It seems that my original decision was right. It will definitely be fine if I leave it to you. But is there really no problem with the Xia family?" Huo Lie started this matter after passing it, but there is still another matter. It just started.

In fact, this matter is not necessarily his fault, and he himself can't make up his mind about this matter, so he can only act like this, but after all, she still needs to take care of this matter. You make the decision yourself, that's why it's like this.

He thought that if he had given the child to him at the beginning, although he didn't know that he would leave the child to her alone, he still felt that it was quite safe.

There is one thing that I don't know about, and that is that he doesn't seem to have this thing.

However, he should be better at this matter, that is, he thinks this joint force is quite good.

There are many other things that feel very unusual when looking at this one thing, but this thing seems to be very uncomfortable for them.

And the most important thing is that he seems to think that this matter cannot be solved by himself.

If it is really like this, what will be the next ending?

Anyway, they have arranged it like this this time. If it is going to be like this, then let's do it next time.

"Okay, your child will definitely be fine. Although everyone is not kind to him now, according to my observation, his relationship with the tiger these days is not a hypocritical one, and he is still quite embarrassed about this matter. "

I'm afraid that he is a member of the Xia family now. If the next family dares to join a partnership with others and the three of them use it as opponents, then he will definitely not forgive them.

It's up to them how they choose. He doesn't dare to do this. He can guarantee it 100%. After all, they don't know how to calculate this life.

Another thing is that maybe this time with this person, although I want to win over him, I don't necessarily look at him in private, and I don't seem to hope that much. Watching, watching, this Everything is good.

Another thing is that if you can use other people like this, then being comfortable is useless.

When you think of this, she can't help but frown. This matter is really a headache.

But regarding this matter, I really feel rather embarrassed.

"Well, since it's your son, let's go directly to the Flame Mountain. However, this business may be a little bigger than expected. This is a family business that has been around for hundreds of years."

Thinking about this matter, he couldn't help but think about other things in his mind. After all, he still didn't know what to do in this aspect, and looking at such a thing, he was really embarrassed.

There is one thing, I don't know if it should be done, but if the time is like this, maybe he is still willing to give it a try.

After that, the two people prepared to walk directly into the mountain. Regarding this matter, he didn't know whether it was what they had guessed.

If those people really knew that it was coming back fiercely, they would have hidden that thing. Otherwise, they and I would have let those people get it back with interest.

Thinking of this, I feel that this matter is indeed quite easy, but when it comes to actually doing it, it feels very difficult.

But now it's too late for them. After all, this matter is no longer like this for them. Thinking about their past things, they seem to be unable to get back that feeling.

Although he couldn't tell what the mood was like, he could guarantee that she had thought about this incident for a long time, and there were many other things that he found a little unbelievable. This was the most important thing.

What this makes him feel is that she has come back and the matter has been known to others. Is it because of the matter about his child? That is to say, he understands one thing, that is, Ming is by his side, and there may be people watching everything happening around him at any time. Otherwise, no one would know the news so quickly. Seeing this thing makes him understand. You should be more careful in the future.

He has always kept the matter of his child secret. Few people know that he already has a child. Moreover, he has told her almost nothing about Bao's life experience. He has only told her once, and he has heard that Chen If Xuan is like that, then someone deliberately wanted to do it.

He did feel a little embarrassed when his identity was exposed. After all, he didn't know what happened this time. This was indeed his fault.

But now that he has come back this time, he will definitely not let it go like that. Besides, things didn't go right once. She has never felt how she has been. If it is really like this, It seems that he himself has to be prepared.

"It won't be long from here to the Flame Mountain. It takes about the same amount of time. We'll be there after walking for another half. But I have to be clear when we go there. It may be easy for us to get in, but it won't be so easy to get out. . So if b, we’d better be together after entering, otherwise, it will be relatively difficult after separation. "

Knowing that this matter is still a challenge for them, and after entering, there is no complete branch line. Even if he is Chen Xuan, she must be restricted, because inside, it only recognizes them and Lieshan brand, I don’t know who it is.

He had heard a little bit about this matter, so she nodded in agreement, and they continued walking to the left.

I am still relatively familiar with this road, but just in front of me, I didn't know when I opened a three-way intersection. Doudou made him feel a little surprised. When did this start to be established?

He would not be a little surprised at himself because of this, and there was another thing that made him feel incredible, that is, was there any misunderstanding in this?

There are many other things that he doesn't seem to be doing like this, but this thing seems to be quite surprising to him.

It seems that after they saw the three-way intersection in front of them, they stopped directly. It may be a very difficult thing for them to get past. After all, they want to walk through such a place easily. There may be many dangers.

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