Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1901 Becoming a tribute to the Wang family

"Sir, you laughed. I have no other purpose for coming here this time. I just want to make a living here. I just happened to come across the Wang family, so I came. I don't know where I offended you. You can take a closer look. ?"

Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed.

After Chen Xuan finished saying this, he took out a black pill from the Qiankun bag.

Throw it on the ground, and then like a god, it rises slightly and rises into the air.

Where has Mr. Wang seen this formation? Reggie called, including everyone in the Wang family.

"After you become immortal, you will be the enshrinement of our Wang family."

Chen Xuan originally wanted to show them what he had practiced before, but he didn't expect that now he would do it unintentionally.

But that's fine. I don't have to go to any trouble to do things for them humbly. When the time comes, I have to act based on face.

The Wang family had never seen someone with such an identity before. Everyone was shocked, but there was a look of disbelief on everyone's face.

"Father, I actually met this gentleman two years ago, but I was afraid that you would think I was deliberately lying, so I brought him back and let him participate. I planned for you to see it for yourself in that selection contest. Isn't that right? This is happening now.”

Everyone in the Wang family was excited about this. After all, not everyone could encounter such a thing as becoming an immortal.

"Please accept the sacrifice from our Wang family. In the future, whether it is incense or food, we players will provide it."

Chen Xuan was very satisfied with Wang Jia's performance. It seemed that his casual show off would have some effect.

As the saying goes, only invisible gods are worshiped, so how should we worship visible gods? Wang Jia was also in doubt at this time, but the power of this god was not something that the Wang family could see and compare to.

Then I found the largest house and the most cost-effective house for Chen Xuan to use as a place for cultivation and as a room for daily living.

Chen Xuan saw that the furnishings in the room were much better than where he was before, but he didn't expect these people to be quite decent.

Knowing what he wanted, he immediately waved his hand. After they went down, Chen Xuan lost his serious expression.

I lay on the bed all of a sudden. It had been a long time since I had been lying on the bed comfortably. Then I heard someone knocking on the door and opening it.

He found some incense and some strange things. Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly when he saw these. He also didn't understand that he, a living person, could not accept incense.

But it doesn't matter if you think that this may be a custom here. The Wang family is having a meeting in the ancestral hall at this time.

"I never expected that an immortal would come here. Everyone should be more serious in the future and never have the exaggerated attitude before."

Everyone in the Wang family nodded when they heard this, and no one dared to be careless. After all, the immortal was not something they could exchange for their glory, and it was in Cangyun City.

"In the future, I hope that all of you will abide by the rules of the family. You will not be disrespectful to the Immortal, and you will not make decisions that are contrary to the Immortal..."

After the clan meeting, everyone looked heavy, and no one dared to say anything more. After all, the team leader and other members of the Wang family were very happy about Chen Xuan's arrival, but it was different for the outsiders. But I thought it was a disaster.

The Wang family was slightly uneasy to begin with, but who knew that some kind of divine blessing would suddenly come to them? How could they guess what their situation would be like then.

And at this time, the gods and the others have not found out clearly. If it is really beneficial to the player, then he will not be able to get the power here.

"I think now that you have your true body to show up in front of us, we don't have to worship the dead or invisible gods. That way, we will follow the rules of our Wang family, so if there is any big event in the future, Please make a decision for us. I will let someone tell you everything about our family’s expertise in two days.”

Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed when he heard this. He didn't expect that he just came here to be an immortal, but he actually understood the internal affairs of the family. But then it was nothing, he kept that face.

"It's up to you to make your decision, but you have to be vigilant at all times, and my identity may not be revealed to outsiders."

Chen Xuan was also pretending to be mysterious. In fact, he had spent too many artifacts in the secret realm, but he didn't feel that his body was not used to it, so he said this.

"Don't worry, Immortal, your situation will be kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to outsiders. Furthermore, only our powerful elders know about it.

Chen Xuan nodded after hearing what the Wang family elders said. Since they had promised him, there was nothing to worry about, but next he had to check if there was anything wrong with his body.

"We will have a family meeting tonight, and we also want to treat everyone to a dinner. Please come over and take charge of the overall situation, and see how capable everyone in our family is and whether there is room for improvement."

Chen Xuan nodded, and the dinner ended quickly. Although everyone in the Wang family was talented, not everything they inherited could be seen, so Chen Xuan could not give any advice, and could only say some strange words. Then he sent them away.

"Then, Shangxian, you should rest early. I will announce it tomorrow. Then you will be our new elder. They will no longer suspect that there are any strange people coming in and out."

Chen Xuan refused directly. After all, this identity was not acceptable to him. Then he returned to the room and found that his body seemed to have changed.

Because he didn't have enough money to eat well, he just ate a few small things. But after eating such a sumptuous meal today, Chen Xuan found that there were internal injuries in many places on his body.

"Don't bother me from tomorrow on. I want to practice in seclusion. You can just pretend that I don't exist. Or when I wake up, I will treat you as my friends. Don't put any pressure on me. Immortals are also human beings and should be normal. of life.”

Chen Xuanwan slammed the door, sealed the surrounding area, and set up a formation.

The people outside wanted to ask what they meant, but not only did the knock on the door make no sound, but they were bounced back. Although they were a little unhappy, they still reported the matter to the elder Wang family.

"That's good. If the Immortal agrees to practice here, we should feel the supreme honor. Okay, okay, don't discuss it anymore. Let's go and rest."

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