Chen Xuan felt like he was full of strength in the room. He had never felt so powerful like he did now.

It turns out that this is the power of the seventh level of immortality, a feeling that I have never achieved before.

"Father, when I was looking at the door just now, I noticed a mass of black material outside the city. It was coming back and forth. The people in the city were also restless, and a large number of people were rushing over there."

Wang Quan was now educating Wang Frame. When he saw his eldest daughter coming over and nodding, he immediately went to the viewing platform of the Wang family to have a look. It was really like this, and he was a little uneasy.

"I'm afraid this is another unrest. You should hurry up and inform the Wang family. We'll go over and have a look first. However, important troops must be left to protect the Immortal. We must not let the Immortal's cultivation go wrong."

Chen Xuan had been practicing in seclusion before, so they couldn't hear clearly, but now he could hear clearly. He didn't expect that the Wang family actually left all their important troops at home, and he was moved in his heart.

Although it doesn't matter what they are capable of, or how they feel in the hearts of the Wang family, they can have this kind of heart to protect themselves, which will never come out, which is very touching.

"You all go ahead. I'm here to watch over you. I just need to consolidate it now. My cultivation is in place. Don't worry."

Chen Xuan's voice from the room made everyone in the Wang family feel uneasy. Wang Quan actually sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he had nothing to do, otherwise the superiors would have heard everything. It would be embarrassing if everything was bad. .

"Then thank you for your understanding. We will come back as soon as we go. You can take care of yourself at home. If there is any problem, send a flare and we will come back with all our strength."

Chen Xuan had no words to express his acquiescence, and then the whole Wang family mobilized with all their strength. After all, the Wang family is the main driving force to protect Cangyun City, and the others are just branches of Cangyun City. If anything happens to Cangyun City, the Wang family will still be able to do anything. Shirking responsibility.

Chen Xuan waited until everyone left, then continued to consolidate, then exhaled a breath of filthy breath before slowly relaxing and looking at the dirt on his body.

Unexpectedly, I have been practicing for three or four years. I haven't eaten much these days. After drinking, I went to the kitchen, where there was only a girl guarding me. When I saw him, I quickly and respectfully made myself a lot of delicious food.

Although I am already a seventh-level immortal, I still have to eat like a human being. After all, not eating will consume my soul.

"I see that you are similar to us, why are you respected by them, while we can only help them serve tea and water in this kind of kitchen, and we will be whipped from time to time."

Seeing Chen Xuan's nice words, the girl couldn't help but complain next to her. Chen Xuan frowned when he heard this.

"Girl, in fact, people respect each other, and their family can't be that bad. If you do better in some aspects, you may not only not be punished, but you will also be punished. Reward, so don’t let them beat you or anything else, or I won’t be able to listen to it.”

After Chen Xuan finished, he left the dishes and chopsticks behind and disappeared into the kitchen in a gust of wind. Seeing this, the girl dared not say another word. She knelt on the ground crying and fussing, but no one around her listened to her nonsense.

Then Chen Xuan went to the back mountain to fetch water and took a bath. He felt completely comfortable. He changed into clean clothes and continued to sit on the bed to consolidate his cultivation. Unexpectedly, Xicheng's breathing was smoother than before.

There is no one with the same strength as him in Cangyun City, so in a fight, he will naturally be more respected than Gardenia.

In this world of competition and cultivation, it does not mean that you can treat others equally just because you can do something relative to the workpiece.

It's about having enough ability and strength to be looked down upon by others, rather than being looked down upon by others, so all of this should be laid slowly. Now that he is at the seventh level of immortality, he believes that one day he will reach a higher realm.

When the Wang family came outside the city, they saw the suddenly wrinkled palace. Their eyes were filled with golden wings. Although there were many people around, no one dared to approach. After all, if anyone approached suddenly, they would be out of control. Seriously, they can't afford this responsibility.

"Wang Jiazhuo, you are finally here. This sudden disturbance kept me awake most of the night. My family lives next to it, but it looks like an ancient building that has been built for many years."

The common man who knew nothing suddenly spat out these words.

Wang Quan didn't have anything to do, so the Wang family drove away all the people watching the theater, and took a few people to study it. At first, they thought it was a human barrier set up somewhere, but when they walked over and took a look, they found nothing.

"You take Ran to the left, and we will take the people to the right. We will gather in the middle later, pack up and go back as soon as possible. The Immortal is still at home."

The Wang family nodded when they received the order. After all, they thought that Chen Xuan would be in danger at any time while practicing at home, so they could not relax. They checked at any time and found no problems here.

After a while, everything was fine and no problems were found. However, the Wang family turned on the air conditioner, but unexpectedly the news spread outside the city.

There are also various families in the city who are members of the Wang family. After receiving this order, they thought it was a windfall and planned to come here to have a look.

But this secret ancient city is not as simple as they imagined. Although it looks gorgeous, the door cannot be opened.

Wang Quan gave it a try at first and then gave up, and ordered that anyone who suddenly opened the gate and entered the nearby forest without permission would be hunted down by the Wang family.

Then he took the people back.

Chen Xuan saw everyone who had returned so sadly, with smiles on their faces. Seeing Chen Xuan standing in the yard admiring flowers and looking at the grass as if nothing had happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Everyone is back. Why do you see the tired expressions on your faces? Have you encountered something? After I have reached the seventh level of Immortal cultivation, I guess there will be no more problems."

The meaning of Chen Xuan's words is that you can cause trouble, but when problems arise, I will help you take care of them. Everyone looked happy when they heard this, and they were so moved that they didn't know what to do.

"The words of the Immortal are serious. It is already a great honor for us to serve you as our royal family. We don't think it matters whether you can protect us. After all, you are the Supreme God in our hearts and cannot affect you. place in our minds.”

Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly to himself. He was not bragging, he was just letting them know his strength. As long as he was not afraid of trouble or caused trouble, it didn't matter. He could handle it himself.

"Actually, we went there today and saw a strange thing. We heard from the surrounding villagers that a castle suddenly rose up, and there was a forest next to it, but we didn't know where it was."

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