Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1922 The Canghai Clan was defeated

"Okay, okay, it's not like I don't know. Come on down quickly."

How could the Canghai clan leader not know this, but now they can actually keep him if they can.

What if it is really a direct descendant sent by the opposite party, and he does not care about the safety of his clan members.

I only think about my future, and when something happens, I guess no one can replace the feeling of self-blame in my heart.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the martial arts competition three days later. Both sides lived on the same island, so they chose the beach this time.

That is, next to the thatched house where Chen Xuan lives now, a platform was built there, and Chen Xuan was successfully awakened from his dream.

"Master, do we really want to compete with them this time? What if we lose then? This is related to the fate of our Canghai clan."

The elder of the Canghai clan looked at the melancholy expression on the face of the apprentice who had just been admitted. He was also very worried, but if he didn't compete now.

Then the promises they made in the past would be wiped out in an instant. He was not willing to accept it, and he did not believe that the Detective Clan could be any more powerful than them.

After the stage was set up, important people from both sides came on stage.

Chen Xuan now felt that his body had returned to the previous pain, so he simply hid in the house to see which side would win the first place in this competition.

"Elder, since you started the competition first, you're welcome. I hope you know who is the real owner of the island here this time."

The newly appointed elder of the Detective Clan came over with an arrogant look on his face.

"It's too early to make big claims now. It's better to wait for the final results before judging who loses and who wins."

The two of them did not continue to bicker. Instead, they began to arrange for the internal staff to win this competition or something. Although Chen Xuan was far away, he heard their words clearly and wanted to defeat them. The confidence in the competition is stronger.

It's about half tea time here again.

"Now that both parties have arrived, I will announce the official start of the annual competition. Please don't show mercy. Although we are our own people, we can clearly distinguish which is more important."

The magistrate is a gentle woman.

Chen Xuan also knew that the competition was about to start, so he found a tree nearby that looked relatively hidden, and simply waited there to see if they could see any exciting results when they started to see it.

But he had been waiting there for nearly several cups of tea. Not only was there no exciting competition, but he began to doubt their abilities. They were all capable of magic and spiritual power, so why did they start to show off their skills in the competition now?

What are they doing with all the real skills they possess? Is this the highlight? But Chen Xuan was still disappointed later.

Later, they were still the same as before. It was useless to continue to fight with each other. The strength they possessed only made them hit harder and harder, which made Chen Xuan confused.

Could it be that the rules of their game are that they cannot use additional spells or something? Why do you follow everyone? Just like ordinary people, they seem to know nothing about magic.

Game 1 and Game 2 came as scheduled, and then slowly came to an end.

"Why are you still unwilling to show your strength? Do you really have to wait until they attack before you can use your hidden skills? Don't be ridiculous. Isn't everyone practicing this just to have someone who can prove that they are more powerful?"

One of the ignorant servants from the Detective Clan ran out and made a noise, but was stopped by the team leader.

"Who sent you? Get out of here."

But when he took a closer look, he found that this was not a member of their clan at all. It seemed that someone from outside had sneaked in this time and took their responsibility. What they did in the end was not yet known to them.

"Elder of the Canghai Tribe, please be careful. I discovered that a traitor has entered our side. Take a look at your side and see if there is anything. People who shouldn't have entered will disturb the morale of the army and hinder the two tribes." Good reputation."

The Canghai tribe also paid attention to the prompts there, and suddenly thought of Chen Xuan, who suddenly entered their group two years ago.

But Chen Xue was no longer in his sight, so he didn't think about it. The two feet continued to compete, but no one forgot about the spy.

"Since you have already started it, there is no need for me to take action. It is said that the fisherman gets the benefit of the snipe and the clam, so now I will be the fisherman."

I don't know where to go, but an old man with a white beard wearing a gray robe.

With snow-white hair and eyes filled with joy as he watched the two tribes fighting fiercely, the two team leaders realized that it seemed that this time it was one of them who was planning the plan.

But all of a sudden, it was basically impossible for their men to stop with their narrow voices.

"Who are you? Why did you come to Canghai and Shentan!" The old man smiled wildly when he heard the scared voices of the two.

"Two ignorant boys, do you think you are the only two families in this Black Wind Mountain? You think there is no one else except you. This may be because of your ignorance, which is why you are in this situation. I can't blame you."

Chen Xuan was sitting nearby and was about to take a nap. Suddenly when he saw this old man coming, he felt that the main event was coming. It seemed that the so-called civil strife was not caused by one of their own people. This time there was something good to watch.

The old man didn't know why, but he ran over and pinched the heads of two clan elders, and he pinched them in his hands, with a look in his eyes as he was succeeding in teasing.

Only then did Chen Xuan realize that the two of them were fighting not because of their own intentions, but to embarrass them.

I didn't know about this matter. No wonder we have been friends for so many years, but suddenly we have to fight. Why did he feel so strange when he heard it before?

"Why are you silent now? I am from the Flying Eagle Group outside your group. With your strength, you still want to compete with us. Live a few more years, otherwise you will have no chance. We have sent spies to you to spy on you, but we didn't expect you to fall into our hands so soon. It's really surprising."

He smiled proudly again.

Chen Xuan didn't care about this clan or that clan. Although their strength looked very attractive, they were still weak in comparison. As long as he made a little effort, he could help them and escape. The main thing was to get their treasure.

"This old man, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to use the minority to bully the majority? And you are taking advantage of others' misfortune. If this is spread out, you will be laughed at by outsiders."

Chen Xuan walked out swaggeringly, scaring the smug old man. When he was thinking about where the young man jumped out from, Chen Xuan had already rescued the two people from her hands at lightning speed.

"Next time you launch a surprise attack, check carefully beforehand. Otherwise, you will lose both the lady and the soldiers, which is not worth it." The elder of the Canghai tribe looked at Chen Xuan with a strange look in his eyes.

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