Then Chen Xuan felt that their eyes became hot, as if they were very interested in something on their bodies. They all looked down at their bodies, but there was nothing that they liked.

"What are you looking at?"

If Chen Xuan continues to fight them like this until now, he will definitely have no chance of winning, unless he has to fight them with wits and courage, which is still possible.

"I didn't see anything, but I think you have something interesting on you. If you come down and play with us, I will agree to let you go. Anyway, there is no use in bringing you back. We can't suck your menstrual blood at all." ”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan began to suspect that during the time he was unconscious, he always felt like something was sucking on his skin.

It turns out that they were manipulated at will.

But fortunately, the blood was not sucked out, and now it is tied here.

"You are not doubting our ability, right? Don't worry, we are very capable. But for the first flight, if you tell us what special skills you have, we won't do anything to you. Otherwise, we will take everything you have." Take it away.”

The elf saw Chen Xuan's legs and feet were getting cold and couldn't help but tease him.

Chen Xuan was fine, but when he saw their big shining eyes, he was a little cautious.

Do all these elves look the same? These eyes may not be a bit too penetrating, if you keep looking at yourself in front of them.

Then he had to be scared to death by them, so he simply didn't take their actions to heart, just closed his eyes tightly and pretended to be sleeping.

Those elves saw that Chen Xuan didn't make any move regardless of what they heard. They found it interesting at first, but in the end it became boring after a long time.

After they left, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes and saw the surroundings. The entrance of the cave seemed to be a spider cave, with spider silk everywhere.

But what is the connection between this spider spirit and these elves? Why are you tied up here by them? This is a doubt in Chengquan's heart.

Moreover, Chen Xue believes that the current skills have nothing to enchant oneself, so what are they?

Chen Xuan seemed to hear a slight sound next door, so he closed his eyes tightly and opened his ears wide, trying to hear what was going on next door, and then he heard the unforgivable secret.

"What are you doing this time? Do you know how much energy this human being brought back by our exercise has used? You can solve the problem at will with just one sentence, but don't do it. You are not our boss. Don't give orders here at will. No Who will listen to you?"

There seemed to be two small voices quarreling next door, and Chen Xuan sounded somewhat interesting. Are they deciding their own life or death? For a moment, Chen Xuan felt a chill running down his spine. It felt really bad to be held in someone else's hands.

"Don't worry about this person being brought back by me. Naturally, I have to make the decision. You are just a boss here and can't control these lives, so it's up to me to decide. This human being can't stay here with us. Time When we grow up, we will be discovered by outsiders, and our ancestors will take control of us. "

But the other elf didn't believe it, and looked stubborn.

"What do you know? Our ancestor is practicing in seclusion right now. There is no way he knows about this. Moreover, we just secretly used his spider silk. There is no way he can come out and do anything to us. He is so good to us and is just a human being. That’s all.”

"Do you know what the things on human beings are? His Qiankun Belt can contain all of us. If the ancestor discovers that something is wrong with us, do you think he will blame us or you?"

The two of them were arguing endlessly, and Chen Xuan felt a little bored, but they actually knew that they had the Qiankun Bag on them.

These things are not simple, but so what if you know them.

This is the Qiankun belt that they have a contract with, and they cannot take it away.

Then Chen Xuan closed his eyes and continued to rest, but he smelled an unusual smell around him.

That means someone is coming, and the smell is completely different from those elves.

Those elves had a faint fragrance of flowers. This thing had a strong smell of blood. He didn't dare to open his eyes. He just squinted his eyes slightly, which frightened him. What on earth was this thing?

"I didn't expect that the human being they brought back was really a hard-working teacher. I haven't been able to find food for half a year while patrolling outside. Since you are here, just make my food. I know you are awake."

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and couldn't see clearly what was next to him.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that it was an eight-legged spider, and the tentacles on its body were actually purple-red, which looked very evil.

The two quarreling elves started talking again, but the content of their conversation was not Chen Xueer at all, it was something else. Then they accelerated their pace and came here.

"Master, why are you here? This is what we caught for experiments. You can't eat it."

The arrogant elf who had just argued was now standing in front of the big spider with an arrogant look on his face.

"My lovely Xue'er, if there is anything that humans can't eat, you just need to catch another one for experimentation. Look, I have been practicing in seclusion for so long, and I finally have something to eat. How can I not be excited?"

Then he quickened his pace and ran over. Chen Xuan couldn't help but shrink back.

But he was tied to a pillar, and there was no room for retreat. The spider silk on his body didn't matter how hard he used it.

It will only get tighter and tighter, and will not relax at all.

The big spider crawled forward quickly despite the elf's objections. Looking at Chen Xuan's nervous look, it actually left a long trail of saliva.

"Master, no, my ancestors will definitely blame you when they come out and see this situation. You must not make this leap. You have been practicing for so many years, so don't be beaten in and continue to practice."

But now this big spider only has Chen Xuan's figure in its eyes.

There are so many of them. No matter how much you eat, you won’t be punished. It’s just to increase your own cultivation.

The elves began to discuss slowly, but then they felt it was useless. They could only use their own hands to stop the big spider, but they were from the same sect after all. How could it be difficult to get the big spider with this little illusion?

The big balloon spider waved its claws lightly, and the elves fell to the ground, injured and unable to get up.

"Dear food, here I come!"

He quickened his pace to achieve perfection. He had never felt anything more disgusting than this. If he were to be eaten by a big spider on his back now, it would probably be a shameful and humiliating life that has been wasted for so many years.

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