Chen Xuan's pupils shrank, looking at the giant hand and the giant hand

"This is the Crimson Flame Mountain Range. I remember that there was a Crimson Flame Giant who lived in ancient times hidden in the Crimson Flame Mountain Range. It seems that his cultivation has reached the terrifying ninth level.

I didn't expect this devil to be so cunning, and to have such a hand in the end.

From the terrifying existence of the Immortal Lord!


An ancient roar like an ancient ferocious beast came from the mountains.

A giant head emerged from the mountains. The red flame giant opened his eyes that had been closed for tens of thousands of years. His eyes were full of vicissitudes of life, mixed with a touch of anger.

"This devil's mind is really cunning. It seems that this red flame giant has been completely angered." Chen Xuan felt more and more troubled. The strength of this red flame giant was more than a little bit higher than Chen Xuan.

Even if Chen Xuan uses the fourth level of Fu Sheng Jue's Fu Sheng Seal, he probably won't be able to do anything to the giant.

The only solution now is to escape.

Chen Xuan was thinking about how to deal with it, and suddenly felt that he was locked by a terrifying aura. Chen Xuan turned his head, only to see a giant hand slapping directly at Chen Xuan.

"Floating Seal!"

Chen Xuan quickly formed a magic seal. The Fusheng Seal in front of him tried to block the giant hand that was coming at him, but it was easily smashed by the giant hand like tofu.


Chen Xuan's entire body was photographed by the Red Flame Giant, and he smashed straight into the ground, landing in front of the Red Flame Giant.

Chen Xuan was in a state of embarrassment and spit out a mouthful of blood, but before he could wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, he activated the Feishen Jue to avoid it.

Because at this time, the other hand of the red flame giant stretched out from the mountain range and grabbed Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan used all his spiritual power to activate Feishenlu. His speed reached the extreme, but he could only barely avoid Ju Rao's attack.

Although the giant is huge, his movements are not slow at all. On the contrary, he is very flexible.

The two hands cooperated with each other and blocked Chen Xuan's escape route several times, which was extremely thrilling.

Chen Xuan's face became more serious, but he found that the giant was staring at him with a playful look, just like a cat playing with a mouse.

Chen Xuan's body shape is like a slightly stronger fly compared to the giant, and he can kill, kill, and rob him with just a thought.

Chen Xuan also realized this and accelerated even faster to escape from this terrifying mountain range.

How could the giant give Chen Xuan a chance? Several times, when Chen Xuan was about to escape, the giant slapped Chen Xuan to the ground again. The expression on the giant's face became more and more excited, as if a playful child had found his favorite toy.

"Ahem." Chen Xuan spit out blood again and took a healing elixir to adjust his body slightly.

"This is not an option if this continues. This damn giant must regard me as his toy." Chen Xuan was thinking of countermeasures while healing his wounds.


Chen Xuan was once again slapped into the face by the red flame giant. Chen Xuan spit out several mouthfuls of blood and his eyes began to turn black.

And when the Red Flame Giant saw Chen Xuan being swatted like a fly, he clapped his hands excitedly like a child, making a deafening sound.

The red flame giant was excited for a while. When he saw that Chen Xuan no longer flew up and seemed to have lost his life, an impatient look appeared on his face. He hammered the ground fiercely several times, trying to get Chen Xuan up.

Chen Xuan was healing his wounds in secret at this moment. The floating spirit body in his body emitted a bright white light and slowly healed Chen Xuan's injured body.

The red flame giant lost his patience, and formed a huge fire fist with his right hand, trying to smash Chen Xuan into a pulp with all his strength.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was about to be killed by the red flame giant.

Suddenly I remembered the giant's previous expression. It seemed that there was a place in the mountain range that the giant was afraid of.

Although the giant's previous expression was very subtle, it was still captured by Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan propped up his body, forced up his speed, dodged Ju Rao's fatal blow, and then flew into the air.

He looked around the mountains for a while, thinking carefully about where he had just flown.

"right here!"

Chen Xuan looked at a hidden mountain peak and flew over at high speed.

The giant, who was excited when he saw Chen Xuan flying, changed his face when he saw Chen Xuan flying towards that position. He hurriedly waved his hands to catch him, but it was still a step too late, and finally let Chen Xuan fly up to the mountain.

Chen Xuan landed on the mountainside and looked back at the giant. The giant waved his hands angrily, causing all the surrounding mountains to suffer.

The boulders rolled down and the mountain collapsed. The giant glared at Chen Xuan angrily at last and climbed into the mountains.

Chen Xuan was finally out of danger for the time being, took another pill, and sat cross-legged on the ground to heal his injuries.

After three or four hours, Chen Xuan's injuries had almost recovered. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a cave appearing behind him. The cave was extremely dark and exuded a faint dangerous aura.

This mysterious cave did not appear before Chen Xuan flew over, but now it seems to be to welcome Chen Xuan's arrival.

To be able to make giants so fearful, the mountain peak behind him and this cave should hide some big secrets. Chen Xuan secretly wondered whether he should go in and investigate.

Chen Xuan hesitated, but the floating spirit body in his body suddenly woke up, and like a hungry beast looking for meat, it wanted to lead Chen Xuan's body into the cave.

This has never happened before, and it can make the floating spirit body so excited. There should be something good in it that can interest the floating spirit body.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan also became faintly excited. Things that interested the Fusheng Spirit Body were also of great help to Chen Xuan's Fusheng Art.

Then Chen Xuanxin stepped into the cave. This was a place that even the Red Flame Giants were afraid of. There would be a crisis somewhere.

The cave was extremely dark. Chen Xuan moved slowly to the end of the cave. A skeleton suddenly appeared in front of him, and behind the skeleton was a strange portal.

The skeleton seemed to sense Chen Xuan's arrival, and stood up slowly and stiffly, its empty eyes igniting strange red flames.

Chen Xuan, facing a formidable enemy, drew out his black sword and pointed it at the skeleton, ready to respond to danger at any time.

The skeleton tilted his head in confusion, with flames in his eyes, and stretched out his right hand as if to feel Chen Xuan's breath.

Then the skeleton was shocked and actually leaned slightly towards Chen Xuan, as if the skeleton was Chen Xuan's subordinate.

Then the skeleton stood aside respectfully, stretching out his hand to invite Chen Xuan into the portal behind him.

Chen Xuan was surprised, but he didn't come out. He walked around the skeleton and stood in front of the portal to look at it carefully.

This portal is like a standing lake, blue and white in color, exuding crystal light.

Chen Xuan didn't know what was behind the portal. He took a breath and adjusted to the best condition. He cautiously tested it and stretched out his right hand to touch it gently.

Chen Xuan's right hand fell into it, and the calm portal began to fluctuate, sending out circles of shaking ripples.

Chen Xuan only felt a cold and gentle wave enter Chen Xuan's brain along the right hand that touched the portal.

In an instant, Chen Xuan's vision went dark, and he seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

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