Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1959 Immortal Sword Sect Disciple

Chen Xuan opened his eyes, and saw a blue sky. He took a deep breath, and he should have come out of the secret realm.

Then Chen Xuan sat up and observed the surroundings, with a strange look on his face.

"This doesn't seem to be the Red Flame Mountains."

He didn't know where the portal had teleported Chen Xuan to, so he stopped thinking and began to check his body.

What Chen Xuan didn't expect was that his spirit body fell into a deep sleep again, with his eyes closed, like a baby.

But Chen Xuan's own state was incomparably good. The haze of the demon's slaughter seemed to have been swept away, and his whole body was full of explosive power.

Chen Xuan found a beam of clear spring water, washed his face, and sat cross-legged by the water to practice.

Chen Xuan, who was practicing quietly, was awakened by a tremor. Chen Xuan almost forgot that there seemed to be a demon's space ring in his pocket.

And the thing that was shaking was in the demon's space ring.

Chen Xuan erased the original mark of the demon and probed his spiritual consciousness into it.

Inside was the devil's collection of many years, countless spiritual medicines and magic weapons, and countless precious herbs, among which there were several rare immortal medicines in the records.

Chen Xuan's eyes stayed on these things for only a moment, and then he was attracted by a black token in the corner.

It was this token that vibrated, the whole body was black, there were strange patterns on it, and it emitted a powerful spiritual fluctuation.

As soon as Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness touched the token, his head was shaken to pieces.

On the bone seat hundreds of millions of miles away, sat a skinny but extremely evil old man.

"Huh? What's going on? It's not Liang'er. Could it be that Liang'er was killed?" The old man looked ugly after feeling Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness, and the worst news emerged in his mind.

The old man roared at the token in his hand: "No matter who you are, I will take off your head one day to sacrifice Liang'er!"

Then the old man murmured, and a strange fluctuation drilled into the token and was imprinted on Chen Xuan along the connection between the tokens.

Chen Xuan, who was a little dizzy, still remembered the words of the old man in his mind, "No matter where you escape to... I will take your life... My name is Jiang... Tong Mo Zun..."

"Tong Mo Zun... should be the master of the demon. He seems to have left a mark on me just now." Chen Xuan said, pulling open his clothes to check the place where he was a little stinging.

Branded with a strange demon totem, faintly exuding an evil breath.

Chen Xuan calmed down, clenched his fists, felt the power of the explosion in his hands, and showed a confident and resolute expression on his face.

"Whether it is Tong Mo Zun or the devil, it is not so easy to take my life!"


Night fell, and the pale moonlight splashed on the dim earth, reflecting the crystal light.

In the extremely quiet mountain forest on weekdays, Chen Xuan was sitting cross-legged and practicing. Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and felt his current cultivation.

His cultivation was still at the peak of the eighth level, but there was only a barrier between him and the ninth level. Chen Xuan was now only one opportunity away.


The sound of fighting suddenly appeared in the forest behind Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan flew over to investigate.

In front of Chen Xuan, two groups of people were fighting. One group was wearing pure white robes, and they were obviously disciples of a large sect, while the other group looked like mountain bandits. They attacked without any rules, but they were fierce and powerful, and they were obviously wild people who practiced in the forest.

Although the sect disciples were defeated, they could still fight with the opponent in a roundabout way by relying on the practice and teamwork.

"Brother, this is not a solution. These bandits are too difficult to deal with." One of the sect disciples sent a voice message to the one in front.

"Ming Luxin!"


"Ming Lu!" The leading disciple looked at the one behind him with his eyes wide open. The disciple behind him was distracted just now and his head was cut off by the bandit leader.

The leading disciple, because of the death of his fellow disciple just now, did not even notice the robber flying behind him.

Chen Xuan was investigating in the dark, and seeing that the leading disciple was about to die, he finally couldn't help but take action.

"Floating Life Finger!"

Chen Xuan stretched out his arm, and a ray of light flew out from his right hand along his finger, condensing into a huge finger in the air. Hit the robber.

With a bang, the robber flew backwards, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.

The leading disciple was a little surprised, turned his head to look at the heavy robber behind him, and then looked at Chen Xuan.

Everyone present was shocked by Chen Xuan's finger.

"Friend, it seems a bit inappropriate to do this." The robber leader said to Chen Xuan with a gloomy face.

"What should I do? Is it your turn to teach me?" Chen Xuan snorted coldly, glancing at the robber leader with indifference.

Chen Xuan had actually heard that there were some desperate people in these mountains and forests. They called themselves heroes, but in fact they were all doing some murders and robberies.

Chen Xuan happened to see it today, so he naturally had to take care of it.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude with the knife in my hand."

The leader exerted force on his toes and raised the big knife to chop at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan saw this and drew out the Xuan Sword to chop the big knife together, making a huge roar.


"This..." The leader stared at the big knife in his hand with wide eyes. After the collision just now, his big knife was broken into pieces.

Although this knife is not a fairy weapon of the immortal sect, it has also reached the lower level of the immortal grade. This knife has been with the leader in battle for many years and has never disappointed the leader, but it is broken here today.

Chen Xuan moved his wrists. With the promotion of Fu Sheng Jue, his physical strength also reached an astonishing level. In the collision just now, he had no use of any spiritual power and relied entirely on the strength of his physical body.

The leader knew that he had encountered a difficult situation, and he had no time to feel distressed, so he ordered his men to escape.

As all the robbers fled, the remaining sect disciples came over one after another.

"Thank you, friend." The leading disciple hugged Chen Xuan, and then dozens of others came over to express their thanks.

"You're welcome, it's just a piece of cake." Chen Xuan said lightly, "You must be disciples of some major sect. Why did you come to this place and encounter bandits?"

"We are disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect. We received news that the monsters near Wanyang Mountain suddenly became active. The sect sent us here to investigate." The leading disciple said worriedly: "When I first came here, I found that the monsters here are very unusual. , Everyone is violent and ferocious, fearing that something big is going to happen. "

"For example...a tide of beasts!"

Chen Xuan looked solemn. He had also heard of beast tides. It was basically rare for them to happen. He didn't expect such a rare thing to happen in a place like this.

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