As the red light enveloped him, Chen Xuan's consciousness gradually returned, and his body that had dissipated seemed to be injected with light and became solid again.

In front of him, there were countless obscure words, which vaguely contained the aura of the avenue, and bursts of mysterious aura were injected into his body.

"Hmm~ What is this? It seems that I have never seen this kind of text before, but it feels very familiar." Chen Xuan stared at the text in front of him.

He had never seen it before, but he could understand it inexplicably, and with the surging red light in his body, he vaguely resonated with the aura of the avenue in the text.


He felt the messages appearing in his mind and began to think, sorting out what happened during this period.

In the past, I went to Wanyang Mountain, encountered a tide of beasts, touched the sun, came to this mysterious place, and pursued the red light until now.

The moment Chen Xuan's consciousness dissipated, he could clearly feel the roar before he dissipated. It seemed that his belief had gained some recognition from the world.

That's why the red light flew towards him, and all kinds of wonderful things happened just now.

"In this case, then these things will make sense. Let's read these words first. It seems to be a biography of the practice."

He thought, and then looked at the words in front of him.

As time flies, the more Chen Xuan understands this inheritance, the more shocked and powerful he feels.

This technique was top-notch even in ancient times, and he felt even more delighted.

The technique is powerful, and it is more difficult to comprehend. Fortunately, this space gives him enough time. Time passes extremely slowly in this space, so Chen Xuan can concentrate on comprehending the technique without worrying about time. erosion.

However, he was not aware of this, and instead concentrated on understanding the technique.

In Chen Xuan's calculation, spiritual power turned into flames and gradually turned into various things.

It turned into a roaring lion, and then turned into a sun exuding hot light in the sky. He understood it himself, and combined it with the words in front of him to feel the mystery in the flames.

Time passed little by little, and hundreds of years had passed in this space in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xuan's understanding of the technique has gradually improved, and he can create countless things with flames at will.

From flying insects and beasts to the sun and the universe, Chen Xuan has them all at his fingertips.

But he was still missing the last step. He could feel that as long as he could understand it, Wan Yang Burning Jue would be able to realize perfection, and he could also get out of this space.

But what the last thing is, he has been thinking hard for decades, but still can't get the result.

"It's impossible to understand at all if this continues." Chen Xuan sighed softly, the flames dancing in his hands.

The dancing flame burned in his hand and gradually dissipated.

Chen Xuan stared at the dissipating flames, as if observing something, and then fell into an ethereal meditation.

Flames have spirituality. Although the things he created before were just in shape, they lacked the spiritual meaning. His Ten Thousand Yang Burning Jue could not be completed for a long time because the most important thing was missing.

right! It's life!

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan became excited and the flame in his hand ignited again.

"It can't be like before." He thought to himself, his consciousness diving into the flames and trying to communicate with them.

From the perspective of consciousness, there is a bit of agility in the flame, and it seems to be sleeping.

As Chen Xuan gradually worked hard, his agility showed signs of awakening.

He worked harder, and the agility was finally awakened, and he jumped for joy in the flame body.


Chen Xuan looked at the flames and let out a breath. His understanding of the technique had finally reached perfection and he was about to go out.

The text about the exercises in front of him was injected into Chen Xuan's mind. Deeply engraved in the back of my mind.

Then Chen Xuan's vision went dark, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

As if after endless years, and as if it was only a moment, pictures gradually appeared in front of my eyes, and sounds came to my ears.

Chu Jianghe, who was sitting next to Chen Xuan, became excited when he saw that he was waking up, and quickly called everyone over.

But what made Chu Jianghe feel incredible was the vicissitudes of life in Chen Xuan's eyes, as if he was an old man who had experienced hundreds of years.

Chu Jianghe suppressed the doubts in his heart and asked quickly: "Brother Chen Xuan, you are awake. We are worried to death."

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"For three whole nights." During these three days, Chen Xuan seemed to be dead, and his whole body had lost all vitality. If there was not a trace of breath in his mouth, Chu Jianghe would have been ready to bury Chen Xuan.

"Is there only three?" Chen Xuan stayed in that world for what seemed like hundreds of years, but he didn't expect that the outside world was only three.

After sorting out the events during this period, he sat up, exhaled lightly, thought of the weirdness in Wanyang Village, and asked: "During this period, nothing happened in Wanyang Village, right?"

"I was just preparing to meet you." Chu Jianghe said: "During the few days when you were unconscious, we went to explore the depths of the village. The previous monster had disappeared, but we found this one in the residents' homes." Then, Chu Jianghe took out something from the space ring and handed it to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan took the thing, and there was a black token lying in his hand, exuding an evil aura. There seemed to be a figure shouting and struggling among them.

"This thing is so weird. It is found in almost every common people's home. We speculate that someone may have used some method to seal the villagers in this token for other purposes."

"You are right, the people imprisoned here are indeed the people of Wanyang Village." Chen Xuan sighed, he had seen something similar to this before.

Before ascending, in the mortal world, there were some evil organizations that specialized in capturing civilians and sealing them into some objects, and finally brought them back to the organization for people to practice.

This method is extremely cruel. I didn't expect that there is such an organization in this fairy world.

Chen Xuan secretly clenched his fists and vowed to eradicate these evil organizations.

When Chu Jianghe heard Chen Xuan's words, his eyes widened in surprise: "There is such a thing. I don't know where the evil heretic is. Can these villagers be saved?"

"No, since this is a technique used by people from the Demon Sect, we have to wait until those people from the Demon Sect come to catch them and question them." He looked at Chu Jianghe and said: "Judging from this technique, it should be a one-time attack." The actions of the organization will not allow these scum of the Demon Sect to come and harvest the spoils. "

"Then let's wait here. When those damn demons come, we can ask for a solution." Chu Jianghe was also angry. After getting along with each other, Chen Xuan found that Chu Jianghe also hated evil and could not tolerate these demons in his eyes. Evil person.

"Okay, let's take a rest first. Those people should have noticed the previous fluctuations in Wanyang Mountain. It is probably these two things. Be prepared at night and be ready to meet the enemy at any time."

He said to Chu Jianghe and others, he also got up and moved around a little, and then began to arrange the things needed for the battle.

The second night came quickly. The wind was blowing very hard and there was not much moonlight. This kind of atmosphere was exactly what people from the Demon Sect liked to travel.

As time passed, Chen Xuan, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes. He felt the faint erosion of evil energy in the air.

He looked into the sky and sent a message to the people around him to prepare for battle.

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