The blue sky is gradually swallowed up by large swaths of black evil energy. If you look carefully, you will find that tens of thousands of figures are wrapped in the evil energy in the sky, each of them is fierce and evil, emitting powerful evil energy.

The direction these people were going was towards Wanyang Mountain. This time two men in black came back and wanted to kill Chen Xuan and others!

At this time, Chen Xuan was practicing in the house when he suddenly felt a powerful force, no, not one force, but a large area.

He clenched his hands and his eyes became firmer and more concentrated. He then stopped practicing and walked out of the room.

Looking at the edge in the distance, he silently adjusted his condition and waited for the arrival of the devil. After a while, Chu Jianghe and others also felt the demonic energy, and they stood behind Chen Xuan and waited quietly.

The Wanyang Village, which had always been quiet, suddenly experienced chaos in the spiritual energy around it. They also felt the dangerous atmosphere. They only saw a large black cloud flying quickly over Wanyang Mountain in the distance.

The demons headed by them let out bursts of evil laughter, which resounded throughout the sky.

"That's right here, elder. The man carrying the sword below has unfathomable strength. You need to be more careful." The man in black named Lao Er pointed at Chen Xuan and said to an old man beside him.

"Humph, it's just the eighth level of immortality. There is no need for so many disciples this time. I am enough." The elder of the Demon Sect glanced at Chen Xuan and snorted coldly.

"Yes, yes, the elder is right." The second brother of the Demon Sect quickly leaned over and said respectfully, and then shouted at Chen Xuan from a distance: "I, the elder of the Demon Sect, are here today, you guys You can’t escape even if you have wings!”

Chen Xuan ignored him and shouted at the elder of the Demon Sect: "Elder of the Demon Sect? You are used to doing things that hurt Li, and you will definitely be punished!"

"Why do we, the Demon Sect, need to be taught by you, a tycoon, when we work? When you kneel in front of me, you will know what high ground is thick." The old man snorted coldly, waved his sleeves from a distance, and a stream of demonic energy was like a black rainbow. Chen Xuan and others flew over.

I saw Chen Xuan take off the Xuan Sword from behind, and he didn't make any fancy moves. He just held the sword hilt tightly and slashed towards the demonic energy.


A flame burned on the Xuan Sword, which was somewhat similar to the flame in the dream. When the Xuan Sword touched the black air, it was like a pot of boiling oil poured on the ice and snow.

I saw that the place where it came into contact with the Xuanjian began to melt rapidly, and finally dissipated completely. It started slowly, but in the eyes of the outside world, it only happened in an instant. The demonic energy dissipated immediately when it touched the Xuanjian.

"Huh? This sword is a bit weird. What kind of flame is burning on it? It can actually cause such damage to my demonic energy." The old man started to pay some attention to it and thought to himself.

Although the demonic attack just now did not cost the old man much strength, Chen Xuan was obviously more relaxed.

"Come on, take down the others. Give this Chen Xuan to me." The old man ordered the people around him.

"Yes Yes!"

The two demons on the left and right each led a team of tens of thousands of people, roaring and waving their weapons to attack everyone!

Chen Xuan's eyes were deep and solemn. He looked at the two demons who had cultivated to the seventh level of immortality in front of him and the countless roaring demon soldiers behind him, and thought to himself. "I can only kill one of the two in an instant, and the rest will be left to Chu Jianghe and the others..."

Thinking like this, he took up the magic seal, condensed the spiritual power in his hand into a huge magic seal, and used the fourth level of Fu Sheng Jue.

Everyone was shocked. Chen Xuan had launched a killing move. The aura emitted by the seal and the terrifying power contained in it made the old man feel a faint pressure. This man was not simple.

With the push in his hand, the Fusheng Seal flew towards the Demon Sect army, "Boom -" In an instant, the Demon Sect army suffered numerous casualties, and the two leaders also suffered injuries of varying severity.

"Pfft, damn, what kind of move is he doing? It's so powerful." The demon spit out a mouthful of blood and thought to himself, "But he shouldn't be able to use such a powerful killing move again in a short time. ." Then the two exchanged glances and prepared to rush forward again.

Before the two of them could rush forward, they felt something was wrong, and the old man who had been fooled opened his eyes wide.

The two turned back, but the seal behind them had not dissipated, and the space around the seal seemed to be faintly fluctuating.


The seal actually exploded, and the Demon Sect soldier who had just gotten up and didn't know the situation was again bleeding and had his arms cut off, which was extremely miserable.

As for the two people in front, one of them was also destroyed physically and mentally by the explosion, because he was not on guard when the seal exploded. The other person was on guard before, and suffered relatively minor injuries, and he also defended himself in the explosion just now.

However, the remaining person didn't feel well either. He vomited a large mouthful of black blood again and was seriously injured.

Chen Xuan was not surprised. He had long felt that with the promotion of Fu Sheng Jue, the power of the fourth level had also increased.

However, this power still made him very satisfied.

The old man couldn't sit still. He raised his hands and rolled up countless demonic energy flying towards Chen Xuan.

He also became serious, the real opponent was coming.

The previous attack, if it hadn't been for the flames of Ten Thousand Yang Burning Jue, would probably not have been easy to withstand. The old man was probably between the ninth level and the peak of the devil.

Soon after, the old man had arrived in front of Chen Xuan. He opened his hand and used his killing move. Skeletons rushed out of his hand, roaring and howling.

Lifting the Xuan Sword in his hand, the flames on the sword became even more intense, slashing at countless skeletons.

Although it is not difficult to destroy these skeletons with the blessing of flames, they cannot withstand the large number. There are also scars on Chen Xuan's body. The wounds are not serious, but there are bursts of pain, and there is a trace of black energy flowing into the body from the wounds. Drilling, but also preventing Chen Xuan's wound from healing.

"These things are really difficult to deal with. It seems that I have to try the Wan Yang Jue." Then he pinched the seal, and the spiritual power all over his body turned into flames. The momentum was overwhelming. Chen Xuan controlled these flames with his consciousness and turned them into a fire phoenix. And turned into a tiger.

Roaring at the skeleton.

"Roar!" The tiger pounced on the skeletons. As they jumped and jumped, the skeletons turned into demonic energy and dissipated in the air. The fire phoenix in the air spit out huge flames from its mouth, and the burning skeletons made a hissing sound.

Soon, all the skeletons were wiped out, and the old man felt the power of these flames more and more.

Then his hands changed into various weird movements, and dozens of dark doors appeared behind the old man, and cold and weird corpses stepped out of them.

The faces of these things were livid, without a trace of life, and the skin on the surface exuded a cold sheen, seeming to be extremely tough.

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