Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1967 The World of Herbal Medicine

I don't know how long it took before he woke up from his coma.

Most of the wounds on his body were almost healed. Looking inside, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. All the meridians in his body were broken, and three ribs were broken. The most serious thing was his chest. The entire chest collapsed, faintly compressing his heart. .

Fortunately, he was protected by the floating spirit body, so there was no danger to his life. The supported bones and internal organs were slowly repaired under a touch of green.

The pain was excruciating when his body moved even a little. He gritted his teeth and endured the tremendous pain before slowly sitting up.

"Huh~ This old devil is so cruel. He almost died here." He took out a pill from the space ring and swallowed it. His meridians were broken and he couldn't fully circulate his spiritual power. If he moved a little, The meridians feel like they are about to burst.

Now he could only wait for the medicine to penetrate and repair it on its own. Chen Xuan sat cross-legged on the edge of a gravel stream. There was no one around him, and he didn't know where Chu Jianghe and the others had gone.

He was thinking about the scene at the last moment of the explosion. At that time, the self-destruction power from the ghost tree made him almost stunned, and all his defenses were destroyed in the explosion.

Even the floating spirit body couldn't withstand much damage. In the end, it seemed that the phalanges in his body played a role.

Thinking of this, he put away his thoughts and looked inside his body again, carefully observing the finger bones.

The finger bones were completely white, without any fluctuations. The suppression in Chen Xuan's body during this period of time seemed to have lost its original evil nature. It looks extremely ordinary.

If Chen Xuan hadn't had a profound memory of the phalanx in the end, he would never have imagined that it was this phalanx that saved his life.

The feeling was mysterious and mysterious, as if the god of death transformed from an explosion roared towards him, but was blocked by a huge demon head.

Although Chen Xuan could not move his body due to his spiritual power, his consciousness could still move. He tried to use his consciousness to communicate with the phalanx, but the phalanx did not seem to give him face. After trying many times to no avail, Chen Xuan gave up the idea.

It seems that the secret hidden in this phalanx is not as simple as it seems, but there is no way now but to wait and see later.

After three hours, Chen Xuan's injuries were 10% better. There was really no spiritual power to stimulate him, and the medicine penetrated too slowly.

But now, several of the meridians in the chest are almost repaired and can barely allow spiritual power to pass through.

He took another pill, and this time he activated his spiritual power and passed the medicine through his chest. Although it was still extremely painful, it was much better than before, and his spiritual power barely passed.

With such an opening, Chen Xuan moved step by step, from the chest to the ribs, and then to the countless large meridians in the body. All were gradually repaired.

By noon on the next day, his injuries had already healed. He stood up and moved his body a little, feeling the strength gradually returning to his body. Chen Xuan estimated that in two more hours, his body should be completely repaired. .

After the injury was cured, he flew up to the sky to see what Wanyang Mountain looked like. This sight shocked Chen Xuan

This does not seem to be Wanyang Mountain. The surrounding environment is completely covered in green, and the air is filled with a natural fragrance.

He then remembered that there was no stream in Wanyang Mountain, but there was a crystal clear stream next to him, and he could see a few fish and shrimps playing in the stream.

Chen Xuan was extremely depressed. He didn't know how many times he had been teleported like this inexplicably. But for now, I can only accept this place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

As he walked on this grassland, he always felt that something was wrong, because he saw that there were elixirs everywhere under his feet. Although most of them were very low-level, they couldn't be like weeds.

Chen Xuan ran quickly on the grass, and after a while he saw a strange-looking, golden Ganoderma lucidum.

This herb is extremely rare and has been sold at auctions for a sum of several hundred thousand dollars. It is often priceless and extremely rare.

What made him even more surprised was that Ganoderma lucidum generally grew on cliffs. According to records, it was only possible to find this kind of elixir on the cliffs of mountains, but here, it was found. It just grows randomly on the grass.

"Hey, a broken grass makes you so surprised, how can you be my successor?

"Huh? Who's talking."

Chen Xuan asked in surprise, his whole body on alert.

"Hey, I'm behind you."

The voice came from behind him, and his usually extremely sensitive spiritual sense seemed to be extremely dull at this time, and he didn't even notice that someone was behind him.

Chen Xuan turned around and saw an old man standing in front of him, with white hair and a childish face, and a detached temperament.

What surprised him was that the old man's body was a little weak, and his feet were floating in the air.

"You don't even have this bit of concentration, baby, you're still young."

The old man snorted and said calmly.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's mind was spinning rapidly. Since the old man didn't hurt himself, it meant that he had no ill intentions towards him. But just now

He seemed to want to accept him as his disciple, which made it clearer that the old man was not in danger. At this time, he should first find out the true and falsehood of the old man.

He clasped his fists at the old man and said, "I don't know who the senior is and what kind of place this is."

The old man glanced at him, and what he said next really shocked Chen Xuan.

I only heard the old man say lightly: "My name is Lan Cangsheng, and the outside world calls me the Medicine Saint. This is the world I created, and you are my chosen successor." No matter what the old man's strength is, he can just do it by himself Creating a world proves that the old man is a powerful man with terrifying strength.

Even among the giants in the northern region, few can create their own world.

Chen Xuan calmed down a little. He seemed to have heard the name of Medicine Saint somewhere, but this world alone was enough to make Chen Xuan respect him.

"I don't know why senior chose me to be your successor."

"Hmph! It's not that you suppress my inherited finger bones in your body. My finger bones seemed to be in the body of a demon sect's child, but the monster's strength and understanding were too poor to even enter this world."

Presumably the monster in the Medicine Saint's mouth was the previous devil, and this phalanx was also snatched from him.

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