Now he was completely multitasking. In addition to guarding against Chen Xuan's attack, he also had to drive the boomerang to deal with the killer bees, but none of the disciples behind him took action.

The scene where the disciple who replied just now was killed by him with a sword was really a huge blow to them.

He disregarded the friendship between his compatriots and just killed. How could such ruthless methods be worth their lives?

In the end, Qin Rufeng was exhausted and was hit by Chen Xuan's palm. She staggered and tried to get up, but Chen Xuan was one step ahead of him and stepped directly on his heart.

He was so shocked that he vomited a mouthful of blood, and his face looked extremely ugly.

All the boomerangs in the air fell to the ground, and the killer bees had no resistance and began to hover in the air again, as if waiting for Chen Xuan's order.

The disciples present looked at each other and looked at each other. Zheng Zheng said that their lives were completely in his hands.

"I know you are under orders from others. If I don't kill you, get out of here!"

After Chen Xuan's words, no one stayed, or even glanced at Qin Rufeng. They all ran away in a hurry, as if they would die if they were one step too late.

"Damn! Come back here!!"

Qin Rufeng screamed desperately on the spot. He was in severe pain all over his body and had no strength to stop them. He could only watch them abandon him and run away.

Chen Xuan smiled mockingly, walked slowly to him, squatted down, and looked at him condescendingly.

"Your so-called decent people are nothing more than that, but you can't blame them. Didn't you just kill someone over a disagreement? You kill innocent people indiscriminately, but you still blame me. Don't you think it's shameful?"

Although what he said was the truth, according to his temperament, how could he admit it? He snorted coldly, "Kill or behead him, it's up to you!"

"very good!"

Chen Xuan stood up and clapped his hands a few times, "I didn't expect you to work so hard for Tang Yuan. He really has a good dog, but is it worth it? Why don't we go and see!"

"What do you want to do?"

Listening to Chen Xuan's slow tone, he suddenly felt creepy.

This man has a temperamental temper, and it is really difficult to deal with him by just one person. He breaks into the Yuheng Sect and then leaves Hongcang, strategizing everything.

Chen Xuan didn't answer his words, grabbed his collar and ran out.

Even though Qin Rufeng was captured, there were many guards outside, but when they saw him, no one stopped him, but they all retreated.

The light in Qin Rufeng's eyes completely disappeared. Even he was a little afraid of him, let alone these disciples?

It's just a shame that none of the disciples he taught carefully in the past took action when they saw him in trouble. It was really heart-breaking.

Chen Xuan took him to the back mountain. He still learned about the terrain here through A Fei.

As soon as he came back, he asked Ah Fei to investigate and draw a blueprint, which was very detailed, even where the organs were marked.

Chen Xuan had an unobstructed journey and arrived at one of the caves. It was indeed guarded by someone.

This man was a bald monk. He was not among the people who were besieging Chen Xuan just now, so he naturally didn't know about him. When he saw him coming with Qin Rufeng hostage, he immediately took out a wooden stick to fight.

"Who is coming?"

"Master, I am a doctor. I heard that the master was practicing cultivation. This young master told me that he was in danger, so he came to me for treatment."

Chen Xuan did not force his way in, but instead made up a reason at random. For some reason, when he saw the monk, he felt that his eyes were clear and he did not want to use force against him.


He obviously didn't believe it and glanced at Qin Rufeng again.

At this moment, how dare Qin Rufeng, who was being held hostage, press Chen Xuan's silver needle on his lower back, which was tempered with poison. He had seen the power of killer bees, so this poison must not be easy to cure.

He had also thought clearly along the way. As long as he could survive, he was not afraid of not having a chance for revenge.

So, he quickly nodded and said, "Yes! Qingzhu, this is the doctor I invited, please let him in. The master told me before when he was practicing in seclusion that he must be invited to come. "

Qingzhu was still a little suspicious. When he was about to ask something, a cry of pain suddenly came from inside.

"Let me go in and take a look! The situation of the leader doesn't look good. If it's a step too late, I'm afraid there will be nothing we can do!" Chen Xuan pretended to be anxious.

Hearing what he said, Qingzhu stopped blocking them and let them go.

In the cave, Qin Rufeng was still held hostage by Chen Xuan. The terrain inside was complex and there were countless mechanisms, and Chen Xuan was not sure.

"Fortunately you didn't fight with him." He said suddenly.

Chen Xuan became interested, "What do you mean by this?"

"That He Sang outside," Qin Rufeng emphasized, "his strength is not inferior to mine. He was the invincible one who defeated the Yuheng sect back then!"

No wonder he felt that this person was extraordinary.

"If you are so powerful, why would you be willing to be a janitor?"

"Isn't there a problem here?" He pointed to his brain, "When the leader found him, he fainted at the door of Yuheng Sect. The leader was kind, so he took him back and treated him. After a while, he actually lost his memory and has been following the leader ever since. "

Chen Xuan sneered. He didn't believe that Tang Yuan would be so kind. He was afraid that when he rescued him, he had already discovered the powerful inner power in his body and wanted to use it. Unexpectedly, he had lost his memory, so he could show it off.

"I can remind him."

For some reason, Chen Xuan felt that he was very destined to Qingzhu.

"Hmph! Do you think you can get close to him? Don't have such wishful thinking. If I were not the elder of the Yuheng sect with a different surname, he would have seen me before, but now that his brain is not working well, how could he let you in?"

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