Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2008 Something unexpected happened

The eyes of the Purple Sea Bat King lost their sparkle, and the spiritual energy in his body seemed to have dissipated, and his whole body fell into the ground below.

Hei Wuchang rose up in grief and anger, and struck Baimo City with a palm.


"Hahaha, you kids, you want to resist me? Go!"

Bai Mocheng laughed wildly and punched him. Hei Wuchang flew backwards, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground like a kite with its string broken.

"Third brother!"

Bai Wuchang had gone crazy. He roared with all his strength and attacked Baimo City.

Tang Yuan on the side was thinking about how to deal with it. Naturally, he couldn't resist the Baimo City in front of him. He was already exhausted.

There seemed to be only one possible way at the moment, but that thing was too precious, so he still hesitated.

Chen Xuan looked at Liu Xiang'er in surprise, the meaning in his eyes could no longer be described as weird.

He looked at Liu Xiang'er's calm expression, as if everything that happened in front of him had nothing to do with her.

In the end, he had no exit.

I saw Bai Wuchang madly rushing towards Baimo City. The offensive was chaotic and naturally had no effect on Baimo City.

The two were in a stalemate for a while. Bai Mocheng seemed to have lost patience and stopped avoiding. He saw the opportunity to cut into Bai Wuchang's gap and struck a fatal blow.


There was a muffled sound, Bai Wuchang's aura had dissipated, blood overflowed from his mouth, his eyes were tightly closed, and his whole person was extremely miserable.

"You dolls are underestimating your abilities."

Bai Mocheng said disdainfully.

Then he turned his attention to Tang Yuan. Tang Yuan was so stared at that he could only lower his head and remain silent for a while.

Bai Mocheng nodded with satisfaction, staring at the Fire Snake Silver Spear in front of him with blazing eyes, muttering something unknown in his mouth.

Just when his hand was about to touch the gun body, something unexpected happened.

Chen Xuan stared at Liu Xiang'er who was smiling strangely in front of him with wide eyes. Her whole body was slowly dissipating, and the whole place seemed to be plunged into darkness.

Countless possibilities flashed through his mind, finally settling on two words.


I don't know how long it took before Chen Xuan woke up.

When he opened his eyes, Liu Xiang'er beside him had disappeared. He didn't pay attention, but turned his gaze in the direction of the Fire Snake Silver Spear.

The silver gun has disappeared, but the Baimo City where the gun was before is still there.

The wolf called Chen Xuan anxiously, with only one message: Run! !

Only then did Chen Xuan realize that he seemed to have been discovered. The Baimo City in front of him was staring at him with cold eyes.

He felt a huge crisis.

I had every intention of reaping the benefits, but I never thought that something like this would happen. Such a powerful illusion must have cost Liu Xiang'er a lot of money. With his and the wolf's eyesight, he didn't notice it at all. .

He couldn't care about illusions now. Baimo City in front of him was the biggest trouble. He was about to pocket the Fire Snake Silver Spear before, but when he did this, he must have felt extremely aggrieved.

You can't escape by running, you can only fight to the death.

As Baimo City approached step by step, cold sweat broke out in Chen Xuan's palms, and the powerful aura oppressed his body.

So strong!

Unexpectedly, Bai Mocheng did not attack Chen Xuan, but turned around and hit Tang Yuan violently.

The sudden attack stunned Tang Yuan for a moment, but when he realized it, it was already too late. Baimo City's fist had already hit him.


Tang Yuan flew backwards, and the blood in his mouth spurted out in the air.

He struggled for a moment and managed to stand up.

Cold and resentful eyes were fixed on Bai Mocheng, but Bai Mocheng walked over with a calm expression.

"You want to ask why? Why do I still want to take action against you after you gave up the Fire Snake Silver Gun?" Bai Mocheng looked at Tang Yuan lying on the ground with a smile on his face: "I will tell you why, because I am a demon, and today I will kill you." You, you have no right to complain.”

Chen Xuan clicked his tongue on the side. He had encountered the perversion of demon cultivators more than once. The Tang Yuan in front of him was afraid that he would be in trouble before him.

"Hahahahaha, Bai Mo City, Bai Mo City, do you really think you are invincible?" Tang Yuan suddenly laughed, his sarcastic tone piercing Bai Mo Cheng.

"I don't think I can be invincible, but it's more than enough to kill you."

Bai Mocheng was not angry, but started to move his hands in preparation for the killing move.

"Even if you kill me now, I promise, you won't be any better!" Tang Yuan said harshly, but Baimo City didn't take it seriously and approached Tang Yuan step by step, ready to take down him with one blow at any time.

"In that case, you forced me!!" Tang Yuan suddenly became energetic, not like a seriously injured person at all, and shouted: "Monster!!"

He cut open his abdomen with the palm of his hand, took out a bloody thing, printed it on his chest, and exploded with infinite blood.

As the blood surged, Tang Yuan's body gradually grew stronger. Surrounded by balls of blood, his aura became extremely powerful.

This was the first time for Chen Xuan to see such a bloody secret technique, but Baimo City was extremely frightened. He looked at Tang Yuan in front of him and took two steps back in disbelief.

"No...impossible, where did you get this thing!"

Baimocheng's surprised and trembling voice sounded.

"Where did I get it from? Do I need to tell you?" Tang Yuan looked at Baimo City indifferently. At this time, the two of them seemed to have reversed roles. In the blink of an eye, Tang Yuan became the reaper of death.

Bai Mocheng was already going crazy, howling loudly: "So what if you have this thing?! With your cultivation level, it only lasts three minutes at most. I don't believe you can kill me in three minutes!"

Tang Yuan sighed, his momentum exploded, and he attacked Baimo City.

Three minutes is enough.

Tang Yuan's demonic body was too fast to catch, and Baimo City had no way to avoid it. He was grabbed and thrown to the ground. The already broken ground cracked under the impact of Baimo City.

Several huge craters suddenly appeared on the ground.

Bai Mocheng was thrown to the point where he vomited blood, blood flowed from his mouth, his hair was disheveled, and he was in a miserable state.

But he actually laughed at this time.

"With your level, it's not that easy to kill me. Once three minutes pass, it will be your death, hahahahahahaha."

Bai Mocheng laughed crazily, blood spurting out from his mouth.

At this time, Tang Yuan's eyes were red, and he burst out with more powerful momentum, pulling Bai Mocheng's arm with both hands.


Bai Mocheng frowned. The pain of his broken arm was a bit unbearable, but after all, he was a demon cultivator with a strong heart, so a broken arm was nothing.

"Boom——" "Boom——"

Baimo City was thrown around like a piece of rag.

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