
Chen Xuan was hit to the ground by Bai Mocheng's punch again.

"Ahem, isn't he holding on to his body?" Chen Xuan said as he stood up.

Wolf was a little embarrassed and said quickly: "Pay attention to his aura, it's a little weak. He will be out of strength in three minutes at most."

Chen Xuan looked at Bai Mocheng who was walking over and smiled bitterly.

Three minutes, too difficult.

But he still had to hold on to his spirit and get through it.

"Wolf, try to merge with me."


Wolf's power merged with Chen Xuan's, his eyes turned green, and the whole world slowed down in his eyes.

Bai Mocheng's attack came again in front of him.

One punch.

One second.

With only one second to dodge, Chen Xuan's pupils shrank and he gathered his strength to dodge the attack.

"Huh? You still have the strength to struggle, kid, it's useless."

Bai Mocheng laughed loudly, and then he jumped up again, and the endless power behind him turned into a giant python phantom, and he drove the giant python to attack Chen Xuan.

There was no way.

"The sixth level of the Floating Life Jue!"

Chen Xuan's consciousness surged, inspiring a wave of power. His left eye was silver-white, and his right eye was dark green.

With a silver-white light flowing all over his body, he quickly dodged the attack.

"It's interesting. You can barely play with me." Bai Mocheng looked at Chen Xuan with interest.

After entering the sixth level, Chen Xuan's temperament became extremely cold. He raised his hand and silver light flowed. A huge ancient Buddha seemed to appear behind him. He also raised his hand, and a light column containing terrifying power burst out and bombarded Bai Mocheng.

Unexpectedly, he was not seriously injured. He laughed evilly and didn't care about spitting blood.

"It's useless for me. Try to use any tricks you have." The silver-white light reflected Bai Mocheng's ferocious face.

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and his right hand shook. A crystal silver spear appeared in his hand.

He jumped up and raised the spear and waved it in the air.

"Break and kill!"

The power of his whole body seemed to be gathered at one point, and the sharp spear head flashed a little cold light.

The whole person flew towards Bai Mocheng like a fierce dragon, and the gun in his hand was like a sharp tooth.

Bai Mocheng then became serious, and the black air behind him surged, wrapped around him, forming a series of defenses.

The silver-white and black collided, and the sound of hissing kept ringing.

He didn't expect that the silver light would be so restrained against his demonic energy, and he was about to lose.

"Want to win? Not that easy!"

Bai Mocheng roared, and more black air swept in, and a giant python formed, wrapping around Chen Xuan.

The silver light in his body also turned into armor, wrapping himself.

The invasion of this black air had no effect on him.


Finally, Bai Mocheng's defense was broken, and the gun head was stabbed into his chest fiercely.

He was full of blood, and the whole person was extremely terrifying. His loose hair rushed up at this moment. Not only did his momentum not subside, but it became stronger.

With a bang, Bai Mocheng pulled out the long spear from his chest and crushed it piece by piece. Chen Xuan was shocked by him and flew backwards.

"This damn old demon is really hard to deal with."

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Bai Mocheng in front of him.

"Wolf, how much time does he have?"

"About... one minute."

Chen Xuan's fighting spirit was aroused again. If he could hold on for another minute, the power of this old demon would fade.

And several groups of people have come outside, all of them are strong men in the sect. At this moment, they are discussing how to enter together. What they didn't expect was that the Fire Snake Silver Spear had been taken away by others.

Chen Xuan and Bai Mocheng, who were fighting fiercely, stopped in shock when they heard the explosions coming from outside.

Bai Mocheng stared at one place with cruel eyes.

"This Tang Yuan is really amazing. This news has spread out. If there are enemies of the old man outside, isn't it worse?"

At this moment, Bai Mocheng knows how long he can bear it. In fact, he still has a trump card and is confident that he can kill Chen Xuan here, but he didn't expect Tang Yuan to spread the news that the Fire Snake Silver Spear is here.

When those people come in, they will most likely ask him for it.

Maybe, they will find an excuse to clear it out.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Bai Mocheng became. This damn Tang Yuan, the first thing he would do after he got out was to find him and kill him!

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, was delighted. Someone entering was naturally good for his current situation. He couldn't hold on to the sixth level of Fu Sheng Jue for long.

"Boom-" "Boom-"

Explosions came from outside, and the barrier between this space and the outside world was about to be broken!


The sound of the space wall breaking was heard, and then dozens of figures rushed in from outside.

They were all strong men from different sects.

Sure enough, just as Bai Mocheng expected, those people recognized him first and surrounded him.

"Bai Mocheng, embezzlement is not a good habit."

Bai Mocheng looked at the smiling middle-aged man in front of him and gritted his teeth. Xu Wei had had many conflicts with him, and he really came to him first.

Although he was angry, with so many people present, he could only calmly say: "The thing is not here with me, but someone else took it away."

A voice sounded around.

"Do you really think we are easy to fool? Your habits in Baimocheng will let the treasure slip away for nothing?"

"Yes, he must have hidden it!"

"Hand over the treasure, a demon cultivator like you is not worthy of it."

Bai Mocheng's heart was filled with anger, but he still said patiently: "You guys may have gone too far in bullying me. It's not my fault that I'm guilty of."

"Where's the guy who fought with him just now? Let him come out."

"Ask that person and you should get some news."

At this time, Chen Xuan had escaped from the space and was currently in a cave, secretly healing his wounds.

He looked at the dark cave and sighed, sighing in his heart.

As expected, he was still too weak. Just dealing with Tang Yuan felt stressful. He was very lucky to escape from Baimo City.

I still have to work hard to become stronger!

Now that Baimo City is trapped there, he should concentrate on treating his injuries before making a decision.

After dozens of days, all the injuries suffered by Bai Mocheng on his body had been recovered, and the wolf seemed to be more energetic.

Now, it's time to go out.

There seems to be a country not far from here. You can go and see it yourself first.

After half the journey, we finally saw a huge city located in the middle of the mountains from a distance.

The huge and vigorous city name in front of the city gate was reflected in front of Chen Xuan.


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