Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2034 Yin and Yang cut off the dawn

Chen Xuan was a little moved. He was now short of a Taoist weapon, even though the Taoist method was now complete. (Chen Xuan’s current world is based on cultivating Taoism and pursuing the Tao as the highest goal. Once you enter the Tao, you will be considered a strong person. The realm is divided into: entering the Tao realm, obtaining the Tao realm, Tao Lord realm, being titled Tao Lord, and becoming a saint. , Holy Lord, Holy King, Holy Lord, Holy Emperor...)

The level of Taojun's treasure is neither high nor low, which is just right for Chen Xuan now.

What's more, in this mysterious continent where Chen Xuan is located, Dao Lord is already the supreme being.

"The starting price is 1,000 pieces of high-quality source stones. You can increase the price freely. The one with the highest price will get it."

Chen Xuan's heart was bleeding when he heard this price!

"It seems that I can only buy some medicinal materials and other things later. Anyway, I got a lot of good things somewhere."

Thinking about it, Chen Xuan also started bidding.

"One thousand and one"

"Two thousand,"

""Two thousand three"

After a while, the price rose to five thousand, which was already a very high price. Although Daojun's treasure was precious, it was not something that could only be found.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth.

"Seven thousand,"

This is the highest price that Chen Xuan can give. If it goes higher, Chen Xuan will have no choice but to give up.

"Seven thousand, is that a very high price?"

"Seven thousand once, twice,"

"Three times, the deal is done. Congratulations to this guest!"

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and finally took the photo.

The auction ended perfectly. Chen Xuan gave some 778 Australian items to the auction house. After paying off the money for the Taoist artifacts, he and Qing'er found an inn to stay.

"Qing'er, I want to study this weapon. Go out and see for yourself. Don't run too far."

"Nuo, this is for you. When you are in danger, crush him and I will rush over immediately."

Chen Xuan is actually quite relieved. Qing'er's current strength is higher than his own. In Feng City, except for the few terrifying auras in the auction house, most of them are at the Taoist level, which does not pose any threat to them.

"I know, brother Chen Xuan!" Qing'er nodded obediently and replied.

In the room, Chen Xuan took out the Yin Yang Ji Xiao Xiao, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

The body of this Yin-Yang Cutting Dawn instrument is a sword, which is very delicate and holds great weight in the hand.

Chen Xuan cut his finger, and a drop of blood dripped into the hilt of the sword. In an instant, the sword emitted a bright light and buzzed.

Then I saw the sword suddenly leaving Chen Xuan's hand, flying in the air, and then spinning around Chen Xuan, as if playing.

"Is this sword spiritual?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself, this is a treasure, even if there is only a little bit, it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

"Impossible! It's difficult to raise a weapon spirit from a Taoist weapon of this level."

"No matter what, it's not bad to cut off the yin and yang at dawn." Chen Xuan held the hilt of the sword again and said with satisfaction.

"There seems to be writing on the inside of this sword?"

"It didn't happen just now, what's going on?"

Chen Xuan suddenly had a bold idea, so he activated the divine and demonic skills he had learned on the statue of an ancient god.

Sure enough, the writing on the sword became clearer and clearer.

"Is this, is this a set of sword techniques?"

"The Seven Swords of Gods and Demons, the swords point towards the great road,"

Chen Xuan looked at the writing on the sword and read it loudly.

"This is fate. I didn't expect that there is such a peerless sword technique on the Yin Yang Cutting Dawn. This sword is not simple. I have to go back to that place to take a look if I have the chance."

Chen Xuan's sculpture was the ancient god. He felt that it couldn't be that simple.

Chen Xuan savored the sword skills carefully, and kept drawing strokes in his hand, constantly evolving these sword flashes in his mind.

"Sure enough, it's not simple. This is the first sword that is so complicated and difficult to learn." Chen Xuan said bitterly.

Finally, with Chen Xuan's continuous efforts and crazy deductions, he finally got started with the first sword of this sword fight, and he also discovered that the secret of the Yin and Yang Dao in this sword was another kind of secret of the Dao.

"Yin and Yang, life and death, why are these so familiar?"

"Throwing it to death and then resurrecting it. Life and death are two extremes, but they can evolve through reincarnation and let them coexist, right?"

"As expected! It is indeed so!"

"It seems that my past self was still too narrow-minded."

"What is reincarnation? Reincarnation is not just the cycle of life and death."

After realizing it, Chen Xuan realized it again, and the true meaning of reincarnation was once again re-explained by Chen Xuan.


Just when Chen Xuan was enlightened, his aura changed drastically and became even more powerful.

"Is this it? Have you achieved enlightenment?"

"My way?"

"Everything in time can be reincarnated. The path of reincarnation is the beginning and end of the great road."

The state of attaining the Tao is actually a matter of clarifying the Tao mind, knowing the moral principles, and integrating the Tao of one's cultivation with the Tao mind. Only then can one achieve the Tao.

That's right, Chen Xuan is now a veritable master of the Dao Realm, and Chen Xuan has gained a little more confidence.

"One day, I, Chen Xuan, will stand at the top of the avenue."


Sora suddenly thundered.

"This is, someone is going through a tribulation,"

"It came so fast," Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He knew that to step into the realm of Dao, he had to survive the Dao tribulation, so that he could be recognized by the Dao and be qualified to control his powerful power.

Chen Xuan was a little worried at the moment. This was in the city and many people would be affected, but Chen Xuan himself did not expect that he would break through like this.

Just when Chen Xuan was in a dilemma, he remembered a majestic voice in the void:

"Friend, just go through the tribulation with peace of mind. I have not set up a big formation, and it will not affect others."

"Thank you, senior. I wonder what you want to see me for?"

"Would a strong man like you care about a person who has attained the Tao?"

"Friend, this inn is the property of my Kong Auction. I am looking for you just to ask you about one thing. Don't think too much, just go through the tribulation with peace of mind!"

Chen Xuan did not have time to think too much. Seeing that the thunder tribulation was about to fall, Chen Xuan held his breath and concentrated his mind. The power of reincarnation in his body instantly fired at full power.

"Reincarnation of life and death, extinction of the void!" A thunder fell, and Chen Xuan hurriedly used this move, but it was broken by the thunder after just resisting for a while.

Chen Xuan was not in a hurry. The phantom of the ancient god appeared again behind him. This time, the eyes of the phantom of the ancient god were open, and it was obviously more powerful than the last time.

The phantom of the ancient god roared, stretched out his hands together, and beat the thunder.

This first one was passed.

Before Chen Xuan could relax, the second thunderbolt descended. Chen Xuan quickly took out Yin Yang Cutting Dark Dawn and shouted:

"Seven Swords of Gods and Demons, the first sword, Gods and Demons Dancing!"

Sword energy burst out from Yin Yang Cutting Dark Dawn, and then rushed towards the thunderbolt.



"There is one last calamity."

Chen Xuan looked into the air, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said firmly.

"Come on~"

"I don't believe that my path will stop here!"

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