Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2049 Treasure Hunting in the Cave

The battle in the sky continued until the sun set, and the fight was so dark that the sun and the moon could not distinguish each other.

In the end, both sides were injured. The nine-headed demon lion's connected heads were not much left at this time, and the whole body was covered in blood and flesh.

The mysterious human man was not much better. He was covered in blood and looked like a bloody man.

Everyone and the beast fell to the ground unconscious!

Chen Xuan saw that there was no movement here, so he and Hei Xin walked over cautiously, looking at the mess on the ground, the broken earth, and the fallen trees, and they couldn't help but sigh!

"Tsk tsk! This is a battle at the level of a holy king. If this goes on for a while, this valley will be razed to the ground."

"Are both sides hurt? This nine-headed demon lion is indeed powerful! It's time to get angry. This nine-headed demon lion is full of treasures!"

"No! With my current strength, I can't do anything to this nine-headed demon lion. With such a powerful body, I guess it will lose a hair if I hit it." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

"This treasure is right in front of me, but I can't get it. I feel so frustrated!"

"However, this strange treasure record records that the nine-headed demon lion clan is rich in magic crystals!" Chen Xuan thought about it and laughed happily again.

"That's really what I am. I can't find anything even if I wear iron shoes. It doesn't take any effort to get here!"

"Hei, look around to see if there is a cave or something." The nine-headed demon lion clan loves to live in caves, and the magic crystal must be inside.

That's it, Chen Xuan and Hei are busy again!

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of Chen Xuan and Hei, the cave was finally found.

Looking at the deep and spacious cave interior, dotted with red crystal blocks, it looked extremely beautiful. Chen Xuan knew that this was not the magic crystal he wanted. It was dropped from the nine-headed demon lion. It was quite beautiful. to his hair.

Looking at these crystal blocks that made this cave so beautiful and moving, Chen Xuan sighed in his heart:

"This nine-headed demon lion actually knows how to enjoy life!"

The journey was smooth, and after passing through the long cave passage, two forked roads appeared in front of Chen Xuanhei.

Chen Xuan frowned and looked at the two paths.

"Which way to go?"

But Black walked towards the one on the right without hesitation.

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, then walked toward the passage on the right and followed it cautiously.

"I'm sorry, did you find something? Just wait for me!"

This passage was very winding, and Chen Xuan followed Hei, turning left and right.

"I'm black, don't bring it around!"

As Chen Xuanhei walked deeper and deeper, he found that the temperature around him was getting hotter.

"What's going on!

After walking through the passage, his field of vision instantly broadened. Chen Xuan looked around, and finally settled on the middle of the cave.

There, on a round platform as big as a football field, it was covered with sparkling red crystals.

"I'll go! These can't be all magic crystals! It's impossible!"

Sure enough, Chen Xuan took a closer look and found that among the large number of red crystals, there were only a few that echoed the introduction of magic crystals in the Qibao Record.

"This nine-headed demon lion is afraid that these magic crystals will be stolen if he is not around!"

Chen Xuan began to get busy among the large amount of crystals.

"Yes, there are still more than ten yuan, give it away, give it away!"

"Hei, where are you doing?"

After Chen Xuan found the magic crystal, he was satisfied, but he saw that Hei was looking for something in a corner of the cave at some point.

Chen Xuan immediately followed.

When you look at it, you don’t know what it means not to look at it, and you’re shocked when you look at it! Good guy.

"This is, this is magic crystal energy. This is the magic crystal that has not been completed. It is a full source of energy. This is a good thing for promoting cultivation. It is more useful than any other pills and has no side effects."

"I can't tell! Hei, you have a treasure hunting function!"

Chen Xuan immediately sat cross-legged, intending to absorb the magic crystal energy. This thing was hard to come by, and it was very volatile.

"I guess these nine-headed demon lions are planning to refine these magic crystal energy sources, but I didn't expect..."

Chen Xuan didn't think too much, and began to absorb the magic crystal energy, and Hei actually began to absorb the energy of the magic crystal.

Vast energy was injected into Chen Xuan's body under Chen Xuan's guidance and was absorbed by Chen Xuan.

Several hours passed.

"This is about to break through, haha."

Chen Xuan suppressed his inner excitement and concentrated on making a breakthrough.


Chen Xuan's momentum surged instantly, and the power of reincarnation in his body had reached a bottleneck.

"Break it!"

"Is this the Dao Lord Realm? Not bad, it's just that the Dao power is purer. It seems that the difference between this Dao Lord Realm and the Dao Lord Realm is not that big!"

Chen Xuan was a little regretful that this improvement in strength was not that big.

"It seems that this Dao Lord realm is just a matter of gaining Dao power."

Indeed, for a monster-level figure like Chen Xuan, De Dao and Dao Lord are just a matter of pure Dao power, but in the eyes of ordinary monks, this condensed Dao power is much more powerful than before.

Chen Xuan wandered around the cave again, thinking about what treasures he could encounter, but after wandering for a few hours, there was nothing, so he had to give up and leave the cave with Hei.

Outside, Chen Xuan came to this man and beast.

"It seems that the support is unclear! I must have been in there for a while! He must be dead!"

Chen Xuan was about to check out the mysterious aura.

Suddenly, the man sat up suddenly.

"Friend, can you help me?"

"Well, senior, you are not dead!"

Chen Xuan was shocked. He thought he was dead, but a sudden attack was quite exciting.

"Friend, can you help me and give me the elixir in my storage bag? I am unconscious now."

"Okay, senior!"

Chen Xuan didn't hesitate at all, and he didn't dare to disobey him. Although this man seemed to be dying, as a powerful Saint King, Chen Xuan was sure that if he did anything strange, his life would definitely be in danger.

Chen Xuan took out the elixir and handed it to him, and then used Taoist techniques to help him digest the power of the medicine.

"Thank you for your help, friend. You helped me recover a little. Thank you very much!"

When Chen Xuan heard this, he subconsciously ran away.

"Don't panic, friend. I swear by the Tao. If it is not good for you to recover, I am willing to die in the midst of the Tao Tribulation."

This made Chen Xuan feel at ease. After all, this was the Holy King. If he was not injured, he could probably be killed with just one look.

"Senior, what are you doing here with such a strong force?"

"To be honest, I came here to find something I need."

"Senior, are you looking for the nine-headed demon lion's magic crystal?"


"Do you still know about this magic crystal?"

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