Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2069 Meeting an acquaintance again

"You still know! They dare to let you out with your condition?" Xu Miaomiao looked like she hated iron.

"But I do this out of good intentions, sister, you can't do it!"

"Okay, take me there." Xu Miaomiao said impatiently.

"Okay, senior sister, don't blame Brother Xu Zhan. Brother Xu Zhan also wants to share your worries, doesn't he? Besides, what if Brother Xu Zhan really finds a formation master?"

"Hmph, it's a formation master. Do you think someone who knows how to do formations is called a formation master? Do you think formation masters are so easy to find?"

"The Formation Sect is a super force like our Ji Mansion. Why is it that the number of people is less than half of ours? Why can it become a top force with such a small number of people? It's because this formation is too difficult. Without talent, hard work is useless. "Xu Miaomiao became more and more angry.

"Okay, I don't blame you. The main reason is that many people don't know this formation. As long as they can do point formations and arrange large formations, they are called formation masters."

"If you really are a formation master, that would be the best. I think it's probably not the case. Xu Zhan, I won't pursue it this time. You'll see how I deal with you next time."

"Why don't you hurry up and lead the way!"

Chen Xuan looked on with a strange smile and murmured:

"These Jifu disciples are really interesting. They really make things difficult for Xu Miaomiao."

Then he followed him, because he just heard that Xu Miaomiao seemed to be hard to find a formation master. Anyone who knew how to do the formation was called a formation master. Chen Xuan was very curious. After all, he didn't know what this formation master was. How is divided.

Then, the group came to the entrance of the ship and saw a tall, thin man waiting anxiously.

"Why hasn't that guy come yet? What a fool. He believes that I am a formation master, and he even directly gave me 100 high-grade energy stones. He is really a fool. If it doesn't work, he should make a good plan and cheat some more money."

Chen Xuan, who was following, looked at this man, and an evil smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he watched quietly.

Xu Zhan led Xu Miaomiao to the man's side, hurriedly took the man's hand and said:

"Brother Sun, this is my sister and the captain of my team. If he doesn't believe you are a master of formations, please show your skills to my sister."

When the man heard this, he looked a little panicked, but he quickly reacted and pretended to be sophisticated and said:

"Girl, don't you believe that I am a formation master?"

When Xu Miaomiao heard this, she suddenly said with some disdain: "Do you know in your heart that my brother is not very experienced in the world and was deceived by you? I, the sister, am not blind yet."

"Oh, really? Didn't you notice that your machine skills are great? Your machine skills are very powerful, but you are not yet ready."

When Xu Miaomiao heard this, she was a little surprised and thought to herself: "How did she know that I used mechanical skills to check him? Is she really a master of formations?" Xu Miaomiao was a little shaken.

Seeing Xu Miaomiao's appearance, the man was very proud and thought to himself:

"Tch, luckily I'm smart and figured it out early in the morning. Although you are a disciple of Jifu, you want to play tricks with me to see if I don't kill you."

Xu Miaomiao still didn't believe it, but the other party could sense it, but her intuition told her that this person was not, so she asked bravely:

"Since you are senior, can you show it to me?"

"Hmph, girl from the Ji Mansion, don't you think your request is rude? If I were to set up a formation, your cultivation would not be enough."

"Unless you can find another formation master, I will fight with him. I'm sorry that I can't meet your request."

Seeing Xu Miaomiao looking embarrassed again, the man became even more proud.

"Hey, a girl who doesn't even have hair yet still wants to fight me. Did you find this formation master casually? Let me see what you do."

Yes, Xu Miaomiao is in a dilemma now, but what he is embarrassed about is whether to find Chen Xuan. Xu Miaomiao is very sure that Chen Xuan is a formation master, but among these formation masters, there are also high and low, strong and weak. Xu Miaomiao didn't know Chen Xuan's strength, and he was also unsure about this situation. He was thinking that if his feeling was wrong, then she would be in a dilemma, and then he would offend both parties.

Just when she was in trouble, a very confident voice came,

"Promise him, don't worry, I can handle it."

It was Chen Xuan's message.

With Chen Xuan's approval, Xu Miaomiao was no longer embarrassed and looked at the proud man.

"Senior, as you said, I will go and invite Master Chen."

When the man heard this, he immediately panicked.

"Could it be that she can really find the formation master? It's not impossible. After all, she is a disciple of the Ji Mansion. It seems that she shouldn't stay for a long time. She has to find a way to escape." The man thought this way, and then quickly pretended to be very angry. He said,

"Since the girl doesn't believe me so much, I don't want to keep you, but I have my own reasons to keep you. I don't even bother to fight with you. Say goodbye!"

He was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing this, Xu Zhan thought it was okay and quickly spoke again:

"Brother Sun, don't leave. My sister doesn't believe you, but I do! Just show your skills!"

"Brother Xu, it's not that I don't give you face, it's just that I swore in front of my master not to show off in front of others. So, thank you very much for your trust. We are destined to meet!"

"Wait a minute! Why are you in such a hurry, Brother Sun? We all share the same sorrow no matter what, so we left without saying hello." At this moment, Chen Xuan's joking voice came over, and then he appeared in front of everyone.

"Long time no see, Brother Sun Jin, I had such a hard time looking for you! And your junior brother, Cao Fei? Why don't you see him? Do you feel that your junior brother is a bit of a hindrance, so you didn't call him to cheat with you? "

Seeing Chen Xuan, Sun Jin's heart froze. How could he be in the mood to listen to Chen Xuan's words? He only had one thought, how to escape. He had personally experienced Chen Xuan's power. He was a genuine formation master!

Sun Jin pretended to be calm, but he still couldn't hide his trembling voice.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Chen Xuan! I received a message from my master. He told me to go back immediately. I won't disturb you anymore. Let's change the story and say goodbye!"

"Haha!" Chen Xuan laughed loudly, and then said:

"You are really good at pretending. If you are good at it, Chen will still admire you. But if we meet today, don't leave. Let's settle the score!"

"Hei, watch carefully, don't let him get away."

Hei suddenly appeared out of thin air. In fact, Hei had always been by Chen Xuan's side. It was just that he had become more familiar. You really couldn't see Hei unless you looked carefully.

Hei, who instantly grew bigger, looked at Su Jin with ferocious eyes, his eyes bursting with hatred, and he obviously recognized Sun Jin.

Just wait for Chen Xuan to give the order.

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