Shaking his head, Chen Xuan no longer thought about this, because no matter what the reason was, he had already given up. Since he had given up, it was clear that he was not destined to be with him.

Keep all your emotions in your heart. Only then did Chen Xuan focus on the fifth floor.

This fifth floor is different from the previous four floors, because there is nothing here, but an empty space.

"What kind of trick is this? Don't play tricks on me! I've even given up on the Tao Transformation Tree!" Chen Xuan's heart was bleeding.

After turning around for a while, Chen Xuan didn't understand why. Chen Xuan didn't rush down to the next floor, but sat cross-legged and started thinking.

"This tower looks like it has seven floors in total from the outside. I'm on the fifth floor now. That means there should be a sixth and seventh floor behind, or more. I can't guarantee this."

"In my journey along the way, I first learned about Taoism and Taoism on the first floor. I didn't have those things, so I was unwilling to leave without finding anything. So with my efforts, I came to the next three floors. And in this third level, I met Mr. Ta and those mysterious magical powers. Aren’t these what I want?”

"If I hadn't met Mr. Ta, I would have definitely chosen a secret technique or magical power and left, instead of reaching the fourth floor."

And no matter what level it is, it is a cherished thing that monks dream of, and Chen Xuan can guarantee that those Taoist techniques are not of much use to him, but they must be some in this wild world. Top-notch Taoist skills.

"Why do I feel like this is a test? Yes, this is a test. If you choose, you can only leave. So why should you test a person like this? And, can you get something from this tower?"

Chen Xuan thought through these problems over and over, not letting go of any clues.

"Lao Ta thinks highly of himself, and his appearance is already against the rules, so what are these rules?"

Chen Xuan thought hard in his heart.

And all this, Mr. Ta has a panoramic view.

"If you don't leave now, you may have discovered something. It's interesting. It's getting more and more interesting."

"Master, if he can really come here, maybe he can really fulfill your wish."

"If I could really get one thing, what would it be?"

"Yes, I want to become stronger, I want, I want to pursue the top of this avenue. Since it is a test, let's come! I want to see what other tests you have."

Then, Chen Xuan stood up and strode towards the sixth floor stairs with firm steps.

When Chen Xuan stepped onto the sixth staircase, he instantly felt a strong pressure suppressing his soul.

"With just this little pressure, do you want to stop me? Impossible!"

Chen Xuan tried his best to resist the pressure and slowly and difficultly raised his steps. Gradually, the shadow of her soul became very weak, as if it could be blown away by the wind.


Chen Xuan made a sound that seemed to be a scream, but also seemed to be a sound of relief. Finally, he took a step forward.

And he himself didn't know that the shadow of his originally weak soul had become more solid at this moment, a bit more solid than before. Chen Xuan was already in a very collapsed state at this moment. This powerful pressure The pressure made him feel uncomfortable all over and in great pain. This was more painful than the physical body, because Chen Xuan was in a state of trance at this moment, and it was his soul that was being devastated.

"No, no, I want to become stronger!" This firm belief in his heart is Chen Xuan's only medicine to support this pain.

Slowly, he became numb,

"No, I can't fall. I climbed up step by step from that place. I can't fall down like this. I still have my friends, relatives, and lover waiting for me. I can't fall down!" This sound, That's heartbreaking.

Chen Xuan just like this, regardless of the severe pain in his soul, climbed up like a tortoise. Just when Chen Xuan was still one step away, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and knelt down on this step.

"No, even if it means climbing, I will climb to the top!"

The emperor paid off. He finally climbed to the last step and reached the sixth floor. He was already unconscious and passed out. Then his weak soul was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was getting more and more... Solid, if you don't look carefully, you really can't tell that this is Chen Xuan's soul state.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xuan shook his weighed head and got up from the ground.

"I succeeded, I came up?"

Looking around blankly, Chen Xuan made sure that this was not the previous floors. Then he relaxed and meditated for a while, then Chen Xuan began to look at the situation on the sixth floor.

This sixth level seems to be a collection of the previous five levels. It is a fusion of the previous levels. Everything that appeared before is now available, and there are also more formations and pills.

Chen Xuan looked at them one by one. Because the formation was indeed what Chen Xuan wanted, Chen Xuan couldn't help but look at it.

"The true solution to the formation?"

Chen Xuan was holding a book with a name like this. His curiosity led him to open the next chapter, which said that this is the highest known formation method. It is divided into two chapters. The first chapter is the Five Elements and Bagua Chapter. The second chapter is the Qi Men Dun Jia chapter.

Chen Xuan looked at it and decided to give up. There were so many precious things, but this one was missing. He went through all kinds of hardships to get here, and left with this without understanding anything. Chen Xuan was very sad. Reluctantly, Chen Xuan thought.

Although he couldn't choose, there was no rule not to watch it, so Chen Xuan found Lin Fang and started watching it.

As long as he could watch it, Chen Xuan watched it over and over again, as a reward for his own hardships.

Chen Xuan already knew that these were tests, and Chen Xuan had already made up his mind. He would not give up until he asked Mr. Ta for a clear explanation. Perhaps it was precisely because of Chen Xuan's character that he was able to get here. .

Then, after Chen Xuan read these things, he became more confident in his guess, because it was not much different from what he had reasoned.

Closing the book, Chen Xuan walked to the seventh floor without any hesitation.

"You came!"

"First of all, congratulations on passing the test and coming here."

"I have one last question to ask you. This is also the last test for you."

"Why are you here? What are the reasons for you to come here, or what are the reasons for you to reject these things."

Chen Xuan replied without thinking.

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