And the protagonist of all this, Chen Xuan, had already left the Ice City and was speeding towards the Fire City.

"Master, you really gave me a big scare, Chaos Devouring Beast! An existence that is feared by all living beings in this world. I never expected that such a person could exist in such a wild world, and Master, it seems that you have such a good relationship and he will still obey your orders. If those people knew about this, they would be jealous to death!" Mr. Ta was still in shock.

"That Mr. Ta, is Hei really that powerful? You're not mistaken, are you!" Chen Xuan was also in disbelief. He thought Hei was not easy, but he never expected that it was so not easy!

"Master, where did you meet this Hei? Logically speaking, shouldn't he be in the Chaos God's Domain? How he could appear here is beyond comprehension."

"Where is the Chaos God Realm?"

"Haha, Master, Chaos God Realm is Hei's hometown. Moreover, Chaos Devouring Beasts are also very rare in Chaos God Realm. Therefore, Master, if you are so lucky, if the old master had your same luck, he would also end up falling. Already." Mr. Ta said very melancholy.

"Lao Ta, you are still with me, your old master, who is also my master, and where you are from. I am very curious about these. You don't have to worry. I, Chen Xuan, am not the kind of person who is too ambitious. I am now I'm not strong enough, but I believe in myself," Chen Xuan said sincerely.

Seeing Chen Xuan's appearance, Ta Lao finally said,

"Master, I didn't want to be with you before because even if I were with you, it would have no practical significance and it would add more burdens to you. However, I found that the greater the pressure, the more aggressive you become, and not only do you possess the power of understanding, but you also have no power. Thinking that this luck is so evil, it seems that I am worrying too much. In this case, if the master wants to know anything, just ask! "

"Since I have obtained the inherited memory, I still don't know the name of Master! And what is the Kingdom of God!" Chen Xuan looked expectant.

"Haha, okay, my old master is the Eternal God Emperor - Xuan,"

"Eternal God Emperor?"

"Yes, he is a powerful man of the same era as the Supreme Lord of Samsara, and he is still half a disciple of the Supreme Lord of Samsara."

"Then, how did he... fall?"

After a moment of silence, Mr. Ta finally spoke,

"Well, the most terrifying thing in the world is the human heart! The old master has a withdrawn personality and puts all his energy into pursuing the peak of the road. He is also very straightforward and has no thoughts. Because he got a very precious thing, many people Coveted by others, he was eventually killed by a traitor, outnumbered, and finally..."

Although Mr. Ta was very simple, and a little too simple, Chen Xuan could feel that even after so many years, Mr. Ta was still reluctant to mention this matter, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but regret asking.

After another moment of silence, Ta Lao said again,

"The Kingdom of God is actually the central area of ​​the plane as we know it today. Since the time of the Holy Lord Reincarnation, the Kingdom of God has slowly developed and become a place that monks dream of. It is also known as the place closest to the avenue. Don't worry, I believe With your talent, you will soon reach that place, where is the monk's hall."

Listening to Mr. Ta's words, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a strong yearning in his heart.

"By the way, Master, if possible, I suggest that you create your own power."

Chen Xuan was very confused as to why he was here so suddenly.

"Why is this, and what does this have to do with where you are going?"

Ta Lao was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something, and then said,

"First, having your own power can help you compete for resources to a greater extent. Second, having your own power can help you accomplish many things, such as the source of the plane."

"The source of the plane? What is this?"

"Master, I'm telling you now, but you don't quite understand. In short, it's best to establish a force of your own, which will definitely be very useful to you in the future. I tried to persuade the old master at the beginning, but for various special reasons, it didn't work out in the end. Of."

"Wouldn't this delay cultivation?" Chen Xuan was still a little confused, after all, he had never thought about it.

"Delaying a little will definitely happen, but the rewards will be more generous in the future!"

"Lao Ta, just do it!"

The chat between the two made the journey extremely relaxed and enjoyable, and Chen Xuan didn't need to worry about it. He just sat on Hei's back, facing the tower in his hand, doing this and that.

Then, the group stopped in front of a city gate.

"Hei, change quickly! Otherwise, I don't want to be watched by everyone." Farewell, Hei is so powerful now. If he goes in like this, he will definitely attract crowds.

When Hei heard this, he instantly changed from a huge monster to one as big as a dog, and he still looked so cute.

"Tsk tsk! You are indeed a Chaos Swallowing Beast. This talent is really enviable!" Mr. Ta's voice exclaimed in admiration.

"Yeah! I didn't expect Hei to be able to change his size at will. I thought only the Nine-tailed Divine Fox could do that?" Chen Xuan hugged Hei Hei and touched Hei's head.

"Hahaha! Son, how can you compare the tricks of the Nine-tailed Divine Fox with him!" Ta Lao said again.

Chen Xuan looked suspicious.

"What's the difference? Isn't it all about getting bigger and bigger?"

"Master, the difference is huge."

"Let's deal with you! Then I'm surprised that you have this guy in your storage bag. After all, I am also the weapon spirit of the Eternal God Emperor. I have never seen any strange things, but I have a storage bag that can hold monsters. I really didn’t listen. I originally thought your storage bag was a spirit beast bag, because there is a place where the way to control beasts is the avenue of cultivation. However, that place is far away, but it wouldn’t be surprising if it was this guy. "

Chen Xuan listened very carefully,

"Because the Chaos Swallowing Beast's birth is consistent with the power of space. Their birth talent is the power of space. Moreover, the Chaos Swallowing Beast is the only being who has cultivated the third level of the power of space. Therefore, the storage bag space , it’s not free penetration.”

Chen Xuan looked like his original Ruci and said,

"No wonder Hei often disappears and then appears out of thin air. At first I thought it was a hallucination!"

"So, it is precisely because of this space gift that they can swallow anything. Their stomach itself is a huge space."

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