"Master, I think that stone of yours will be valuable if you modify it. Maybe Master can make a fortune from this in the future!"

As soon as Chen Xuan heard Ta Lao's words, his eyes instantly lit up, full of hot light, and he asked,

"Mr. Ta, come on, what kind of transformation method can you use?"

"Haha, Master, I actually asked those stone giants to be placed there. They are all semi-finished products. No, they are not even semi-finished products."

"What, Mr. Ta, what's going on?" Chen Xuan asked quickly.

Back then, in Jige, I found a guy with a very high formation talent, and his temper was very to my liking, so I gave him a few winks.

"What, Mr. Ta, can you still arrange things? Why don't you?" Chen Xuan looked like that.

"Master, you didn't ask. Besides, although I know how to do it, I can't arrange it. The rules of this world are too fragile to withstand those powerful formations. What I taught that kid was just some common and practical methods in the Kingdom of God. It’s just a way of arranging formations.”

Chen Xuan...

Such a clever technique was actually the most common. Chen Xuan really didn't know what to do.

"Actually, the formation is carved on the stone, so that you don't have to trouble me to arrange it when you want to use it. However, the formation will not last long, and there is a time limit. Those are the things that failed to engrave. , However, this child also left behind this method of characterization before his death. I didn’t expect that you, the master, would understand it. Almost everything in the secret realm was touched by you, master. This is really..." This made Mr. Ta sigh very much. This luck is really reversed.

After hearing what Mr. Ta said, Chen Xuan was also very happy. This meant that his formations would be improved again.

"Mr. Ta, do you want me to sell this thing?"

"Yes, you can still carve it when the time comes, and I will teach you to carve more powerful ones. These are nothing, and in the Kingdom of God where I came from, this stone formation is a must-have equipment for every monk, and this thing The profit is also very large, so the owner can do this business in this world, and it is still unique, and you can set the price yourself. "

Chen Xuan felt so happy when he heard that. He seemed to see a lot of energy stones flying around in front of his eyes, so easy to get them!

"Haha, Mr. Ta, I understand, I'll go right away."

Chen Xuan quickly came to the auction house's treasure appraisal office.

"What do you want to testify about, sir?"

A middle-aged man was looking at the things on the round table carefully and asked without raising his head,

Chen Xuan was not surprised when he saw it. These people were only interested in treasures.

"I have something here that I made myself. It's a stone formation. Please show it to me."

The man calmly raised his head and looked at Chen Xuan in conversation. Then he took the stone formation from Chen Xuan's hand and looked at it carefully. As he looked at it, he frowned unconsciously. After a while, he said,

"This is objective. I am blind and didn't see what kind of treasure this was. I thought it was just an ordinary stone, but there were strange runes on it, and there was a powerful power fluctuation. There was nothing else. Maybe it was The remaining Tao power of the Holy King and Saint when he practiced Taoism affected this stone. He himself is an ordinary stone."

Chen Xuan was not surprised when he heard what the treasure appraiser said, but the treasure appraiser still had some skills, and he could also know that there was a powerful Hado on it, and then he slowly said,

"Yes, there is indeed a powerful Hado on it, and that is the formation, a complete formation that can be used at any time."

As soon as these words came out, the treasure appraiser's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Chen Xuan without blinking, and then,

"Objective, I see that you have learned to make up lies and deceive people at such a young age. This is not good, let's be sincere." The treasure appraiser looked at Chen Xuan sincerely, and then handed the stone formation in his hand to Chen Xuan. He continued to look at the things on the table and said,

"Since I am your senior, I won't hold you accountable today. The door is behind you. Walk slowly without seeing me off. It is the right thing to go back and practice hard. Don't mess with these useless things."

Chen Xuan was still indifferent. This was not the first time. It was the same at the medicinal material store last time. Chen Xuan didn't say much. He grabbed a stone formation and threw it on the ground. Then a defensive formation appeared.

The middle-aged almanacist was also attracted by the movement, and then stared at it with a look of shock.

"So, you still think I'm making up lies?" Chen Xuan said calmly.

It took the treasure appraiser a while to regain his composure, looked at Chen Xuan and said,

"Dear steward, forgive me for being blind, are you going to auction this stone formation?" The treasure appraiser looked at Chen Xuan with respect,

"Yes, you can put it up for auction!"

"Sir, please wait here for a moment. My auction house wants such a precious thing. I can't decide the price. Please let me go and report it!"

"Okay, as long as the price is reasonable, it's the same as selling it to someone else."

Then the treasure appraiser left in a hurry.

After a while, another middle-aged man hurried back.

"Yes, he still knows the goods. The person coming here should be the helmsman of this auction house and a peak Holy Lord." Mr. Ta's voice sounded in Chen Xuan's mind.

"Haha, of course. Anyone who is not a fool knows the importance of this thing. This means that you can use the formation without practicing the formation. Can you not pay attention to it?" Chen Xuan returned.

When the two came to Chen Xuan, the treasure appraiser said,

"This is the sect leader of the outer sect of the Divine Flame Sect, Duan Qingqing. Our auction house is actually the property of the Divine Flame Sect. Next, my sect leader will discuss it with you in detail." After that, he stood aside.

Duan Qingwu, as his name suggests, looked indifferent, which made Chen Xuan very unhappy. Duan Wuqing seemed to have seen Chen Xuan's thoughts, so he said,

"Friend, my facial muscles have been damaged due to my cultivation, so I have no expression. Please don't blame me." He apologized and saluted Chen Xuan.

A sect leader explained it like this, and Chen Xuan was not such a ungrateful person, so he returned the greeting and said,

"Master Duan is too polite. Let's stick to the stone formation. I don't know what Guizong's plan is."

"Friend, the influence of this thing does not depend on me. If you want to auction it, I will ask for as much as I am willing to ask for. Moreover, the preciousness of this thing cannot be measured by money, so if you are interested, I can open the outer door. Three floors of treasure pavilion, one for each, what do you think?"

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