After Chen Xuan gave the things to Duan Wuqing, he exchanged the things he needed at the auction house. He agreed on a day for Chen Xuan to go to the Flame Divine Sect to choose the rest. Then he said goodbye to Duan Wuqing and others, and found an inn. Start preparing to deal with Fang Youwei.

in the inn,

"Mr. Ta, will I cause trouble for myself if I want to do this business in the future?"

Chen Xuan asked while carving the stone formation. Because he was facing Fang Youwei, Chen Xuan planned to see the power of the stone formation he was carving. Then he thought of this and asked.

"Haha, Master, there will definitely be trouble, and the preciousness of this thing does allow many people to take risks for it. The ruthlessness is good, and there is no evil intention."

"Smart people don't usually do that."

"That's true, but many people don't have such a vision as that ruthless person. So, Master, this is one of the reasons why I gave you the possibility to build a force by yourself. If you fight against it alone, you will still be weak after all. And , if we had our own power, we wouldn’t be so passive about your wrinkles. Moreover, there is no difficulty or danger in doing anything, but just like this, the rewards will naturally not be bad. Where to go." Mr. Ta really hopes that Chen Xuan can establish his own power, because he knows that no matter how strong a person is, there is a limit, and a team is really necessary.

Chen Xuan actually didn't think much about it at first, but after hearing what Mr. Ta said, and if he had a powerful force, many things would be really convenient, and he could also protect the people he wanted to protect when he was not around. Chen Xuan Xuan started to feel a little tempted.

"Mr. Ta, you support me so much, don't you..."

Of course Mr. Ta knew what Chen Xuan wanted, and he answered readily,

"Every mistake, master, I was actually making preparations when the old master was still here, but due to some changes, I didn't finish it completely, so don't worry, if you have this idea, just leave everything to me. "

After receiving such a sure answer from Mr. Ta, Chen Xuan had nothing to hesitate about, so he opened his mouth and said,

"Okay, Mr. Ta, we'll do it when this matter is over." Chen Xuan became interested instantly.

"Okay, Master, don't worry, I will definitely become a superpower for you, not just in the wild world." Mr. Ta said confidently.

Then Chen Xuan carved the stone formation and walked out of the inn with Hei.

"Fang Youwei, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't deceive young people into poverty! I, Chen Xuan, am here, and I will get my debt back one by one."

Outside the city, in a valley,

"Brother Fang, how can a guy who doesn't even have a single hair be so aggressive? We've been waiting here for so long and there's still no movement."

"Brother Zhang, don't panic, he will definitely come. I have already received the news. My son has fallen into the hands of some bastard. He thought the bastard was dead and wanted to get some interest from the old man. Unexpectedly This bastard is so lucky, so that’s fine.”

"Okay then! Anyway, when it's done, just give me what you promised me. I can't care about the rest, and I don't want to."

"That's natural, brother Fang, don't worry." Fang Youwei assured, patting his chest.

And around these two people, there were no less than dozens of people. Judging from their auras, they all had the title of Dao Lord. This time, Fang Youwei had spent a lot of money.

After Fang Youwei finished with the man, he came to a cave in the valley. The location was very secluded. The cave was as big as several houses. And there are many people patrolling here, like some kind of guard.

Several people on patrol saw the person coming and immediately stepped forward. One of them seemed to be the leader and said,

"Old man, we've been here for a few days, but why hasn't there been any movement? My people can't wait for me anymore. This is really boring."

Fang Youwei did smile and said,

"Young Master Liu, don't worry. It's yours. I won't lose any of it. Moreover, I will never say a word about what I promised Young Master Fang even if it gets rotten in my stomach. Please wait patiently for Young Master Liu and the brothers." I've received the news in a few days, I believe it won't be long."

"Oh, okay then! Remember, if you do what happened to me, the worst possible thing is that I and I will die together." Obviously, this Young Master Liu has some leverage against Fang Youwei.

"Master Liu, don't worry! We've known each other for so many years, aren't you still worried about me?"

"By the way, how is that man?" Fang Youwei suddenly changed the subject and asked,

"Don't worry about me doing things. Even the mice can't get in. Fortunately, no trouble can escape my notice. If he is rescued, my nickname of "Young Master" will not be used randomly."

"Okay, I'll go in and have a few words with that person."

However, they didn't know that there were people watching them in two hidden places next to them.

"Sister Qing'er, don't stop me. My grandpa must be inside. I want to save him."

"Okay, please stop making trouble. How are you going to save Grandpa Zou Yi like this? With your cultivation level and the two of us, if you go there, you will die. And I have already sent a message to my master. He will send someone. Help us, and I also heard the news that brother Chen Xuan has returned safely, and he also made a big fuss in Fangyan's city lord's palace and killed several powerful men who were titled Tao Lords. "

"What, really? My master is really back? Sister Qing'er didn't lie to me deliberately to stop me! I practice Master's Taoism. If he is hundreds of miles away, I will definitely I can feel it, sister Qing'er, please don't lie to me."

"Hey! I really didn't lie to you. I promise that what I said is true. Maybe Brother Chen Xuan is on the way here. We just have to wait patiently. Don't worry, they won't touch Grandpa Zou Yi. They He just wants to use Grandpa Zou Yi to lure us there. Don’t be fooled. Don’t let brother Chen Xuan try to save Grandpa Zou Yi and rescue us again.” Wan still looked at Kong in the distance with great hope.

And in another hidden place,

"Old Ta, it seems that this old man has really spent a lot of money. I still look at him. He is also a super powerful outer sect elder. If I hadn't met you, I really don't know what I would have done."

"Haha, master, don't worry. None of these people are very strong. Except for those few who deserve attention, as long as Zou Yi is rescued, we will have nothing to worry about."

"Don't forget, you got your old master Rao Chuanchang."

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